Rebirth of the Great Entertainer System

Chapter 986 Job-hopping craze!

Chapter 986 Job-hopping craze!

There are many introductions under the working environment, including soft articles about the future development of Times Group, about the status and influence of Times Group in the world, and about the corporate culture of Times Group...

In short, there are nearly ten thousand words in the various introductions, and there are many exquisite pictures about the interior of Times Group.It is all internal information that has never been exposed before, and this time it was released by Times Group.

After a series of introductions, they finally came to the main topic. The job information will be released below. From the lowest-level ordinary employees, to high-level professionals, to top talents with an annual salary of tens of millions, all have job demands.

However, even the most basic employees must have a master's degree or above, and must have a degree from a 985 or 211 college.As for top-level recruitment, there are more hardware requirements, and many requirements are never heard of by ordinary people.

The announcement was posted on the official website of Times Group, and then Li Yuxin's network propaganda department contacted several good media outlets, and after a little publicity, with some rhythm, the enthusiasm was quickly ignited.

It quickly squeezed into the top ten Weibo hot searches, and the speed is rising steadily, and the number of hits and comments is rapidly increasing.For many ordinary netizens, it is just to watch the excitement.

Times Group's employee treatment has always been widely praised by the outside world. Everyone knows that Times Group's treatment is very good, but many people don't have a clear concept of how it is good.

But now, everyone is clearly aware that what they have seen before is only the tip of the iceberg.

The comfortable, pleasant and high-end working environment, the extremely attractive benefits, and the high salary income, all of which have opened the eyes of many people.

"It's education and poverty that limit my imagination..."

"At first, I thought my company was already very good, but now compared with Times Group, it's like the difference between a palace and a pigsty!"

"My God, the Times Group's requirements are too high. Even an artist requires a master's degree and more than three years of experience in a large company. This is too exaggerated. This is just an artist! "

"There's a lot of fuss upstairs. They want to get a high salary and enjoy the generous treatment from the Times Group. If they don't have any real skills, how can they get in? This is normal."

"The highest position is actually an annual salary of 2000 million. Isn't that a bit too exaggerated, my God!"


Under the official website of Weibo Times Group, there are all comments about netizens, most of which are just for watching.

Because those who are really capable are basically starting to make resumes.

Regardless of whether there is a job or not, those who have jobs are already preparing to change jobs, and those who have no jobs and wait and see can't hold back.In short, many people were attracted by the recruitment announcement issued by Times Group, or... their hearts were moved!

At the same time, it wasn't just Huaxia who caused the turmoil. The turmoil caused was for... the whole world.

Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest…

Time Group's recruitment announcements have appeared on mainstream social platforms all over the world, with up to [-] translated versions in English, Russian, Korean, Japanese, French, German, etc., spreading crazily to the world.

The overwhelming news successfully attracted everyone's attention, and many top foreign talents were moved by it.

The reputation of Times Group may have some influence in the ears of many ordinary people.But for many professionals, Times Group's reputation is too big.

Times Group's epoch-making film and television technology has made countless professionals salivate.And many people also understand that mastering epoch-making excellent technology means mastering the veins of future wealth.

Being able to join such a group will greatly improve everyone's future.

In the eyes of many professionals, Times Group is the Apple of the mobile phone field, full of unlimited potential and vitality.


Weibo headquarters, data website department.

Guo Hongwei sat in front of the computer, typing quickly on the keyboard with both hands, but Guo Hongwei's movements were a bit weird, because he looked up and looked around from time to time, and he looked a little... nervous!
Finally, 15 minutes later, after Guo Hongwei pressed the enter button, he leaned back in his chair, let out a long breath, and relaxed.

But at this moment, a hand suddenly patted Guo Hongwei's shoulder from behind, and a deep voice came from behind.

"Awei, have you finished submitting your resume?"

When Guo Hongwei heard this voice, his hair stood up instantly, and his whole body froze.

Turning his head slowly, looking at the person standing behind him, Guo Hongwei felt like crying.

"Angkor, I...I..."

The person behind him is Guo Hongwei's immediate boss - Wu Dehui.

Guo Hongwei felt that there was nothing worse than being discovered by his boss when he wanted to change jobs.

Although he intends to jump to Time Group, Time Group may not necessarily hire him.If the Times Group didn't get in and he was expelled, it would be a tragic thing.

Wu Dehui looked at Guo Hongwei who was stiff all over, with a half-smile on his face, he couldn't tell whether he was happy or angry.

"The resume just now was for Times Group, right?" Wu Dehui asked with a smile.

It's lunch break now, and there is no one else in the office, only the two of them.

Guo Hongwei had no choice but to admit it with a nod. He was caught in the act, so he might as well be a bachelor.

"Angkor, I just give it a try, I hope you..." Guo Hongwei's face flashed a pleading look, hoping that Wu Dehui would keep quiet.

Wu Dehui raised his brows slightly, and when he heard Guo Hongwei's confession, his face showed such an expression.

Patting Guo Hongwei on the shoulder, Wu Dehui turned and left, leaving only one sentence.

"Work hard, maybe...we will be colleagues in the future."

Guo Hongwei looked at Wu Dehui's back, and the words Wu Dehui left before he left echoed in his mind. After thinking for a while, he understood Wu Dehui's meaning.

Guo Hongwei rubbed his head and suddenly became happy.

It seems that he is not the only one who wants to change jobs. It turns out that his boss Wu Dehui also has plans to change jobs.

"Hey, the temptation of the Times Group is too great, whoever can change it can resist it." Guo Hongwei muttered, turned around, stood up, and went to eat.


Times Group, Human Resources Department.

From the recruitment announcement in the morning to [-]:[-] pm, Times Group had received tens of thousands of resumes from all over the world.

This is the result of layer upon layer screening by the computer system. Otherwise, including those resumes that were passed by the computer system, it is estimated to be as high as 10,000+.

However, just tens of thousands of resumes will make the employees of the Human Resources Department of Times Group almost vomit blood from exhaustion...

(End of this chapter)

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