Rebirth of the Great Entertainer System

Chapter 932 Misunderstood...

Chapter 932 Misunderstood...

Marven Ye put on a white half sleeve, then opened the door again, and welcomed Linda in.

"Linda, why are you here? Long time no see."

Marven Ye and Linda came to the living room of the suite, and they sat on the sofa in the living room. Marven Ye was a little surprised by Linda's sudden visit.

Linda stroked the hair around her ears, her fair skin still had a trace of blush on it, she lowered her head and said softly: "I went to Huaxia to give you a piano last time, but I didn't see you, so I came to see you today look at you."

Linda's voice was very soft. After saying this, the original blush spread again, and even Linda's earlobes were flushed with blush.

Ye Wenxuan also felt a charming atmosphere, put his hands on his knees, and rubbed them subconsciously.

"Uh...uh, the last time I was filming in the United States, I really couldn't get away..." Marven Ye faltered and explained, and he was a little embarrassed to let others dove.

Hearing Ye Wenxuan mention this matter, Linda raised her head, pouted slightly, and said angrily, "Brother Ye, why didn't you tell me when you came to the US Emperor to film? I was also in the US Emperor at that time, didn't you Forget that I study at the Eastman School of Music!"

Ye Wenxuan looked at Linda's light blue eyes, feeling a little at a loss, scratched his head, murmured for a long time, and choked out a sentence: "Forgot..."

"Brother Ye, do you have something to do today? If you have nothing to do, why don't you go shopping in Sydney with me? It's my first time in Sydney, and I haven't had a chance to go out for a walk..." Linda's eyes sparkled with hope .

"I don't care, but aren't you going to participate in the finals tomorrow? Don't you need to go back and prepare?" Marven Ye asked.

Linda heard this, sighed, rubbed her little face, and said, "I've been practicing in the piano room every day for the past few days, and the pressure is really too great. My instructor asked me to come out and relax. , otherwise the pressure will be too great, and it will be abnormal tomorrow.”

Marven Ye nodded, indeed.Under such high pressure, Linda is like a tight steel wire. Although it has great toughness, if it goes on like this, the tight string is likely to break.

"Okay, where do you want to go?" Marven Ye asked with a smile.

When Linda heard Marven Ye let go, excitement flashed across his face, and he said casually, "You can go wherever you want, Brother Ye can go wherever you want!"

"Okay then, I'll go into the room to change, you wait for me." Marven Ye stood up and said to Linda beside him.

Linda nodded again and again, the joy on her face was obvious.

Marven Ye walked into his bedroom and went to change his clothes.

Ten minutes later, Marven Ye came out fully dressed, and then shouted to Linda who was sitting on the sofa playing with her mobile phone: "Let's go, let's go out early and return early, and you can go back to practice the piano at night, and you can't not practice at all." , at least to be familiar with the hands.”

Linda nodded obediently, and followed Ye Wenxuan happily, like a little daughter-in-law.

Opening the door, Marven Ye had just stepped out when suddenly the door opposite to Marven Ye also opened.

Marven Ye and Lang Ping were still facing each other as they were in Vienna last time.

Ye Wenxuan and Lang Ping opened the door at the same time, and they both froze in place.

Lang Ping looked at Ye Wenxuan who was at the opposite door, and then looked at Linda who was well-behaved like a little daughter-in-law behind Ye Wenxuan. Suddenly, a look of enlightenment appeared in his eyes, and then he looked at Ye Wenxuan with some anger, and then changed his eyes in relief, curiosity, and doubt one after another.

He found out the truth!

And Ye Wenxuan looked at Lang Ping's changing eyes, feeling a little helpless.It's over, this is really yellow muddy crotch-it's not shit, it's shit, I can't explain it clearly this time!

Think about it, early in the morning, the lonely men and widows on the opposite side are together, and they are all fully dressed, and they seem to be going out to play.

Tsk tsk tsk, even a person who has no ideas probably has to think about it.What's more, Lang Ping, who is already very thoughtful, probably should have already conceived the plot at this moment.

"Brother Lang, it's not what you think, it's like this..." Ye Wenxuan felt that he had to struggle no matter what, and he could still be rescued!
But before Ye Wenxuan finished speaking, Lang Ping nodded seriously, and said solemnly: "I understand, brother is so old, I have seen such things a lot. If you don't tell brother, I don't blame you , understandable. The two of you are well, pay attention to safety, and don't kill anyone."

"Let's have fun, I'm back in my room..." Lang Ping gave Marven Ye an ambiguous look, then turned his head and closed the door without waiting for Marven Ye to explain.

Ye Wenxuan's eyes were a little dull, come on, this time I really can't explain clearly...

Linda tilted her head, looked at Marven Ye with some doubts, and asked inexplicably, "Why did Master Lang Ping tell us not to kill anyone? Aren't we just going out for a stroll? Why are you talking so scary..."

Ye Wenxuan looked at the pure and innocent Linda for a long time, and found that Linda really didn't understand what Lang Ping meant.

Don't they all say that foreign countries are very open?
It seems that the way to open it is not right...

Marven Ye shook his head, and explained: "Uh...the last time it wasn't because of Viana's accident, he was more worried."

Linda nodded with a slightly strange expression upon hearing Marven Ye's explanation.But out of a girl's sixth sense, she always felt that Master Lang Ping's words seemed to be very meaningful, not like Ye Wenxuan's explanation.

But she didn't delve into it, but followed Marven Ye towards the outside of the hotel.

As Australia's largest city and the capital of New South Wales, Sydney is Australia's economic, financial, shipping and tourism center, and a world-renowned international metropolis.

As early as a few years ago, Ye Wenxuan came to Sydney once, when he was filming "Flowers and Boys".But Marven Ye and others in Sydney only stayed here for two days and visited many places.

For Linda who had never been to Sydney, Marven Ye was much stronger.

When you come to Sydney, you will naturally go to Sydney's Central Coast, which is the most famous view in Sydney.

There are soft sandy beaches, clear waters and beautiful bays here, where many tourists fish, swim and canoe.

Ye Wenxuan and Linda stepped on the soft sand with bare feet, watching the seagulls in the distance, and felt all the pressure was released instantly.

Only when you are in the beauty of nature can you feel the greatness and magic of the Creator.

The two stayed on the Central Coast for two hours. The two took pictures, recorded small videos, and chased and fought on the beach.The two are similar in age, and they both enjoy playing a lot, but the time flies by quickly...

(End of this chapter)

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