Rebirth of the Great Entertainer System

Chapter 970 Times Building!

Chapter 970 Times Building!


Zheng Yufei's voice came from the position of the rear monitor, which represented the completion of this drama.

All the cameras were turned off at the same time, and Xu Rou who was standing aside hurriedly stepped forward and handed the tissue to Marven Ye.

Ye Wenxuan took the tissue and began to wipe away his tears. His face was full of tears, and the tears and snot flowed together. He looked very miserable, but all the sacrifices were worth it, because the scene was perfect.

While walking towards the outside of the field, he adjusted his emotions. In just a few minutes, Ye Wenxuan's emotions readjusted.

"How is it? Is this scene OK?" Ye Wenxuan stood beside Zheng Yufei, with his eyes on the monitor in front of him, watching the callback screen.

Zheng Yufei stared at the monitor screen intently, and nodded: "Very good, the three of you acted very well, this shot is great, very good!"

Ye Wenxuan heard that, instead of staying with Zheng Yufei, he turned around and walked towards his resting place.After a while, Jiu Jin's exciting period has passed, and Ye Wenxuan is a little tired now.

Sitting in his seat, Marven Ye picked up the thermos and drank warm water in small sips.

Seeing Li Guanghe who was already sound asleep not far away, the corner of Ye Wenxuan's mouth curled up.


The life of filming is very boring.

Maybe when watching a movie in a theater, I feel that the movie is very good and the plot is very coherent.But these are all filmed bit by bit slowly, which is very boring for actors.

The entire crew, like a precise gear, was running in an orderly manner, and the scenes were filmed bit by bit.

After more than one and a half months, all the scenes in China were filmed, and the crew set off to head towards the US emperor.

Because in "Huaxia Partners", there are many scenes about the United States, so the crew needs to go to the United States to shoot.

However, Ye Wenxuan, who is the protagonist, did not follow the crew to the US emperor this time, but let Zheng Yufei and the others go to the US emperor first, while Ye Wenxuan stayed in Beijing North.

Because the Times Building, the headquarters of the Times Group, which spent a huge amount of money to build, was officially completed!

May 25th, Beijing North Third Ring Road, Times Building.

From the open space two years ago to the 500-meter-high skyscraper today, it represents the pride of Times Group.

Looking at the towering Times Building, the bright and clean glass reflects the shining light under the sunlight.The many employees standing downstairs of the Times Building couldn't help feeling an unparalleled pride in their hearts.

Ye Wenxuan, who was standing at the front, looked at the gate in front of him, and his heart was full of emotions.

Standing behind Ye Wenxuan, Ran Yirou said softly to Ye Wenxuan: "Wenxuan, let the employees in first, there will be a lot of people coming, we can't let everyone stand outside the door."

Ran Yirou's voice brought Ye Wenxuan who was contemplating back to his senses.She complied with Ran Yirou's words.

Under the command of the directors of various departments, the employees of Times Entertainment and Times Film and Television began to move upstairs one after another.

The Times Tower is nearly 500 meters high and has a total of 99 floors.

The first floor serves as a consultation office, where the front desk and security personnel work.The second to No.19 floors are planned as the living area of ​​the group in the future.

In the living area, there will be supermarkets, coffee shops, cafeterias, reception rooms, indoor badminton courts, indoor basketball courts, indoor swimming pools...

Since Times Group aspires to become a world-class entertainment giant, it is natural to recruit talents.

For the world's cutting-edge talents, it is often not the group that selects the talent, but the talent that selects the company.The company's corporate culture and employee benefits are also very important to many talents.

If you want to retain talents, or even attract talents from other groups, it is also critical in terms of soft power.

Marven Ye can confidently say that Times Group is definitely the top in the world in terms of employee benefits.

In the living area downstairs, Ye Wenxuan didn't think about making a profit. These will be the benefits of the employees, and the employees will use them for free, and they are determined not to open them to the public.

It's just moved in, and many employees who finished placing their belongings ran downstairs excitedly, looking at the layout of the living areas on each floor, the excitement in their hearts was beyond words.

It is inevitable to take photos and post them on Moments. Ye Wenxuan once again became the boss of someone else's company, which attracted a lot of envy and hatred.

Of course, there are also many reporters who are friends with the Times Group. They wear reporter badges and are interspersed among the employees of the Times Group.While taking pictures, he was interviewing employees of Times Group.

Regarding the employee benefits of Times Group, even their reporters feel sour and envious.

The second to twentieth floors are the living areas, and from the twentieth floor upwards are the work areas.

The 21st to [-]th floors will be used as the office residence of Times Film and Television.The office space of [-] floors is really too spacious for the current era film and television, because the staff of era film and television does not have so many employees.

However, this is only temporary.The completion of Times Building means that Times Group will expand its enrollment.

Especially Times Film and Television holds epoch-making film and television technology in its hands, but in the past, there were few staff and the utilization rate was extremely low.

In this global job fair, 60.00% of the recruitment quotas are for Times Film and Television.

After the job fair, Times Film and Television will evolve from only working for Times Group to a film and television company that is truly open to the outside world, accepting film and television production orders from all over the world, and officially starting to make external profits.

Times Film and Television will also be divided into two parts, one part is dedicated to work for Times Group, and the other part is dedicated to undertaking external tasks. Times Film and Television will officially enter the formal stage.

And there are [-] floors of office space, not just for office use.There will also be research rooms, film screening rooms, conference rooms and many other uses.

The 51st to [-]th floors will be used for the office residence of Times Entertainment, which will completely become the office residence of Times Entertainment.

In the past, the coexistence of company employees and artists of Times Group will be completely broken.

The employees of Times Entertainment are the employees of Times Entertainment.As for artists, they will be transferred from Times Entertainment. Artists belonging to Times Group are directly under the jurisdiction of the president and chairman.

Artists of the Times Group have the right to use the resources of the two companies under the Times Group first, and their status has been re-divided.

As for the [-]th floor and above, it belongs to the offices of the executives of the Times Group, and the offices of the artists of the Times Group are also on the [-]th floor.

Everyone's office is huge, it is no exaggeration to say that life and office are integrated...

(End of this chapter)

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