Chapter 959 Little Wenxin!
The next day, near noon, Ye Wenxuan woke up slowly.

Turning sideways, looking at Wang Shiyu who was sleeping soundly, his baby-like face made Ye Wenxuan feel affection.

They had so much fun last night, it was close to three o'clock in the morning before the two of them slowly fell asleep.

Putting his arms under his head, Marven Ye looked at Wang Shiyu silently, just like admiring a work of art, he couldn't get enough of it.

After an unknown amount of time, Wang Shiyu's eyelashes trembled slightly, and then opened his eyes.

When she opened her eyes, she saw Ye Wenxuan staring at her intently, which made Wang Shiyu a little shy, especially thinking of those shameful actions last night, made Wang Shiyu even more shy, her little face was flushed, very cute.

Gently pulled up the quilt, covered her face, not daring to look into Ye Wenxuan's eyes.

Ye Wenxuan saw Wang Shiyu wake up and saw her movements, a little funny, moved forward, hugged Wang Shiyu in his arms, and rested his chin on Wang Shiyu's small head.

Wang Shiyu was like a baby, completely covered by Ye Wenxuan's body.

"Shi Yu, you're still sleeping, you're going to be a lazy pig!"

Ye Wenxuan's voice was very soft, with a sense of ridicule in it.

Hearing Ye Wenxuan's voice, Wang Shiyu turned her head suddenly, bit Ye Wenxuan's shoulder, her face was full of anger.

"Hmph, I find that you are getting worse and worse now, if you make me put on those embarrassing poses in the future, I will bite you to death!" Wang Shiyu said coquettishly.

"Hey," Ye Wenxuan laughed, and the floor became tighter, and he said with a smile, "Daughter-in-law, isn't this fun, besides, didn't you enjoy it too, yesterday, I don't know who kept shouting yesterday..."

Just as Ye Wenxuan was about to say something, Wang Shiyu covered his mouth, his face flushed pink, and he was extremely ashamed.

"You are not allowed to say!"

Wang Shiyu's thin skin couldn't stand Ye Wenxuan's nasty talk, and Ye Wenxuan only teased slightly.

After kissing Wang Shiyu's forehead, Ye Wenxuan spoiled him, "You go take a bath first, my husband will cook something delicious for you!"

Wang Shiyu nodded, and Marven Ye got up from the bed.

Ye Wenxuan came out of the quilt, his body was completely exposed, and there were a lot of decorations on his perfect figure at the moment.Little red strawberries spread all over Ye Wenxuan's body. Just by looking at the little strawberries, one can see how crazy the two of them were last night.

Ye Wenxuan looked at the little strawberry on his body, and looked at Wang Shiyu with a strange expression.

Wang Shiyu blinked her big eyes, then turned around with a blushing face, not looking at Marven Ye.

Hmph, although I did it, I will never admit my mistake!
Ye Wenxuan didn't care, picked up his nightgown from one side, put it on, and then walked towards the kitchen with his slippers on.


Twenty minutes later, the table was filled with five dishes and one soup. It was delicious in color, flavor and taste, no worse than some five-star chefs.

Since his popularity was sufficient, Ye Wenxuan has learned the master cooking skills in the system.

For a person who loves to eat and has a picky mouth, eating is a very enjoyable thing.Moreover, Wang Shiyu, Zhao Feier, and Ye Wenxuan are the same people who are willing to eat but have a very picky mouth. They really echo the old saying: If you are not a family, you will not enter a family.

Within 10 minutes, Wang Shiyu also took a good shower, and also walked out of the bathroom wearing a nightgown.

Seeing the delicacies on the table, Wang Shiyu's saliva almost flowed down.

Looking at the braised chicken wings with scallions on the table, he picked up one and tasted it happily.

Ye Wenxuan, who came out of the kitchen with two bowls of rice, saw Wang Shiyu's appearance, and his face was a little funny.

"Hurry up and sit down to eat, you are so old, you can still get started!"

Wang Shiyu chuckled, then sat opposite Ye Wenxuan, and the two began to enjoy breakfast, no, it was lunch.

"The heroine of the movie "Huaxia Partner", if you are free, you can try it?" Ye Wenxuan asked while eating.

Wang Shiyu only loves chicken wings, spit out a smooth chicken bone, and looked at Ye Wenxuan with some doubts.

"Didn't you say that the heroine in this play is very weak, and there are not many roles in it."

Ye Wenxuan nodded, and replied without raising his head and eyes: "It's really tasteless, and there are not many scenes. But the heroine and I have a lot of kissing scenes, and there is even a sex scene."

"Well... forget it, forget it, I'll find someone else. Tsk tsk, I must find a beautiful woman to act!" Ye Wenxuan pretended to be a nympho, and said happily.

Wang Shiyu, who was eating chicken wings, immediately raised her eyebrows when she heard this: "How dare you!"

Putting the chicken wings in the bowl, Wang Shiyu looked like a kitten with fried hair, her face was full of vigilance.

"Did you premeditate a long time ago, and want to continue filming just to make troubles, let me tell you, don't even think about it. This scene must be performed by me, hmph!"

Looking at the angry Wang Shiyu, the corner of Ye Wenxuan's mouth curved slightly, and then he hid it again.

"Hey, there's nothing wrong with it. Since the wife is willing to act, let the daughter-in-law act. Anyway, the heroine can only be filmed in ten days, which is very little." Ye Wenxuan said with a smile.

"It's more or less the same!" Wang Shiyu muttered in a low voice, then picked up the chicken wings in the bowl again, and gnawed happily, like a child.

Seeing Wang Shiyu's childlike appearance, Ye Wenxuan felt very cute.

After the two had dinner, Ye Wenxuan gave himself a vacation today and spent a day with Wang Shiyu in the world of two.

The two went to many places in northern Beijing to play around. In the evening, the two went to Guijie Street, where there are a lot of people, to eat crayfish.

Sitting on the open-air dining table on the second floor, the two ordered a lot of crayfish.

Obviously it is a very friendly restaurant, but it surprised Ye Wenxuan and Wang Shiyu to pay the price of a big hotel.

The main reason is that there is too little crayfish meat. The two of them ate nearly 2000 yuan just for crayfish.Plus the rest of the dishes, the two actually ate 3000 yuan.

The two were facing the street, and both of them were wearing camouflage masks. In addition, they didn't take off their peaked caps during the whole process, but no one found out their identities.

It is estimated that no one would have guessed that Ye Wenxuan, who is famous in Asia, and Wang Shiyu, who is known as the head of the Jade Girl, can eat crayfish on Guijie Street. This is simply beyond imagination.

When I go home at night, I applaud for love again, and applaud until late at night before the curtain falls.

In the following days, Marven Ye became busy.Wang Shiyu still had some work to do, so she flew away first, and came back when "Huaxia Partner" started.

As for the director, a week later, Zheng Yufei gave Ye Wenxuan the shooting plan and lens design, and Ye Wenxuan was very satisfied, so the task of director fell on Zheng Yufei...

(End of this chapter)

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