Nine Heavens Ancestor

Chapter 126 Yurou's Thoughts

Chapter 126 Yurou's Thoughts ([-])

Gu Yifeng was defeated, but he was still satisfied with the result.

There are still more than 20 people left. He can represent Xuantianzong and Lingzhou Tianjiao without continuing to fight.

This is Xuantianzong's affirmation of his strength.

Today's battle is over.

The confrontation between Gu Yifeng and Jiang Hao feasted the eyes of Xuantianzong disciples.

After the madness of Gu Yifeng's blood disappeared, his injuries also deteriorated, his arm was almost disabled, and he couldn't lift a little strength.

In addition, the battle with Jiang Hao was extremely exhausting for him, and his whole body strength was almost exhausted. When the result of the battle was announced, he sat down on the ground, and he didn't even have the strength to stand up.

Many disciples from Piaomiao Peak rushed over quickly.

The two beauties, Han Yue and Han Yurou, helped him up, each supporting his arm.

"Peak Master, are you alright?"

"Is the injury serious?"

The two looked concerned.

Gu Yifeng said softly; "It's nothing serious, it's just a lack of strength, and you'll be fine after a night's rest."

The Great Elder came over and said, "Master Gu, go down and heal your wounds, and leave in ten days to go to Tianxiang Valley to participate in the grand meeting in Lingzhou every few decades. I hope you can win glory for Xuantianzong."

"Ten days..."

Gu Yifeng was stunned.

It has been more than three months since he entered the mausoleum last time, but he has never had time to enter the mausoleum to practice.

Now the Great Elder has informed that it will be ten days later to go to Tianxiang Valley to participate in Lingzhou's once-in-a-decade grand meeting.

After being stunned for a while, he shouted joyfully with a look of joy on his face, "Grand Elder, I will definitely not embarrass Xuantianzong."

Under many envious gazes, Gu Yifeng was helped away by two beauties from Piaomiao Peak.

There will be a battle tomorrow, but it has nothing to do with Gu Yifeng, because he has already obtained the qualification to represent Xuantianzong in the battle.

Soon he returned to Misty Peak.

The other disciples left one after another, Han Yue went to prepare food, Han Yurou stayed behind to serve Gu Yifeng.

Two days, two battles.

The strength Gu Yifeng displayed became stronger each time, bringing her surprises again and again.

She never thought that there are people in the world who practice so fast.

Looking at Gu Yifeng who was sitting on the bed to adjust his breath and recuperate, and looking at that handsome face, she was fascinated and fascinated.

The scene in Wolongyuan that day emerged in my mind.

At that time, Gu Yifeng was stupid and stabbed himself with a sword in order to save her.

Her heartstrings seemed to be plucked, and a ripple appeared in her calm heart.

"Senior Sister Yurou, what are you doing?"

At some point, Han Yue walked in with some food.

She saw Han Yurou staring blankly at Gu Yifeng who was practicing Qigong and adjusting his breath, and stretched out his hand to shake in front of her eyes.

Han Yurou reflected.

"Ah, what did you say?"

A blush flashed across her beautiful face, as if something secret had been discovered, and she looked panic-stricken.

Han Yue glanced at Gu Yifeng, then looked at Han Yurou's expression, and suddenly realized: "Oh, I see, Senior Sister, don't think you like the ancient peak master, do you?"

"Silly girl, don't talk nonsense, it's nothing."

Han Yurou explained with a blushing face, but the more she explained, the redder she became.

All red up to the neck.

"He still said no, his face turned red, this is not the Senior Sister Yurou I know."

"I'm too lazy to care about you."

Han Yurou didn't know how to explain, so she turned around and left.

"Since you're here, then you will take care of the Peak Master, I'm going back."

Leaving a word, she hurried out of the room.

Han Yue murmured softly; "If you like it, you like it. It's not something shameful. Master Gu Peak is handsome and handsome, and his cultivation base is still so strong. It's normal to like him."

After muttering a few words, she walked towards Gu Yifeng and called softly, "Peak Master, let's eat something first."

Gu Yifeng opened his eyes and exhaled a foul breath.

At this moment, his strength has also recovered a lot, but the injury on his arm has not recovered, but it does not affect his activities.

He got out of bed, looked at the delicacies on the table, and his appetite increased greatly.

Walked over and ate voraciously,

"Hmm... Hanyue, your cooking skills are getting better and better, it's so delicious."

Hanyue said with a smile; "Peak Master likes it, so eat more."

She stood aside, seeing Gu Yifeng eating, she looked satisfied, and her vanity was greatly satisfied.

Full of wine and food.

Gu Yifeng burped.

After Hanyue cleaned up the table, she stood behind Gu Yifeng, squeezed his shoulders, and asked with a smile, "Peak Master, what do you think of Senior Sister Yurou?"

Gu Yifeng closed his eyes and enjoyed it.

"Not bad, she is a kind-hearted woman."

"Peak Master, aren't you single? It just so happens that my senior sister is also single, so why don't you just marry my senior sister..."

Gu Yimeng stood up suddenly, "Are you kidding..."

Han Yue just said something casually, she didn't expect Gu Yifeng to have such a big reaction, she pouted and said, "It's fine if you don't want to, such a big reaction scared me."

Gu Yifeng scratched his head and said, "Han Yue, what you said scared me. How can I be worthy of Yurou? It's getting late. You should go back first. I also want to retreat and heal my wounds." gone."

"Oh fine."

Han Yue left Gu Yifeng's room.

Gu Yifeng sat on the bed, tried his best to adjust his mentality, and then began to heal his injuries.

The night will soon pass.

After a night of breathing adjustment, Gu Yifeng's strength has fully recovered, and his injuries have also completely recovered.

He put on the robe refined by the blue and white island master again, and then walked out of the room.

The sun poured down, shining on the face, with indescribable warmth.

"Go to see my father, and then enter the mausoleum for retreat."

Gu Yifeng left Piaomiao Peak for half a year, and has been retreating and competing in martial arts since he came back, so he didn't have time to watch the ancient battle at all.

He will go to Tianxiang Valley in ten days, and he wants to see the ancient battle before retreating.

Gu Zhan lived in an independent courtyard in the back mountain of Piaomiao Peak half a year ago.

This used to be Du Xi's residence, but because Du Xi left, it became vacant.

Gu Yifeng pulled to the independent manor in the back mountain, and before he entered the yard, he heard voices coming.

He went in.

In a gazebo in the yard, a man and a woman are happily chatting,

The man is Gu Zhan.

The woman is Han Yurou.

Gu Yifeng was stunned when he saw Han Yurou.

Immediately walked over, shouted from afar, "Father."


Gu Zhan was overjoyed, stood up from the stone chair, patted his shoulder, with a gratifying smile on his face.

"Good boy, I really have you. In just half a year, your cultivation has improved by leaps and bounds. Yurou has already told me about your martial arts competition at Xuantian Peak."

Han Yurou stood aside and called out, "Peak Master."

Gu Yifeng asked: "Yurou, why are you here?"

Before Han Yurou could answer, Gu Zhan said first; "Yurou is a good girl. In the past six months, she has often come here to chat with me to relieve my boredom. The day I thought about, Yi'er..."

"Father, tell me."

Gu Zhan thought for a while and said, "I want to go back to Tianyang Empire."

"go back?"

Gu Yifeng was taken aback, and asked, "Father, you are living well in Piaomiao Peak, what are you going to do when you go back?"

Gu Zhan patted Gu Yifeng on the shoulder, "Yi'er, you have grown up, staying by your side for your father will only become your burden, now that the Qin family is destroyed, there will be no danger for me to return to Tianyang Empire. "

Gu Yifeng immediately knelt on the ground.

"Father, the child is not filial and cannot accompany you to serve you."

The ancient war helped the ancient Yifeng.

"Men's ambitions are everywhere. I know that Xuantianzong can't trap you. I know that you have someone you care about. You can go there without worry. Zhongzhou is your stage."

(End of this chapter)

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