Chapter 948 A Century-old Beijing Movie!

Seeing Marven Ye shaking his head, Zheng Yufei's eyes lit up slightly, his eyes were piercing, he looked directly at Marven Ye, and said firmly, "I want to try this movie, can I?"

Ye Wenxuan looked into Zheng Yufei's eyes, frowned slightly, picked up the coffee on the table, and drank while thinking.

After organizing the wording, Marven Ye sighed softly: "Fei, the movie "Huaxia Partner" may be difficult for you. The age span and depth of this movie are not suitable for you."

Hearing this, Zheng Yufei felt a little lonely and absent-minded.

Seeing this, Ye Wenxuan felt a little uncomfortable, hesitated for a moment, and said: "Well, I will give you the script. I will give you a week to work out the script and shooting plan for the first half hour of the movie. If I think OK, you're going to make this movie? How about it?"

Zheng Yufei raised his head in astonishment, his eyes were full of astonishment. To him, this was no less than a bright future.

Seeing the smile on Zheng Yufei's face, Marven Ye let out a sigh of relief.Ye Wenxuan could still afford to wait for a week.Looking at Zheng Yufei's lonely expression just now, Ye Wenxuan suddenly remembered his previous experience, which was very similar to Zheng Yufei's just now.

Not even giving a chance is too cruel.

"Xuanzi, I will definitely give you a satisfactory answer, so don't worry!" Zheng Yufei took the script and said solemnly.

Ye Wenxuan leaned forward and lightly thumped Zheng Yufei's chest, and said with a smile: "Brothers, why are you being polite to me, let it go!"

Zheng Yufei nodded heavily, picked up the script and had a brief chat with Ye Wenxuan, then hurriedly left Ye Wenxuan's office. Now, to Zheng Yufei, every minute and every second is extremely precious.

Looking at Zheng Yufei who left in a hurry, Ye Wenxuan had a smile on his face, and his mood was extraordinarily comfortable.


Time flies, and time is broken.

Half a month is almost a blink of an eye, especially in a busy job.

Near the end of March, Ran Yirou returned from vacation and picked up her job again, freeing Ye Wenxuan.

Ran Yirou rested for a total of two weeks, and went on a casual trip with her best friend Yiying.The two of them went on a trip to seven countries in Europe, they had a good release, and even Ran Yirou's spirit improved a lot.

Europe, for ordinary class tourists, is very luxurious, and most of them are tours on horseback.Even if middle-class tourists go to Europe to play, they can only wander around, and it is impossible to play exquisitely.

But Europe has a different charm for the real rich.There are landscapes with the best natural scenery, a metropolis known as a shopping paradise, and a quiet and comfortable resort town...

Ran Yirou and Yiying are masters who are not short on money, so they naturally play as they please, and they are extremely happy.Of course, the consumption of the two of them is estimated to be money that ordinary people can't earn in a lifetime, which can be called a luxury!
Going out to play once, Ran Yirou brought Ye Wenxuan a gift as usual, which was a Hermès belt.

Ye Wenxuan and Ran Yirou finished handing over their work, and they were not idle.Because the day after tomorrow is April [-]st, which is the [-]th anniversary of Beijing Film Academy, Ye Wenxuan, as a well-known student, naturally had to go back to school to attend the ceremony.


April [-]st is a very ordinary day, but it is a very different day for all Jingying people.

It takes ten years to plant trees and a hundred years to educate people.

In the entire history of education in China, there are only a handful of universities with a century-old history.

As a well-known art university in China, Jingying has become the first university in the entire Huaxia Art University with a history of [-] years.

On this day, all the students in Jingying were busy.Basically everyone has their own jobs, and the entire Beijing Film Festival is very lively.

At the gate of Jingying, red and festive balloons hung in the sky, and the school was decorated with lights and festoons, which looked full of festivities.

On Jingying's campus, students wearing Jingying's school uniform can be seen everywhere. Most of them are girls at the gate, who are responsible for welcoming well-known graduates and journalists who are returning to school.

There are not many filmmakers who have come out of Jingying, and there are hundreds of well-known ones, and even less famous people.

The centenary celebration of the alma mater, basically all the students who graduated from Jingying, rushed back.

Although the inside of Jingying is lively and lively, the outside is heavily guarded. Anyone who wants to enter Jingying has to show his student card or hold an invitation letter, otherwise no one can get in.

Everyone knows that there are a lot of stars in Beijing Movies today, and I don't know how many people want to go in and have a look at the faces of the stars.

Even so, there are countless people around Jingying today, and the scene is huge.In order to open to traffic smoothly, Jingying blocked the main road in front of Jingying Gate, and ordinary vehicles were not allowed to pass through.

At ten o'clock in the morning, a Mercedes-Benz Business, with a pass hanging on the car, drove into the main road blocked by Jingying, and stopped at the school gate.

Today, no traffic is allowed in Jingying, because the capacity of the school is limited, and there are too many people coming, so in order to save space, no cars are allowed to pass.

The Mercedes-Benz business parked at the gate of the school, and the onlookers around were all curious about who was in the car.Many people who came early have already seen many stars.

The actor Liang Weichao, the actress Hua Weiwei, the popular young student Su Haoran, the domestic first-line host Song Jinghua, the domestic top idol Kodak...

Artists who usually can only lick the screen on TV appeared one after another, causing screams one after another.Looking at the students in Jingying School one by one, their eyes turned red with envy.

At this time, the door of the Mercedes-Benz business parked in front of the school slowly opened, and a handsome man jumped out of it, wearing a large dark sunglasses and wearing Jingying's school uniform, with a slender and tall figure.

As soon as the man stepped out of the car door, the fans around him were stunned for a moment, and then excited.

"Qin Yijie, Yang Guo, I almost forgot, he is a senior student of Jingying, and he is here!"

"Yang Guo, the one-armed hero, "The Legend of Condor Heroes" played by him and Meng Tong is super good-looking. He is much more handsome in real life than on TV!"

"It's so cool, I suddenly discovered that school uniforms can be so cool!"


The surrounding discussions became louder and louder, and many of Qin Yijie's fans shouted at Qin Yijie one after another.

Hearing the sound, Qin Yijie also turned his head to face the crowd and waved his hand with a gentle smile on his face.

(End of this chapter)

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