Rebirth of the Great Entertainer System

Chapter 941 "Wedding in a Dream"

Chapter 941 "Wedding in a Dream"

Hainan, sea view villa.

As the night approached, the sea view villa area was completely dark and silent, only the faint sound of the ebb and flow of the tide, the waves beating against the reef, rising and falling.

There is only one villa that is still lit, emitting a hazy light in the dark night.

On the sofa, Zhao Fei'er was wearing a nightgown, sitting cross-legged on the sofa, covering her face with her hands, with tears in her eyes, watching Ye Wenxuan who was tuning the piano on TV, full of emotion.

She had guessed [-] possible surprises, but she hadn't guessed that Marven Ye would actually confess his confession in public at the award ceremony of the Matthew International Piano Competition, which was broadcast live around the world.

Although there was only one sentence, Marven Ye was betting on his stardom.

Girl Huaichun, who doesn't like romance.

However, their identities are doomed to the romance that ordinary people can play unscrupulously. For them, it is just a luxury.They are public figures, and they may be romantic for a moment of refreshment, but the consequences are extraordinarily heavy.

But when Ye Wenxuan really gave her a romance under the eyes of the whole world, she suddenly felt that everything was not so important.

Looking at Ye Wenxuan who is as elegant as a prince on TV, the burning love in Zhao Feier's eyes... is burning!

Ye Wenxuan didn't know that his words aroused the clamor and resonance of many people. He sat on the piano chair and adjusted his state silently.

For a pianist, it is not difficult to play the piano, but it is not an easy task to play a piece that can touch people's hearts and resonate with people.

The audience in the audience understood very well and couldn't help keeping quiet, waiting for Ye Wenxuan's performance.

Ye Wenxuan just said that the name of this new song is "Dream Wedding". The name should be a soothing music, a song praising love.

If "The Third Piano Concerto" is the exclusive song of the music master, then "The Mark of the Rain" is the song of the whole world.Although the status of "The Third Piano Concerto" in the piano world is much higher than that of "The Mark of the Rain", it is completely opposite in terms of popularity.

"The Third Piano Concerto" is difficult to return to, but it is not pleasant to listen to and cannot be popularized.And "The Mark of the Rain" is simple, but it is more pleasant to listen to and widely popularized.

It is now obvious that the "Dream Wedding" Ye Wenxuan mentioned should belong to the latter.For many dignitaries present, they obviously prefer the latter.

Ye Wenxuan brewed for about 5 minutes, his slender fingers rested slowly on the white keys, and started his performance.

The soft and rainbow-like sound came from the upright grand piano, and after a brief relief, the sound of the piano was like a trickle, warm and warm.

Marven Ye squinted his eyes slightly, his hands carried a special rhythm, and the ups and downs were full of rhythm.The mind is completely immersed in the story of the song, and the emotion is from the inside to the outside, and the sound of the piano seems to be attached with a special magic power, floating into everyone's heart.

"Dream Wedding" was one of the top ten classic piano pieces in the world in the previous life, ranking among the top three among many piano pieces.Even the classic "Mark of the Rain" ranks far behind "Dream Wedding".

The master-level piano skills and the classic piano pieces that have never been auditioned instantly captured the hearts of all the audience present and in front of the TV.

Accompanied by Ye Wenxuan's piano sound, everyone seemed to have seen a story, and slowly pulled away amidst Ye Wenxuan's piano sound.


At the border of the Kingdom of Dreams, a bunch of bonfires are slowly rising, stretching and lingering...

With the tall castle in the distance, everyone seemed to be in a strange world. The sound of the piano was like a girl's caress, making everyone unable to help but draw pictures in their minds.

A boy stood in front of a high castle, looked at the castle, his eyes were full of love, because there... was his lover.

Meteors streaked across in the dark night, leaving streaks of dazzling brilliance.

A light white feather fell on the back of his hand, he raised his head, looking at the goose-feather-like snowflakes, the dream country in winter is as beautiful as a dream, but also as illusory as a dream.

Those sad memories reappeared in his mind one after another.

In the winter of that year, it also snowed.To this day, he still feels that year was like a dream.But, this dream, he will never wake up.


Ye Wenxuan played the piano slowly and slowly, the entire concert hall was completely silent, and everyone's eyes were on Ye Wenxuan on the stage.

A poignant love story unfolded before their eyes, as if they had traveled through time and space and returned to the Middle Ages, witnessing a boy's love.


At the age of 14, the boy met the girl.The girl is the princess of the land of dreams, he never thought he could be friends with the girl, but they did.

For an ordinary boy, being her friend is already a gift from heaven.But he knew that he couldn't be the girl's friend forever.

The boy couldn't help it... fell in love with her!
However, the huge gap in status made the boy destined to bury this love in his heart.

However, one day, he finally couldn't suppress the surging emotion in his heart, and he expressed his love to her.

As a result...he failed.


With his slender fingers, Ye Wenxuan vented his emotions unscrupulously.He is like a great magician, bringing everyone into his world.

If Jeff is a fantasy that infects everyone and allows the audience to be independent, a thousand people may have a thousand dreams.Then Ye Wenxuan captured everyone and forcibly brought them into the world he built, and the story he saw was only one.

All the people listening to Ye Wenxuan's performance were all focused on it at the moment, as if they were detached.The original hustle and bustle of the Internet world gradually subsided along with Ye Wenxuan's piano sound, and he couldn't help but immerse himself in Ye Wenxuan's piano sound, forgetting everything about the outside world.

In the soft light, Ye Wenxuan is like a god, manipulating everyone's joys and sorrows, and the emotional catharsis is even higher.


Six years passed in a blink of an eye.

In these six years, he has been forgetting the emotion of the past.

But the miss kept fermenting like flour, and as time went by, he found that he loved her even more.

During the six years, he missed her all the time, and loved her all the time.

The boy finally decided to go back to the Land of Dreams to find his true love.So he returned to the castle again.

As the sun rose above the horizon, he walked towards the castle in the sunlight.

There was a festive atmosphere in the castle, colorful flags were hung everywhere, and people sang joyfully.

He stood in the middle of the crowd, and when he learned that the girl was going to marry a prince from a neighboring country, all his beliefs... collapsed!


PS: Happy Chinese New Year to all book friends~

(End of this chapter)

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