Rebirth of the Great Entertainer System

Chapter 988 Super cutting-edge talent!

Chapter 988 Super cutting-edge talent!
Ning Jiayu rubbed her round belly, and nodded her head in agreement from time to time after hearing Zheng Xuehui's words.

"Sister Hui, did you receive anyone special today? Is there anyone who is particularly powerful?" Ning Jiayu asked curiously.

Zheng Xuehui thought for a moment, her eyes lit up, and she nodded.

"Do you know Professor Cai Wenxiang from Central Finance and Economics? He is a very famous professor on the Internet. He often writes articles about China's economy and is called Papa Cai by many stockholders. Do you have any impression?"

Ning Jiayu frowned slightly, and shook her head in a daze.She has just entered the workplace and has no concept of financial management. Naturally, she doesn't know Cai Wenxiang from Central Finance and Economics.

But although I don't know, but listening to Zheng Xuehui's words, it seems that this person should be very powerful.And being able to serve as a professor in Central Finance and Economics must be a top talent with real talents.

Seeing Ning Jiayu's dazed face, Zheng Xuehui took out her mobile phone, entered her Weibo account, entered Professor Cai Wenxiang's Weibo account, and handed it to Ning Jiayu.

"Nong, this is the Weibo homepage of Professor Cai Wenxiang, with more than 40 fans, I have an intuitive experience now." Zheng Xuehui laughed.

Ning Jiayu did have an intuitive experience. It is really not easy to gain 40 fans on the Internet just by relying on her personal articles.

"What? Does this Professor Cai also want to work in our group?" Ning Jiayu asked in surprise.

Zheng Xuehui nodded with a smile, her face full of smiles.

Ning Jiayu couldn't sit still, and asked full of incomprehension: "How is this possible? Could it be that Professor Cai is willing to give up his job? That's the professor of Yangcai. He...why is he!"

Zheng Xuehui folded her hands and leaned on the back of the chair in the cafeteria.

"Nothing is impossible. Everyone has their own ambitions. Although it is stable in Yangcai, it is too comfortable. If Professor Cai Wenxiang has been in Yangcai, then his life will basically be like this.

But coming to our group is different. He can hold billions or even tens of billions of funds to invest and turn all his previous theories into practice.This is another kind of life. I think this kind of temptation is an irresistible temptation for anyone who studies finance. "

Ning Jiayu nodded thoughtfully, but she only had a half-knowledge, and she was not able to comprehend the thoughts of those big bosses at the top.

The two sat for a while and chatted about some topics other than work, then sent the dinner plate to the designated area, went back upstairs again, and started their overtime work.


American Emperor, MGM Pictures.

"Wilder, are you really not thinking about it anymore? Are you a little impulsive."

In the spacious and bright office, two fat middle-aged men were sitting on the sofa, with two glasses of whiskey on the table in front of them.

The two middle-aged men are both dressed in suits and leather shoes. From their appearance, it can be seen that both of them are very successful upper class people, well-dressed, and both are world-class men's clothing brands with high value.

"Oliver, I have really made up my mind. I am very rational now. This is a decision I made after a long time of deliberation." Wilder sighed softly and said slowly.

Oliver frowned, somewhat incomprehensible of Senior's decision.

"I admit that China's Times Group is very powerful now, and their epoch-making technology is indeed far ahead of us. But are you sure that after you join the Times Group, you will have access to these extraordinary technologies? Are you sure you can be reused?" Oliver is still making the last effort.

Oliver is the executive president of MGM Pictures. As one of the eight giants of Hollywood, MGM Pictures can make him retain such a person time and time again. How can he be an ordinary person.

Wilder, who was sitting next to Oliver, was a senior producer in the production department of MGM Pictures. His professionalism and professional ability ranked first in the entire MGM Pictures, and he was also a veteran of MGM.

But it was such a cutting-edge talent who handed Oliver his resignation this morning.This made Oliver feel bad all of a sudden, even a little dazed.

A super cutting-edge senior producer is a rare talent for every film and television company, and it is no exaggeration to say that it is a strategic talent. It is the core competitiveness of a film and television company.He can create a steady stream of excellent films for the company, and it is no exaggeration to say that he is the cash cow of the film industry.

Even if Oliver is in the position of CEO, it is impossible to allow the loss of talents like Wilder.

When Wilder heard this, his face was full of complexities. He picked up the whiskey on the table, took a sip, and let out a long sigh.

"Oliver, we have known each other for so many years. To be honest, I don't want to leave MGM. But if I stay in MGM forever, I will degenerate. I need the world's most cutting-edge technology to enrich myself What I want, MGM can't give me, only the far east, Time Group can give me."

"I'm only 50 years old this year, and I still have more than ten years to work hard. I want to see what the truly cutting-edge film and television technology looks like. You should know that I didn't go there for money, I did it for their epoch-making Film and television technology, this is too tempting for me, a producer who has been working all my life..."

After Wilder finished speaking, Oliver opened his mouth, wanting to continue to stay, but he didn't know how to do so.

Because he couldn't find a reason for Wilder to stay, the core competitiveness of the Times Group was indeed too strong for him to resist.

He also knows how attractive the resources of the Time Group are to senior filmmakers like Wilder.

MGM Pictures is old, and it is no longer the glorious MGM Pictures of the past.Even if we try our best to catch up now, and want to catch up with the Times Group, which is already at the forefront, we don't know how long it will take.

In the past few years, the eight major film companies jointly invested tens of billions of dollars in the research of film and television technology, although the results are now remarkable.However, compared with the Times Group in the far east, it is far worse.

A few days ago, "Wind and Clouds" came across the ocean.Even many film companies have done some tricks in private.But it still can't affect the strong rise of "Wind and Clouds". It's really the quality of the film that makes them unable to resist.

Just like the US emperor's consistent style in the past few years, relying on the superheroes that are popular in the world and the world's leading film and television technology, no matter how China resists, it will be in vain, because there is no doubt about its strength, and any conspiracy is useless.

Today, Times Group and Hollywood have turned upside down. With his strength, he has already opened up the US Emperor's market, and the future is bright and bright...

(End of this chapter)

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