Rebirth of the Great Entertainer System

Chapter 974 It's not too late for a gentleman to take revenge!

Chapter 974 It's not too late for a gentleman to take revenge!

At the same time, many reporters who had been waiting outside the door for a long time also rushed to the door of the Times Building.

Today's Times Group moved to the Times Building. For such a big news, for many media with keen sense of smell, they have already prepared their guns and cannons, and are ready to take the lead in the first-line news.

However, they were also stopped outside the security line. Looking at the reporters inside, the reporters who were stopped outside were full of complaints.

Both are reporters, why is there such a big gap!
It doesn’t matter if you can’t get in the Times Building, but you can’t even get in for the ribbon-cutting ceremony. This is too discriminatory!

But complaints are complaints, complaints are complaints, and the photos that should be taken still have to be taken, otherwise how can I go back to work.

Damn capitalists!
Such a big battle in the Times Building is naturally very attractive to the crowd.

The Chinese people's herd mentality is comparable to the world's number one, and watching the excitement is in the genes of the Chinese people's bones.

Soon a group of people eating melons surrounded the security line.

Looking around, the stars are shining brightly, and none of them are unknown.Actors and actresses, queens of singers and singers can be found everywhere, popular actresses, super IP traffic niches have everything, many people feel that domestic well-known artists who can be called famous are here at this moment, and they are all covered!

Many onlookers went crazy with excitement, and all of them took out their mobile phones to take pictures, record small videos, and post them on Moments...

Screams came and went, and it seemed like a large fan meeting.

"My God, what is going on here, why are there so many celebrities, what happened here?!"

"Kodak, my idol, is super handsome, and I'm so excited to meet a real person today!"

"I seem to know what's going on. This is the Times Building, the headquarters of the Times Group that Ye Wenxuan invested in and built. It has been under construction for almost two years. It seems that the Times Group has moved, so so many people should be cheering for Ye Wenxuan .”

"No way, Marven Ye can have such a big influence. You have to know that there are so many big names here. Strictly speaking, they are all Marven Ye's seniors."

"Impossible? With Marven Ye's current status, and with Marven Ye's current connections, it doesn't seem difficult to recruit so many big names, okay?"


Many people around were discussing, and many celebrities showed up. In just 10 minutes, the entire gate of the Times Building was surrounded by water.

Even the highway in front of the Times Group was blocked by traffic at the moment.

Fortunately, the security measures were perfect, and nothing uncontrollable happened.On the outskirts, the public security police have sealed off the area, preventing vehicles from passing through, restricting the flow of people, allowing people to leave and not entering.

Even so, the onlookers at the scene were huge in number, densely packed, and as far as the eye could see, there were crowds of people.

In front of the red belt, there is a small round table.

Ye Wenxuan took the microphone and walked up, looking at the many artist friends, fans and reporters in front of him, Ye Wenxuan was generous and calm.

"First of all, I would like to thank you all for coming. I am here, on behalf of all the employees of Times Group, to express my gratitude to you."

After Ye Wenxuan finished speaking, he bowed to the people in front of him.

"From a small studio with only ten people at the beginning, to the Times Group with thousands of people today, we have experienced too much hard work and tribulations. It can be said that Times Group is like my child, watching him with his own eyes. From a faltering child to a towering tree, I am very pleased and proud. Because this is..."

Ye Wenxuan held the microphone and gave a speech full of energy and emotion, which made many people present feel a little inexplicable.

Among them, the one who touched me the most was naturally a group of bigwigs in the entertainment industry headed by Luo Zhiyuan and Zhang Kaisheng.

They have witnessed this era group, rising from the beginning, then catching up with them, and finally surpassing them today.

Four short years may seem like a long time, but for an enterprise, it is just a blink of an eye.

Many people are still in a trance, but Times Group has grown into a world-class entertainment group.

All-powerful in the film industry, several artists under his banner are also big names who can stand on their own.

Perhaps in terms of qualifications and background, Times Group still has a big gap with these established companies.But in many respects, Times Group has already achieved all-round catching up, making them hard to catch up.

Back then, just one Tianhua could make Times Entertainment struggle, even a bit unsustainable.

But now, as the status of Times Group is rising day by day, Tianhua is gradually wilting, slowly withdrawing from the frontier stage of China.

Among them, it is naturally inseparable from the secret suppression of the Times Group.

With the Times Group's style of protecting the calf and reporting all flaws, it is natural that it will not let the old rival Tianhua go so easily.

Grab resources, fight in the ring, suppress the opponent's newcomers, compete for the opponent's artist schedule...

These things were handled by the Times Group with ease, and they returned the methods that Tianhua played in the past intact, which made Tianhua complain unbearably.

But in the face of the Times Group, which has a huge capital flow, Tianhua is helpless.

Both soft power and hard power are far inferior to Times Group, so they can only bear it passively.

The allies who had made good friends with Tianhua all stayed away from Tianhua, for fear that the Time Group would take the blame on itself because of their friendship with Tianhua.

Businessmen are looking for profits. Under such circumstances, they all naturally choose to be wise and protect themselves. Otherwise, they will only be crushed in the face of entertainment giants like Times Group.

Tianhua is now deeply experiencing the feeling that entertainment was struggling in the past.

Many well-known artists in Tianhua have quit their jobs or terminated their contracts with Tianhua. The original pillars of Tianhua have all gone their separate ways at this time, and there is only one double queen Han Qianning left.

It's not that Han Qianning doesn't want to change jobs, but that no one wants her.

Because of the relationship between Han Qianning and Ye Wenxuan, the whole Huaxia knew about it.Accepting Han Qianning would mean making trouble for herself, and no one would do such thankless things.

Today's Tianhua, although still struggling to support it, has long lost the glory of previous years.At its peak, Tianhua was the top ten entertainment company in China, but now it is estimated that it can't even make it into the top twenty.

The stock price fell again and again, and rumors spread that Tianhua was about to delist.Once delisted, Tianhua will have no room for recovery.

It can be said that all this is because of the grievances between the two parties.

It's not too late for a gentleman to take revenge for ten years, it's not that the time has not come yet!
(End of this chapter)

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