Nine Heavens Ancestor

Chapter 149 Interception

Chapter 149 Interception (four more outbreaks)
Also heart left.

Gu Yifeng didn't know where she was going to retreat and awaken her blood.

Only he and a group of apes are left here.

"My life, the flame sickle..."

He clenched his fists,

With so much Hundred Flowers Wine, his spiritual power can be improved in the shortest possible time, and he will be able to awaken his life soon.

He is very confident in his own life, and once he awakens his life, he will definitely be able to kill Ye Yao.

As for the Heaven Swallowing Demon Ape Clan's unique skill against the sky, he didn't know what it was, but the ancestor left a message that he had to be completely awakened and his bloodline changed before he could be qualified to practice.

He is still far away from fully awakening his bloodline.

For the time being, there is no need to think about Ni Tian Ta, the most urgent task is to increase the strength as soon as possible, awaken the original life, and kill the night invitation.

To prevent him from going back to Zhongzhou to tell Jiang Tailang the news of his strong rise.

Otherwise, if Jiang Tailang sent more powerful men, or personally came to kill him, then he would be in danger.

He returned to the cave where Yixin was before, and began to retreat and practice wholeheartedly.

With Hundred Flowers Wine, his spiritual power is improving every moment.

While he was working hard,

million mountains, outskirts,

Ye Yao fought against Gu Yifeng, using the dragon soul's life, and did not wait to kill Gu Yifeng.

He came to the outskirts of the Million Mountains.

A mountain, the top of a mountain.

This place is the only way to leave the Million Mountains and go to Tianxiang Valley.

On the top of the mountain, there is an open area.

The cultivation bases of the nine disciples of Xuantianzong were all sealed, tied to the ground,

Ye Yao stood on the edge of the cliff, looking into the distance.

The ten members of the Tianshan faction stood aside cautiously.

They don't understand what's going on.

I only know that Ye Yao went to kill Gu Yifeng, but came back in a state of embarrassment. After arriving here, he didn't say a word, just stared into the distance in a daze.

Yunling asked cautiously; "Master Ye Yao, take... what shall we do next?"

He spoke very carefully, for fear of offending Ye Yao and being bombarded to death by Ye Yao.

Ye Yao's expression was gloomy.

He ordered in a cold voice; "You go down the mountain to guard the way out of the mountain. No matter who leaves the million mountains, stop them and snatch their identity tokens. I will let everyone be eliminated."


Yun Ling was shocked.

He didn't understand what Ye Yao meant by doing this.

"Gu Yifeng will come out of the mountain sooner or later. He escaped by chance last time. This time, you all pay close attention. Once you find him appearing, notify me immediately, kill Gu Yifeng, and eliminate everyone. I will join the South Court alone. At that time, I will take you as followers and bring you into the South Courtyard."

The disciples of Tianshan School scolded Ye Yao thousands of times in their hearts.

Unwilling, they turned and left reluctantly.

Down the mountain, the main road out of the mountain.

Tianshan sent ten people to guard this place.

"This evening invitation is too presumptuous."

"That's right, the ambition is really big. He actually wants to eliminate everyone. He participated in the battle on behalf of Lingzhou alone. He also said that he would accept us as followers. Without him, we would definitely be able to join the South Court."

"Forget it, let's stop complaining. Without him, we would have been eliminated a long time ago. It is he who gave us the opportunity to join the South Campus. We should be grateful."

The disciples of the Tianshan School were dissatisfied, but there was nothing they could do.

Who made Ye Yao's cultivation strong?

And there is no night invitation, they are still useless people, and they can't recover their cultivation at all.

Tianshan sent ten people to guard the main exit from Wanwan Dashan to intercept the leaving monks.

Most of those who left were relatively weak monks whose identity tokens were taken away,

"Brother, why are you intercepting me? My identity token has been snatched away."

"Brother, I don't have an identity token, I was robbed."

The vast majority of monks have lost their identity tokens.

The disciples of the Tianshan School didn't make things difficult for these monks who were only three or four innate, and let them go.

Three days passed in a blink of an eye,

Three days later, masters appeared one after another.

They are all cultivators who have snatched the identity tokens, killed the monsters, and obtained the inner alchemy.

After they finished their tasks, they all left Million Mountain,

But just as they were about to leave Wanwan Dashan, they were intercepted by disciples of the Tianshan School. All the tokens they had collected over a long period of time were looted, and the demon pills they obtained were also taken away.

These monks were furious one by one.

But the ten members of the Tianshan faction are too strong, and there is an unfathomable Ye Yao behind him,

They dared not speak out, they could only hand over their tokens, hand over their demon pills, and leave Baiwan Dashan in despair.


In the depths of the Million Mountains, there is a mountain range shrouded in white mist.

Gu Yifeng has been retreating here for three days.

For the past three days, he has been drinking Baihuajiu, absorbing the energy of Baihuajiu to increase his strength.

The first time Baihua wine is drunk, the effect is very good.

But the more you drink, the worse the effect.

Even so, it is stronger than the general panacea,

After three days of practice, Gu Yifeng's spiritual power has more than doubled, and has reached the strength of the innate eighth-layer natal realm.

Ordinary monks only pay attention to the cultivation of spiritual power, but ignore the physical body and blood.

But Gu Yifeng didn't want to lose both the body and the blood.

Because his bloodline is the blood of fighting, and his physical body is the body of a god of war.

All his strength comes from his flesh and blood.

Only when the physical body, strength, and bloodline are improved simultaneously, his strength will become stronger after the bloodline has become mad, and he can surpass the realm to kill the enemy.

If he only increases his spiritual power, once his cultivation base is improved, his strength will be similar to that of a monk of the same realm. He cannot be defeated but kills enemies whose cultivation base is higher than his own realm.

But now he has no time to improve his body and blood power.

Now it is Lingzhou General Assembly.

So many days have passed, the other powerhouses must have collected the tokens, killed the monsters, and completed the task.

If he continues to delay the time, he will not be able to complete the task first one hundred.

"The spiritual power has improved, but I haven't awakened my life. With my current strength, I am doomed to meet Ye Yao again. I must awaken my life to leave."

Although he cares about the top [-] of the conference, compared with his life, everything is not important.

Gu Yifeng didn't know that Ye Yao intercepted other monks on the only way to leave Baiwan Dashan, and snatched their identity tokens, demon pills,

If he knew, he wouldn't be so impatient.

"Lianhun... the ancestor said that sickle soul is the key to awakening the flame sickle, but where is Lianhun?"

Gu Yifeng sat cross-legged and kept thinking.

The spiritual power in Qihai changed instantly, turning into the domineering Tiancanhuo.

The remnants of the sky continued to burn in the sea of ​​​​qi.

At this moment, some miraculous residual fires suddenly appeared in Qihai. These residual fires appeared inexplicably. They seemed to be alive.

"Here, is this Lian Hun? It was because I was not strong enough before, but now I have enough power. Did Lian Hun show up on his own initiative?"

(End of this chapter)

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