Rebirth of the Great Entertainer System

Chapter 944 The country welcomes the wind!

Chapter 944 Return to China to meet the wind!

Ye Wenxuan temporarily ignored the caller IDs of his friends, but turned on the phone and entered his Weibo.

Looking at the wildly rising comments on his Weibo, as well as the news feeds from various news platforms, Ye Wenxuan felt a little tingly.

Clicking on the comment under the first Weibo, a flood of news came up in an instant.

"Xuanxuan actually has a girlfriend, I'm broken in love, I believe there should be many girls who fell in love with me, right?"

"It's really sad news, Marven Ye actually has a girlfriend, should I follow him..."

"Let me know that vixen seduced my family's Xuanxuan, and I will spray her to death. My Xuanxuan, give it back to me!"

""Dream Wedding" is really nice to listen to. Xuanxuan's technique is so romantic, it will fill me up in the middle of the night."


These microblogs are all comments with the most likes, and the comments are relatively neutral.Ye Wenxuan clicked on the chronological order, and found that the comments inside were quite radical, and many of them were even cursing.

Ye Wenxuan glanced around, and with a little understanding in his heart, he handed the phone to Xu Rou and asked her to keep it.

"I just said something for my lover, but you have to understand how you understand it. You guys should release the news that the lover I mean is all my fans. It's not easy to confuse people..." Ye Wenxuan changed Clothes, while giving instructions to Xu Rou.

Xu Rou nodded and said with a smile: "Actually, we planned to do this from the beginning, but we don't know your attitude, so we can't make a decision on our own."

After a while, Ye Wenxuan put on the original black suit, stood in front of the floor-to-ceiling mirror, and straightened the skirt.

"It's good to clarify this matter a little bit. Don't pay too much attention to it. The media can say whatever they want, and treat it as a scandal. I have debuted for so long, and there is really no romance scandal. This time, I will treat it as a message to many fans Let's get a vaccination, after all, it will be made public sooner or later."

Xu Rou expressed her understanding, then checked the lounge and followed Ye Wenxuan to the outside.

The awards ceremony has ended, and the guests outside have already started to leave.Ye Wenxuan's trip to Australia has come to an end at this moment, and the few of them will embark on the voyage back home tomorrow.

The group left the Sydney Opera House. As soon as they went out, Marven Ye was stopped by many reporters.

All the guns and short guns were aimed at Marven Ye, and questions about different languages ​​were thrown at Marven Ye. The chaotic voices made Marven Ye's head a little dizzy.

The questions these reporters asked were basically the same. Some asked about Marven Ye's relationship, some asked about Marven Ye's feelings, some asked about the release of Marven Ye's new song, and everything.

Facing the reporter's interview, Ye Wenxuan stood behind the security personnel and selectively answered some questions.Regarding relationship issues, Ye Wenxuan deliberately avoided, and let the matter go.

After the interview, Marven Ye returned to the hotel, washed up, and went straight to sleep.


On the second day, Marven Ye boarded the flight back home early.

During the ten-hour flight, when Ye Wenxuan got off the plane again, it was already evening in northern Beijing.

It was Huang Tianlei who came to pick him up, driving a Mercedes-Benz Business.When Ye Wenxuan opened the door, he saw Ran Yirou sitting inside, and he paused slightly when he got into the car.

"Sister Yirou, why are you here?" Ye Wenxuan was only surprised, and got into the car and sat beside Ran Yirou.

Ran Yirou was wearing a black business OL suit, she looked intellectual, generous, and beautiful.A laptop sits on her white lap, working through an email message.

The business car seats ten people, and everyone sits comfortably.

"My big boss, going abroad to participate in an award ceremony can cause me such a big mess, I can't do it if I don't come..." Ran Yirou didn't look at Ye Wenxuan, but still focused on the computer, with a little resentment in her tone .

Hearing Ran Yirou's words, Ye Wenxuan scratched his head, and said with some embarrassment: "Sister Yirou, look at what you said, I was acting impulsively."

Ran Yirou glanced at Ye Wenxuan beside her with a half-smile, closed the computer on her lap, and said with a smile, "Impulsive? You are not an impulsive person, I think you have premeditated it!"

Ye Wenxuan was embarrassed, mmp, he was discovered...

This was indeed premeditated by Ye Wenxuan. He just wanted to surprise Zhao Fei'er and Wang Shiyu. As for the consequences, he really didn't think so much.He also didn't expect that his own casual sentence would cause such a big disturbance, which was indeed something he never expected.

Seeing Ye Wenxuan's slightly embarrassed expression, Ran Yirou didn't linger too much on this topic, and said with a smile, "Don't worry, I'm just here to pick you up from the plane. After flying for a day, I'm tired enough. Let's have dinner together later. Rice, it’s a treat for you, I treat you!”

Ye Wenxuan waved his hand immediately when he heard the words, and said domineeringly: "How can you let a woman treat you, I'll treat you, and you can order whatever you want!"

"Okay, I'll listen to you. I heard that there is a good Japanese restaurant on the top floor of the China World Trade Center, so please invite me." Ran Yirou's light words gave Ye Wenxuan a way to go in on the spot.

After Ran Yirou finished speaking, she turned around and clapped hands with Xu Rou and Nie Qian who were behind her, while Ye Wenxuan was stunned.

It was premeditated!
But everyone was just joking, with Ye Wenxuan's worth, it doesn't matter where to eat.As long as the mood is in place, Ye Wenxuan won't feel bad if he eats a few million.

"I just wanted to chat with you about the company and some immediate matters. Let's chat while eating." Ran Yirou said softly.

Ye Wenxuan nodded. He drank a lot of coffee on the plane, and now he is not sleepy at all, but a little excited.In the long night, it is also a very pleasant thing for two or three friends to eat together.

The few people in the car were all the original group of people.Although the relationship with Ye Wenxuan is a superior-subordinate relationship, it is essentially similar to a friend.

Except for being meticulous at work, in the rest of the leisure time, they are like good friends and get along very well.

There were five people in the car, and it quickly arrived at the underground parking lot of the International Trade Center.

International Trade Center, the full name of Huaxia Jingbei International Trade Center, is 350 meters high and has a total of 80 floors. It is one of the best high-rise buildings in Beijing.

The Japanese food restaurant that Ran Yirou mentioned is on the top floor of the China World Trade Center, which is the 80th floor.

Marven Ye put on his cap and mask, and then the five of them took the direct elevator to the [-]th floor.

The five people are all of extraordinary temperament and well-dressed. They are not ordinary people at first glance. As soon as they entered the restaurant, they were warmly received by the restaurant's service staff.

At the request of five people, they were arranged in a small private room next to the bed...

(End of this chapter)

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