Chapter 995 Confrontation!

Faced with Ye Jiachen's aggressiveness and pressing every step of the way, Hua Wenqing's face turned ugly.

"Ms. Ye, this matter is nothing more than a quarrel between two children, and a slap can't be slapped. It was just that Qi Yunhai was impulsive in the end. But Qi Yunhai also apologized to Fu Qi afterwards, and agreed A certain amount of economic compensation will be given."

"Look, it's better to make big things small, how about small things?"

Hua Wenqing's speech was very slow, in a slow manner, not to mention how irritating.

"Qi Yunhai is also called an apology. He just said sorry. He didn't take it seriously at all. It was just perfunctory. There is still 1 yuan in financial compensation, who cares about it!" Fu Qi added angrily, biting her lower lip, The expression is very wronged.

Hearing Fu Qi's words, Ye Jiachen's gaze became even colder.

"One slap, 1 yuan? If you call him here, I'll slap a hundred!" Ye Jiachen said coldly.

How can this matter be solved with 1 yuan?It's hilarious.

Marven Ye, who was standing behind, curled his lips, and muttered, "I have to call 800 million anyway, and if I don't call him, the fuck won't recognize it. This matter is not over..."

The room is so big, Ye Wenxuan's muttering can be heard by several people.

Hearing Ye Wenxuan's muttering, Fu Qi burst into laughter, laughing through her tears, and the anger hidden in her heart was reduced a lot.

In terms of wealth, there are really few people in Nuo Da Huaxia who are richer than his cousin.

If you have money, you are so self-willed, why?

When Hua Wenqing heard Ye Jiachen and Ye Wenxuan's words, his heart thumped a little.A person who can casually throw out 800 million yuan is a bit scary.

His sister's family, although rich.But it's not to the point where you don't take 800 million yuan seriously. Could it be that this little girl really has a lot of background?
Hua Wenqing's thoughts were intertwined, and he quickly thought of countermeasures. Now he regrets his nephew's mischief, and now he really got into a terrible trouble.

"Ms. Ye, tell me how to solve this matter?" Hua Wenqing decided to probe Ye Jiachen's tone.

"Fire Qi Yunhai!" Ye Jiachen said firmly.

"It's impossible," Hua Wenqing denied without thinking, and some anger rose on his face: "Although Qi Yunhai made a small mistake, it is definitely not to the point of being fired. Madam, this request, I Can't promise."

Hua Wenqing was finally irritated by Ye Jiachen's tough attitude, and he didn't want to care about the identities of these people in front of him.

No matter how rich he is, it has nothing to do with him.No desire, no desire, Hua Wenqing also became tough.

Having been in a high position for so many years, Hua Wenqing also has a temper, and now he doesn't want to hang out with Ye Jiachen anymore.

"Qi Yunhai, he harassed girls many times during his school days and caused many scandals in school. He threatened and lured many girls, and often sexually harassed girls. This time he even beat my sister. Such a bad student, Shouldn't he be expelled?" Ye Jiachen asked coldly without any fear.

"Ma'am, you need to talk about evidence. Do you have evidence? If you don't have evidence, please don't talk nonsense." Hua Wenqing patted the table, and his voice became louder: "This is the solution to this matter. If you If you are dissatisfied, hehe, you can go to the principal."

"If you don't accept it, you can call the police, or you can go to the education bureau above to report. Isn't it just that your sister was slapped, it's a big deal, it's endless."

Hua Wenqing stood up, and also fought back very forcefully.

Hua Wenqing was aware of his nature in this matter, although it was a very bad thing.Molested girls in public, spoke aggressively, and even hit them.But if you call the police, it is just a civil dispute, and there is no other way except mediation between the two parties.

As for making trouble with the school's senior management or the Education Bureau, there is nothing wrong with the way I handle it. Although there is a little bit of bias, it is completely irrelevant.

Campus violence happens every day, and there are many more serious things than this. How can the higher ups go to war because of such a small thing.

Besides, Hua Wenqing has been in the education system for so many years, and it's not like he doesn't have any connections at all.

Seeing that Hua Wenqing started to play a scoundrel, Ye Jiachen was furious.This is an obvious bias, which is simply unreasonable.

If this is an ordinary person, there is probably no way to get angry again, but to suffer from being dumb, there is no way.

But... Are the Ye family siblings ordinary people?
Hua Wenqing squinted at the ugly Ye Jiachen, seeing that she had nothing to say, a sneer appeared on her face.

So what if you have money?I just don't fuck you, what can you do to me?

Ye Jiachen soothed his mood and regained his composure.

"Director Hua, although you are Qi Yunhai's uncle, aren't you afraid of being criticized by the public if you protect him so much?"

Hua Wenqing's complexion changed, and the impatience that had been accumulated in his heart finally burst out: "So what if I am Qi Yunhai's uncle? What if I am partial to Qi Yunhai? I have told you about this matter, so let's do it. If you don't accept , welcome to report or call the police, please don’t bother me anymore, OK?”

Hearing Hua Wenqing's words, the corners of Ye Jiachen's mouth curled up in a strange way, and there was a smile that looked like a smile but wasn't a smile.

Seeing Ye Jiachen's appearance, Hua Wenqing felt a bad feeling in his heart, and regretted his impulsive aphasia.

Ye Wenxuan came up from behind the two, and unhurriedly took out a recording pen from his pocket. The red light was still flashing on it, obviously it was in the recording state.

Gently press the stop button to save the recording.

He took off the sunglasses and peaked cap, revealing Marven Ye's original face.

Marven Ye still kept a smile on his face, but the smile was very cold, and there was a hint of sarcasm in his eyes looking at Hua Wenqing.

"Director Hua, let me introduce myself. My name is Ye Wenxuan, and I am Fu Qi's sister. I think you should know who I am?" Ye Wenxuan introduced softly.

Seeing Ye Wenxuan's face, Hua Wenqing's heart was already filled with endless waves.

How could he not know Ye Wenxuan, the most popular Uranus superstar in China, whose influence is well-known in the whole world, and even the uncrowned king in Asia.

Such a famous person actually stood in front of him, how could this not shock Hua Wenqing.

What's even more frightening is that he is... Fu Qi's brother!

Who would have thought that there was such a big background behind this girl.

What makes Hua Wenqing speechless the most is that you have such a high status, why don't you say it!
Really pit...

(End of this chapter)

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