Nine Heavens Ancestor

Chapter 152 The Final Showdown

Chapter 152 The Final Showdown (Eruption of the Seventh Watch)
Gu Yifeng didn't know the name of the man in the purple-red robe who fought against him last time.

But he knew that the night invitation that Honglian was talking about was the person who fought against him last time.

As soon as he mentioned the night invitation, he felt angry.

Honglian yelled loudly; "Gu Yifeng..."

"Ah, what's the matter?"

Gu Yifeng looked at Honglian.

At this moment, she didn't have the charming expression she used to have, but only a dignified expression.

Hong Lian said with a serious face; "I admit that you are a true arrogance and a person with unlimited potential. In just one year, you have grown to the level I look up to, but Ye Yao is not an ordinary person. He awakened the dragon The soul's original life, the cultivation base has stepped into the innate ninth level, and the original life has evolved to the second form."

Gu Yifeng looked calm, nodded indifferently; "I know."

"Knowing that you are still going, do you know that the past few days, Ye Yao led ten Tianjiao factions from Tianshan to guard the exit, and snatched away all the tokens and demon pills from the monks who have completed the test. So many days have passed since the Lingzhou Conference, But no one was selected into the top [-] in Lingzhou."

"Ah, there is such a thing?"

The news of Honglian surprised Gu Yifeng.

Honglian nodded and said, "Ye Yao said that the entire Lingzhou Tianjiao will be eliminated, and he also said that you will die without a place to bury you."

Gu Yifeng snorted coldly; "He let me die without a place to bury him, and I want to make him forever."

"Are you really stupid or fake? You are not his opponent yet. Can you avoid his edge for the time being?"

Gu Yifeng looked at the anxious Honglian with a smile, and jokingly said, "After a long time, you are worried about me, worried that I will be defeated by Ye Yao."

Honglian's pretty face flushed, she lowered her head, and said softly.

"Ghost, ghosts are worried about you. I just heard that the night invitation is from Zhongzhou. I don't want him to defeat all the geniuses in Lingzhou. I want you to sneak out and represent Lingzhou to compete with the geniuses from other states to join the Southern Academy."

Gu Yifeng put away his laughter and asked seriously; "Has your identity token been robbed too?"

"En." Honglian nodded, and said; "It's not just me, any Tianjiao who got all the tokens and got the demon pills to complete the task will be intercepted by the night invitation."

Gu Yifeng patted Honglian on the shoulder and said with a smile; "You have helped me before, don't worry, when I join the South Courtyard, I will accept you as a maid and bring you into the South Courtyard."


Honglian was stunned.

Why are these words so familiar?

She remembered that she had said something similar to Gu Yifeng before.

Unexpectedly, it was turned around now.

After being silent for a while, she raised her head, revealing a beautiful face.

He said softly, "If you want to take me to the South Courtyard, you have to avoid him. You are not Ye Yao's opponent yet. Avoid him. You can join the South Courtyard [-]%."

Gu Yifeng's appearance was seen by many monks, and in a short while, it reached the ears of Tianshan School disciples.

Million Mountains, the closest mountain range to Tianxiang Valley.

In front of the cliff, a man in a purple robe looked into the distance.

The breeze blew away his long hair, which was indescribably flowing.

Yunling rushed over quickly and reported; "Young Master Ye invites you, Gu Yifeng has appeared."

A gloomy look flashed across Ye Yao's expression, and a murderous look filled his body.

Turning around, he asked, "Where are you now?"

Yunling pointed to the distance, and said, "I appeared a few kilometers ahead before, but was stopped by the witch of the Blood Refining Sect. I don't know where it is now."

Ye Yao's figure flashed and disappeared in an instant.


Honglian tried her best to persuade Gu Yifeng not to collide with Ye Yao.

A few days ago, she saw the fierce battle between the two in the dark.

Although Gu Yifeng is strong, Ye Yao is even more perverted. He awakened the dragon soul's original life and evolved to the second form.

Gu Yifeng will only be crushed when facing the night invitation.

"Last time you were able to escape because Ye Yao only used the first form of his life. Once he uses the second form of his life, you will definitely die. Listen to me, how far you are now, how far you go, and find a chance to slip away at night go out."

Gu Yifeng's expression is determined, he has the blood of fighting, the body of the god of war, and now he slips away, once it is spread, he will be ridiculed.

"I didn't use all my strength last time. This time I don't plan to keep it. I will kill Ye Yao. The million mountains are where his bones are buried."

Gu Yifeng was full of confidence.

"What an idiot, why are you so stubborn and don't listen to persuasion, forget it, if you want to die, you can go, aunt doesn't care."

Guren's chest heaved up and down with anger.

"Didn't use all my strength, did I?"

A low voice came.

Gu Yifeng heard the sound and looked, and a figure appeared on the top of a big tree in the distance.

He was wearing a purple-red robe, and there was a touch of strangeness on his handsome face.

"Ye Yao, I was looking for you, but you came here. Let's see if I don't kill you this time."

When Gu Yifeng saw the person coming, the fighting spirit rose in his body.

With a leap, he flew towards a big tree and stood steadily on the top of the tree.

"This idiot..."

Honglian cursed angrily.

She can't help it now.

Because with her current strength, there is no way to stop this battle, she can only secretly pray that Gu Yifeng can save his life.

Both of them were standing on the treetops, their eyes were looking at each other, full of hostility.

"Boy, last time I let you get away with it, you won't have any chance this time."

Ye Yao's icy voice resounded, and the aura on his body was rising, raising his aura to the Ninth Level of Innate Realm in an instant.

Gu Yifeng looked calm, and said casually; "Don't worry, I will never run away this time, and the million mountains will be your burial place."

As soon as the two met, they spoke harshly, and confronted Maimang, neither of them convinced the other.

There are too many monks in Lingzhou gathered in this area.

They were all robbed of their identity tokens and lost Tianjiao, the top [-] in Lingzhou,

They didn't leave all this time, they just wanted to wait for Gu Yifeng to appear, expecting him to defeat Ye Yao,

Gu Yifeng and Ye Yao had fought against each other before, and they were evenly matched. In the end, Ye Yao used the dragon soul's life to defeat Gu Yifeng.

Many monks knew that Gu Yifeng was no match.

But between Gu Yifeng and Ye Yao, they supported Gu Yifeng.

"Peak Master Gu, defeat this self-righteous night invitation from Zhongzhou."

"Give me a hard beating and let him know that Lingzhou also has a terrifying arrogance."

There were some shouts in the distance.

Hearing the cry, Gu Yifeng looked at Ye Yao with a gloomy face, and smiled lightly; "It seems that your reputation is not very good, so many people hate you to the bone."

"So what."

Ye Yao said coldly; "This is the cultivation world. They are not as strong as me. I snatched their identity tokens. They can blame me for this. Go to hell..."

Ye Yao attacked suddenly, at an extremely fast speed, and appeared in front of Gu Yifeng in an instant, followed by a bright long sword appearing in his hand,

The icy long sword approached Gu Yifeng's vital point with a terrifying sword energy.

As soon as he made a move, he used all his strength.

This sword was terrifying, the power emitted by the sword energy alone shook the big tree under Gu Yifeng's feet, and the leaves were flying all over the sky.

(End of this chapter)

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