Rebirth of the Great Entertainer System

Chapter 999 Gathering of the top 2 generations in Beijing!

Chapter 999 Gathering of the Top Second Generations in Beijing!
As night falls, the blue sky is dotted with countless small stars.It echoes with the dim lights of the city, and complements the movement and stillness, making the entire Beijing North City extraordinarily charming.

Wudaokou in the north of Beijing, when night falls, it becomes a global village, where people of different skin colors and nationalities gather, the lights are bright and bustling.

Most of the people who play in Wudaokou are immature young people.Wudaokou is home to dozens of universities and scientific research institutions, so at night, it is full of vitality and ambiguity.

One by one, the students who had been busy studying all day came out of the school one after another, and three or two friends went to the bar to sit together, which was really pleasant.

There are a large number of bars in Wudaokou, with bars of different prices and environments.

There is a bar called Tosky in the middle, which occupies a large area, up to four floors, and the number of people and beauties here is second to none among the many bars around.

If you want to see whether a bar is hot or not, the flow of people is secondary, and the most important thing is to look at the concentration of beauties.

After all, people who come to the bar will have some idea of ​​releasing stress.Even if you can't meet such a good thing as one night, just looking at it is very eye-catching.

Right now, there are two luxury cars parked outside the door of Tosky Bar, which are Ye Jiachen's Maserati and Leng Feng's Ferrari.

Leng Feng and Ye Wenxuan stood together, chatting casually, while Ye Jiachen and Fu Qi stayed in the car.

"Are you reliable? When will this person come?" Ye Wenxuan asked as he looked at the street far away and saw that no one had come yet.

Leng Feng had a cigarette in his mouth, but he didn't smoke it, he just smoked it.Scratching his head, he said with a smile, "I made an appointment with them at eight o'clock, and it's only seven fifty now. They've always been very punctual. They won't let me go in such a matter."

Leng Feng said the last sentence firmly.

If this kind of thing is released as a pigeon, then my friend really can't deal with it.Leng Feng believed in his friend's character, so he was not worried at all.

Ye Wenxuan nodded, and whispered in Leng Feng's ear: "Just a lesson later, you must control the situation and don't make things out of control. Just beat him up and let him teach you a lesson." .”

Ye Wenxuan was still a little worried, fearing that young people like Leng Feng would be injured or killed on the spur of the moment, then the matter would be in serious trouble.

Leng Feng made an OK gesture, and said with a smile: "Master, don't worry, my group of friends are all too familiar with this kind of thing, first use force to suppress people, so that the other party does not have the mentality to resist, and finally cut it , that’s the basic process.”

After Leng Feng finished talking for a long time, he found that Marven Ye hadn't made a sound. He turned around and found that Marven Ye was looking at him with a half-smile.

"You kid, you know quite a lot, it seems that you are the boss!" Marven Ye teased.

Leng Feng quickly waved his hand and explained: "I don't fool around with them, I just play with them occasionally, I just listen to what they say, I'm a good boy."

"That's the best. My little sister hates ignorant boys the most. If you want to chase after my sister, you still need to improve. Maybe, maybe one day my sister will fall in love with other boys , when the time comes, you won’t be able to find the tune when you cry.”

Hearing Ye Wenxuan's words, Leng Feng laughed dryly twice, and a sense of tension suddenly surged in his heart.Thinking of Fu Qi cuddling in someone else's arms one day, Leng Feng felt unbearable just thinking about it.

Sometimes love is so inexplicable, maybe the day before it was pure hearted, but the day after, love suddenly came.

As the two of them chatted, the time passed by every minute and every second, until it was eight o'clock.

At this moment, at the intersection not far away, there was a sudden roar of cars.

I saw a convoy of more than ten cars, all made up of sports cars, driving towards Tosky Bar, and each car was a luxury car.

Porsche 911, Audi R8, Ferrari, BMW i8, Aston Martin DB11...

The value of each sports car is more than 200 million yuan, and the fleet of more than ten cars instantly attracted the attention of everyone here.Subconsciously, many people feel that something is going to happen tonight.

More than ten sports cars parked neatly on the side of the road, and then one after another got out of the cars.They are all well-dressed and look full of luxury.

About 20 people rushed to Tosky bar, to be precise, they came to Leng Feng.

"Hey, Ah Feng, we're not late, are we?" A short-haired, short-cut boy in the lead shouted to Leng Feng from a long distance away.

Leng Feng saw so many friends showing face like this, and a sincere smile appeared on his face.

"It's never too late, the time is just right." Leng Feng stepped forward and responded, and gently hugged every brother who came.

"Come, come, let me introduce you." Leng Feng walked to Marven Ye and introduced to everyone in front of him: "This is my master—Marven Ye, I don't think I need to introduce who he is?"

Everyone was a little confused when they heard Leng Feng's introduction. Although they knew that Leng Feng had a master, they never expected that Leng Feng's master was Ye Wenxuan!

But thinking of Ye Wenxuan's title of champion of the World Martial Arts Championship, he felt relieved.Ye Wenxuan claims to be the strongest fighting king in the 21st century after Bruce Lee. This is not just yelling, but relying on Ye Wenxuan's pair of iron fists, one punch at a time.

No wonder Leng Feng's fighting power is so perverted, it turns out that his master is even more perverted.

What's more, Ye Wenxuan has many layers of identities, and each layer should not be underestimated. If they are superimposed, it will be even more shocking.

Facing the scrutiny of Leng Feng's little friend, Ye Wenxuan was calm and composed, without any pressure at all.

Although the group of young masters in front of him are all top-notch young masters.But compared to Marven Ye, they are still far behind.

Their parents may be comparable to Ye Wenxuan's generation, but if it's just them, it's still far behind.

What's more, in terms of identity, Ye Wenxuan is the grandson of the Yu family in the north of Beijing. With this identity, I am afraid that there are few people here who can be better than Ye Wenxuan.

Ye Wenxuan understood the difference, and Leng Feng and his gang of second generations also understood it.

Now they can only pretend to be powerful and frighten some low-level or middle-level people. It is impossible to suppress a tycoon like Ye Wenxuan.The two are not on the same level at all, they are far apart.

Leng Feng acted as a lubricating oil, and introduced his friends to Ye Wenxuan one by one.

After hearing the identities of these people, even Ye Wenxuan was secretly startled...

(End of this chapter)

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