Rebirth of the Great Entertainer System

Chapter 935 The next generation is terrifying!

Chapter 935 The next generation is terrifying!

After 15 minutes, Jeff finished his performance perfectly. When he opened his eyes, the audience burst into applause.

Many pianists of the older generation, looking at the young Jeff on the stage, were filled with embarrassment.

Even if there are still a few flaws in this song "Whispers in Late Autumn", the prototype of the classic has already been formed. As long as it is slightly improved, it will become another classic piano piece handed down from generation to generation.

"This piece of music is so great, it's like being in late autumn, stepping on the soft maple leaves, and strolling in the golden maple forest. It gives people an endless enjoyment, and it is simply memorable."

"The younger generation is awesome, really is the younger generation. In the past, there was Ye Wenxuan from China, and now there is Jeff from the US Emperor. Although Jeff's song is not as perfect as Ye Wenxuan's "Mark of the Rain". But as long as there is a little improvement, it is definitely a great song. Inferior to the classic track of "Mark of the Rain"!"

"As soon as this original piece came out, I think Jeff has already sealed the victory. Unless Linda also comes up with an equally classic original piece, Linda will lose."

"The Eastman School of Music really produces a large number of talents. The top two are from the Eastman School of Music. And Jeff is a student of the Eastman School of Music. After today, the momentum of the Eastman School of Music is estimated to be even bigger. Go up."


The discussion in the audience gradually became louder, and many people looked at Jeff on the stage with admiration in their eyes.

Ye Wenxuan, who was in the first row, frowned slightly: "It's bad, Linda probably won't win this time, Jeff's original piano music is so perfect, Linda's "For Alice" can't win at all."

Lang Ping also agreed with it, and sighed softly: "Jeff is really a genius. I'm nearly 30 years old and I haven't created a good piano piece yet, but Jeff has already succeeded. Hey..."

Helpless, it's too late to say anything now, because Linda has already played.

Linda was also feeling helpless at the moment. Facing Jeff's excellent original piano music, her chances of winning were extremely slim.

However, Linda still held out her chest, walked up to the stage gracefully, paid tribute to the pianists in the audience, and then sat down on the piano and began to play.

As soon as the song "To Alice" came out, the audience shook their heads slightly.With pearls and jade in front of him, even if Linda played beautifully at this moment, it would still be tasteless.

Linda was immersed in her performance, remembering everything Ye Wenxuan told her before the game.Abandoning the so-called skills, he devoted himself to the performance and integrated his emotions into it.

After playing a song, a teardrop appeared in the corner of Linda's eyes, as if she really felt the grief of the creator at that time.For her, this performance is perfect!
After Linda finished playing, the audience burst into applause.Although the applause was not as warm as Jeff's before, most people still gave Linda sufficient affirmation.

Many people secretly felt sorry for Linda. If there was no original music by Jeff, perhaps Linda would have won the championship, but now... everything has already become a foregone conclusion.

All the schedule of the Matthew International Piano Competition ends here, and the final champion will be announced the next day, that is, at the awards ceremony tomorrow.

At that time, dozens of countries will broadcast the award ceremony live, and China Central Music Channel will also broadcast the award ceremony of the Matthew International Piano Competition live.

This is a big event in the music world, and it means a lot.

Ye Wenxuan and Lang Ping walked out of the concert hall together, and walked towards the door, when a voice came from behind: "Brother Ye, wait a minute."

Marven Ye and the two turned their heads when they heard the sound, only to see Linda trotting over with her long skirt.

"Brother Ye, do you have something to do this afternoon?" Linda blinked her big eyes, looking at Marven Ye, eyes full of expectation.

Hearing Linda's question, Lang Ping had a weird expression on his face. He touched his nose and patted Marven Ye on the shoulder: "I'm going back to the hotel first, you...have fun!"

After Lang Ping finished speaking, he turned around and left without waiting for Marven Ye to respond.

Ye Wenxuan looked at Lang Ping's back, feeling a little helpless: "I have time this afternoon, what's the matter?"

Linda was overjoyed, and then pretended to be pitiful, and said to Ye Wenxuan with a hint of coquettishness: "Jeff's originality is too strong, I guess I won't be able to win the championship. I am very sad now, Brother Ye, you Can you go out with me for a walk?"

Looking at Linda's exquisite little face, the corners of Marven Ye's mouth twitched, why didn't I see that you were sad...

But looking at Linda's longing eyes, Ye Wenxuan still softened his heart, and he felt that it would be better to talk about some things.A young girl's youth is only a few years, he can't make Linda wait for a flower that will eventually have no fruit, it's too unfair to her.

Ye Wenxuan nodded, which made Linda very happy, and said with a smile: "Brother Ye, wait for me, I'll change clothes first, and then we'll go together!"

After finishing speaking, Linda turned around and ran to the dressing room to change out of the dress, change into casual clothes and go out with Marven Ye.

Looking at Linda's back, Marven Ye shook his head. Although he was about the same age as Linda, his experience and intelligence were still far behind.

While shaking his head, Marven Ye caught a glimpse of a slender figure in the corner not far away, and saw him looking at the door of the locker room with a look of despair in his eyes.This man was none other than Jeff who had just shined on the stage.

"Hey... Falling flowers are ruthless, flowing water has intentions..." Marven Ye sighed secretly.


In the afternoon, Marven Ye and Linda went to the Reptile Park in Sydney.In fact, Linda wanted to go yesterday, but due to lack of time, Linda gave up.There is a lot of time this afternoon, and Linda wants to go once.

This is the largest reptile park in Australia. Founded in 1948, rare animals such as lizards, spiders, platypus, wombats, koalas, kangaroos, and crocodiles can be seen everywhere in the park.It is one of the must-see places for many tourists to come to Australia.

In one afternoon, the two visited the entire reptile park and watched a lot of animal performances, which was very interesting.

The two didn't leave the reptile park until seven o'clock in the evening and drove back to the city center.

Ye Wenxuan originally wanted to send Linda back to the hotel, but she insisted on stopping at the beach and walking back to the hotel to digest.

Linda insisted on this, and Ye Wenxuan couldn't refuse. It happened that Ye Wenxuan wanted to say something to Linda.

The two of them strolled along the beach, where there were dots of street lamps and small fluorescent lights, the lights were dim, but they were not bright at all.

Not long after, someone walked by, and Jackson Harbor at eight o'clock was still so lively.

Not far away, the Sydney Bridge, like a meandering light, dispels the darkness and emits endless light...

(End of this chapter)

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