Chapter 114

Gu Yifeng couldn't help taking a breath of air.

The flame sickle represents judgment and the god of death, how domineering it is.

call out!
An afterimage of the flame sickle soul Huai disappeared into Gu Yifeng's eyebrows and disappeared.

"The flame sickle is the symbol of the guardian of the mausoleum. Without the flame sickle, one is not a qualified guardian. Now that the lotus soul is in the body of the guardian, you must practice hard and let the flame sickle reappear in the world as soon as possible."

"Ah, Patriarch, the sickle soul is given to me. If other strong men come to the door, with the disciple's current cultivation base, it will be impossible to keep it."

Gu Yifeng was both excited and worried.


A cold snort resounded through the air.

"As the guardian of the mausoleum, as a descendant of the ancient family, you should not be afraid of anyone, but you are frightened. It really insults the fighting blood in your body and insults your body as a god of war."

"Old Ancestor, I...but my cultivation is really low now..."

Gu Yifeng's confidence is a bit lacking.

"Find a way to survive by yourself, and I will give you 100 years. If you can't become the strongest in this world within a hundred years, then you will be disqualified as the guardian of the tomb."

"What, a hundred years?"

Gu Yifeng was stunned.

100 years may seem like a long time, but it is very short.

The world is strong like clouds,

Take Jiang Tailang as an example.

He is the number one genius in the mainland, but it took him a hundred years to step into the realm of life and death.

But the realm of life and death is not the peak of cultivation, there are still some unknown realms above Gu Yifeng.

In a word, for him to become the strongest in the mainland within a hundred years, it is more difficult than ascending to the sky.


He kept calling the ancestor in his heart.

But the ancestor did not speak again.

He sat on the rock, looking thoughtful.

The requirements that the ancestor set for him are too high, but this also shows that the blood of the Gu family's battle and the body of the God of War are terrifying.

Since the ancestor ordered this way, there is naturally a reason for him, as long as he concentrates on cultivation, this is not impossible.

"Now that I have obtained the soul of the flame sickle, once I cultivate the flame sickle, who am I afraid of?"

"The most urgent thing is to leave as soon as possible, otherwise other strong people will find it, and it will be troublesome."

Gu Yifeng stood up from the ground, and after identifying the direction, he ran away.

After more than ten days of walking through the rolling mountains, he walked out of the mountains and appeared in a small city.

After making some inquiries in the small town, he knew where he was now.

The eighth summit of Xuantianzong was about to be held, he didn't stop at all, and rushed towards Xuantian City without stopping, this time he used the magic weapon of flying, and returned to Xuantian City after three days.

He was worried all the way.

Because he got the flame sickle soul that countless strong people are fighting for, he is worried that some super strong people will trouble him,

After so many days, none of those strong men came to the door, and the worries in his heart were also let go.

Outside Xuantian City.

A man in a black robe came, he stayed outside the city, looked at the city ahead, and laughed happily.

"Hahaha, Xuantian City, I have finally rushed back."

This trip to Qingzhou took only a few months, but Gu Yifeng experienced many strange things.

He took on a mission, but he didn't expect that the escort was the core of the treasure handed down from the ancient family era, and with the help of the ancestor, he got the flame sickle soul.

There is also the collapse of the Wanli Mountains...

Looking back now, Gu Yifeng also guessed something.

This must have been a battle between superpowers who knocked down the mountains.

"Ye Meng..."

The girl wearing a hat and men's clothing appeared in Gu Yifeng's mind.

"Who is she? Why does she know everything about me? No, she should know everything about the Gu family."

Ye Meng didn't know Gu Yifeng's identity at the beginning, but she only guessed it after Gu Yifeng asked Tian Candique and reported his name.

"Since she learned of my identity, she seems to have taken care of me in every possible way. Who is she?"

Gu Yifeng couldn't guess Ye Meng's identity.

But what is certain is that Ye Meng is really taking care of him.

"I don't know what happened to her, whether she broke out of the encirclement or not."

Gu Yifeng walked into Xuantian City with a heavy heart, he did not return to Xuantian Peak in a hurry, but went to the City Lord's Mansion,

He is the peak lord of Piaomiao Peak, and the city lord respects him very much.

City Lord's Mansion, the main hall.

A lot of people gathered here.

The city lord, Jun Luo and the outer disciples stationed in the city lord's mansion.

Gu Yifeng sat in the first place and asked, "City Master Zhao, has something major happened in the Southern Region during this time?"

The city lord, Zhao Zichang, looked respectful, and said, "Master Huifeng, there was indeed turmoil in the southern region some time ago. The incident of the flame sickle attracted many strong men to make a big move at the Tianguan of Lingzhou in the southern region, and what they fought was heaven and earth."

Gu Yifeng's heart tightened, and he couldn't wait to ask; "What happened later, how did it end?"

"In the end, Nan Zun took action, and the turmoil was quelled."

"Nan Zun?"

Gu Yifeng frowned slightly.

He stayed with Mo Lang for more than ten days.

Mo Lang also explained to him some things about the southern region and the mainland.

Nan Zun is the strongest in the Southern Territory. No one knows what level his cultivation base has reached, only know that his cultivation base is unfathomable.

Known as the Supreme of the Southern Territory.

The famous Nanyuan was founded by Nan Zun.

The reason why the Southern Court can attract Tianjiao from outside the Southern Territory is because Nan Zun is the dean.

"Even Nan Zun, the number one powerhouse in the Southern Territory, has been dispatched. It seems that the battle at Tianguan is indeed fierce. I am still a few days away from Tianguan, but the area where I am is also destroyed. Is the terrifying thing about the strong, just the aftermath of the battle is enough to destroy the world."

"The flame sickle, who got it?"

Zhao Zichang shook his head and said, "I'm not sure about that. Not only the ancestors of the Xiao family, but also many mysterious experts were present in the battle at Tianguan. No one knows who took the flame scythe."

Hearing this, Gu Yifeng felt relieved.

It's good that no one knows.

However, he still has some worries in his heart.

I hope that the employer who hired him died in the chaos of war, otherwise the employer will find him sooner or later, and it will be troublesome to ask him to return the flame sickle soul.

He doesn't know the identity of the mysterious employer, but he can guess his strength.

To be able to fight against the ancestors of the first family in the southern region, the strength is definitely not weak, at least they are beyond the realm of life and death.

After learning about these things, Gu Yifeng didn't stay in the City Lord's Mansion any longer, turned around and left.

Jun Luo looked at Gu Yifeng who was leaving, and wanted to speak, but he couldn't speak, so he just stood there and watched Gu Yifeng disappear from sight.

Gu Yifeng was not idle after returning to Piaomiao Peak.

There are still about ten days before Bafeng Wu, he must hurry up and practice.

With his current strength, he can absolutely crush everything in Xuantianzong, but this is not his goal.

His goal is to compete with the Tianjiao from the other seven states for the place to join the Southern Academy.

ps: There is a new book pk system in Tencent Bookstore, that is to say, more than a dozen books are placed in one recommended position to pk at the same time, and those with good scores will advance to the next round of pk, and go to a better position to pk, attracting more book lovers to watch .

Crazy participated in a pk, unfortunately, pk failed.

With so many new books, I reached the 30th place in the new book list in a few days of pk, and the recommendation votes also crushed other books, but the editor informed me that pk failed, and there will be no pk in the future, and arranged for me to put [-] words on the shelves.

My grades crushed other books, but I failed in pk. Is the editor blind, or what?
Crazy is really not reconciled, the book pk with worse grades than mine was promoted, and I got a better recommendation, but I failed.

The editor arranged for me to put it on the shelf, but I rejected it.

Now there are only more than 2 collections, and now there are no people who subscribe to it, so crazy will eat dirt.

Crazy has children to raise, so he can't just give up.

Crazy plans to fight again.

This book will not be released for a short time, and I may get to more than 100 million words. If more than 100 million words are not popular and have no results, Crazy may not continue to write.

During the free period, friends can help Crazy once. After today, Crazy will not be asking for votes, favorites, or rewards. Friends who are willing to vote, I hope you can vote every day.

(End of this chapter)

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