Rebirth of the Great Entertainer System

Chapter 978 All Staff Meeting!

Chapter 978 All Staff Meeting!

Ye Jiachen waved his hand and walked out of the elevator.

"We'll discuss this matter tonight. Go upstairs and prepare for the general staff meeting later."

When the elevator closed, Ye Jiachen's voice came in from outside.

Ye Wenxuan rubbed his nose, looked at Ye Jiachen's back, and suddenly felt a little empty in his heart.

"Hmph, I'm not that sister-loving King Hai Ze next door. I don't want to go to the German orthopedic clinic for recuperation..." Ye Wenxuan muttered inexplicably, then shook his head, and soon arrived at his office.

Walking into the office, Marven Ye hung his suit on the hanger in front of the door, and made a cup of fragrant coffee by the window.

He slept very late last night, so Ye Wenxuan is still a little sleepy, making a cup of coffee is quite comfortable.

Pressing the pager, Marven Ye called Xu Rou.

Within 3 minutes, Xu Rou came out of the elevator, wearing a professional OL suit, graceful and dignified.

"Boss, did you call me?" Xu Rou walked to Ye Wenxuan's side and asked softly.

Ye Wenxuan was standing in front of the huge floor-to-ceiling windows with a cup of coffee, overlooking the entire north of Beijing.

Hearing Xu Rou's voice, Ye Wenxuan took out an encrypted USB flash drive from the file bag on the side and handed it to Xu Rou.

"Go and print twenty copies of the information in this USB flash drive. I will use it later." Ye Wenxuan ordered.

Xu Rou took the USB flash drive, nodded, and was about to turn around and leave when Marven Ye suddenly stopped her.

"Xu Rou, Luo Jiahao, do you still remember? It was the rich young man we met at the entrance of our concert in Jiangsu and Zhejiang the year before last. You told me that his father was a famous real estate tycoon, worth billions."

When Xu Rou heard Ye Wenxuan's question, she raised her brows slightly. After thinking for a while, she took the person Ye Wenxuan said into consideration, and remembered who Luo Jiahao was.

"Boss, I remembered that Luo Jiahao is the son of Luo Shanyuan, the boss of Jiangshan Real Estate. He has some contacts with our company, but the relationship is not very close." Xu Rou explained.

Ye Wenxuan took a sip of the strong coffee in his cup, his eyes were interesting, but Ye Wenxuan didn't say anything about Ye Jiachen and Luo Jiahao's relationship.

"Give me a copy of Jiangshan Real Estate's information, as well as detailed information about Luo Jiahao's family and potential background relationships. Please sort it out for me. The more detailed the better, I want to see the information before three o'clock in the afternoon." Ye Wenxuan opened the mouth and said.

Although Ye Jiachen described Luo Jiahao very well just now, Ye Wenxuan also has a good impression of Luo Jiahao.But as the saying goes, knowing people, knowing the face, not knowing the heart, listening is not enough.

At a young level, this is the happiness of my sister's life, but at a high level, it is related to the future of the entire Times Group.

Who knows if Luo Jiahao has some other purpose to get close to his sister with certain thoughts, it's hard to say.

Shopping malls are like battlefields, and some conspiracies and tricks are very common, and Marven Ye cannot be careless.

Xu Rou was a little puzzled, wondering why Ye Wenxuan suddenly wanted Jiangshan Real Estate's information, but seeing that Ye Wenxuan didn't intend to explain, she didn't say much, just nodded in agreement, and then left Ye Wenxuan's office.

After Xu Rou left, Marven Ye began to sort out his speech, and time passed quietly.


At ten o'clock, the sun was high, the sun was shining brightly, and the sky was clear.

All the employees in the Times Building put down what they were doing and walked towards the [-]th floor in groups.

The first floor is the central floor of the Times Building, which was transformed into a huge conference hall by the senior management of the Times Group.

The huge conference hall can accommodate thousands of people at the same time. The round trapezoidal conference hall has complete facilities and looks very tall.

Handsome men and beautiful women marched towards the conference room in groups, each of them was dressed in suits and leather shoes, with the demeanor of a white-collar in a big city, rushing towards them.

The senior management of the group also left one after another. From the top down, many artists of the group did not leave today. After all the announcements were made, they all attended today's general staff meeting as scheduled.

It is rare for the two companies under the Times Group to get together. Today is the first time, so it is of great significance.

At ten o'clock, all the employees took their seats on time, and all the leaders sat in their seats. Ye Wenxuan appeared in the center of the conference hall as scheduled.

The circular trapezoidal conference hall has a circular high platform in the center, and people stand on it, and there are people in 360 degrees, which is a bit similar to Europe and the United States.

Above the round platform, there is a surrounding screen, on which Ye Wenxuan's figure can be clearly displayed.

Ye Wenxuan stood on the round platform with a microphone in his hand, facing the attention of thousands of employees, Ye Wenxuan was as calm as water, but felt very honored.

"We gathered here today, took time out of our busy schedules, and had a short meeting together." Ye Wenxuan held the microphone with both hands, the voice was not loud, but it could be clearly heard by every employee, and the volume was just right.

"Times Building is our own building of Times Group, and it will be our home for a long time to come."

"Today, everyone is their own person, so I won't talk so much nonsense, just talk about something."

Ye Wenxuan spoke around the round platform, ensuring that he could take care of each side, so that each side would not look so lonely.

"The ancients said that without long-term considerations, there must be near-term worries. This sentence is applicable to an enterprise or even a country. Only consider the immediate comfort, but in fact you have slowly approached the abyss. So, what I want to say today, It is about the development of our Times Group in the next five years."

Ye Wenxuan's voice gradually became full of strength, and what Ye Wenxuan said made many senior leaders in the audience become serious.

Because what Ye Wenxuan is about to say is related to the future development of the entire group and their future.

"The first thing the company is doing right now is to expand its enrollment!"

"In half a month, our Times Group will hold an international job fair for outstanding talents from all over the world. Every department of you here will expand its recruitment. Maybe a month later, you will find that there will be many different jobs in the company. face, he could be white, he could be black."

"Even your partner may also be a foreigner, and the whole company will truly become a large international enterprise."

Ye Wenxuan talked eloquently on the stage, and the content of the content made many employees in the audience full of enthusiasm, because what Ye Wenxuan described was so vivid that they were a little excited.

However, many high-level leaders sitting in front of them looked a little dignified.

Because once there are more people... the competition is bound to become more intense!
(End of this chapter)

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