Nine Heavens Ancestor

Chapter 156 I am the Body of the Holy Spirit

Chapter 156 I am the Body of the Holy Spirit

A peak duel ended like this.

According to Gu Yifeng's original idea, he wanted to use the night invitation to practice and stimulate his own potential.

But the strength he displayed was too terrifying, which made Ye Yao feel fear and make Ye Yao shrink back.

Adding his unintentional words, it seems that some secret has been drawn out, which caused Ye Yao to be afraid and choose to escape.

How could he let Ye Yao leave just like that, and directly used his life to kill him with one move.

He didn't use his life aboveboard, but disguised himself, wrapping the flame sickle with spiritual power.

Ye Invitation was very strong, but when faced with the flame sickle, he was instantly killed.

Gu Yifeng used the blood devouring beads to absorb his blood essence and took away his space storage magic weapon.

The body fell from the sky, hovered and sat on the ground, panting continuously.

He was badly wounded, but not fatally.

He looked at the exquisite ring in his hand and grinned.

"The space storage magic weapon from Zhongzhou Tianjiao must have many treasures."

Ye Yao is dead, and the magic weapon of space storage has become an ownerless thing. He dripped a drop of blood on the ring and established a connection with the ring.

This is a large storage ring, the interior space is the size of a house, and there are many miscellaneous things inside.

There are tens of millions of Lingshi alone.

There are also tens of thousands of spirit crystals.

"What a local tyrant, kill a few more Tianjiao from Zhongzhou, and I will get rich."

The smile on Gu Yifeng's face became stronger, no wonder there are so many murders and robbing things in the cultivation world, it turns out that killing and robbing wealth has increased so fast,

From the night invitation storage ring, I found the identity token.

Take it out and take a look.

The number recorded above is more than 8.

"I'm going, this night invitation has looted so many identity tokens."

He took out his own token and merged it with the token of the night invitation, and the number on his identity token increased rapidly, quickly changing from one thousand to more than 8.

"Ye Invitation looted the identity token of Lingzhou Tianjiao, so no one advanced. So, if I walk out of the million mountains, I will become the only person in Lingzhou to advance?"

Gu Yifeng stared at the identity token in his hand in a daze.

After a while, he put away his identity token and continued to search for it in the night invitation storage ring.

In the storage ring, there are many rare pills, among which there are several bottles of fourth- and fifth-grade pills. In addition, there are some rare elixirs, all of which are of high quality.

"what is this?"

Gu Yifeng issued an ancient book.


He opened it up.

I don't know if I don't look at it, but when I look at it, there is joy on my face.

"This is the secret technique he used before, the secret technique that can transform the body into eight afterimages. Yes, it's mine. Find a chance to practice it."

Gu Yifeng is in a good mood.

There are too many treasures in the night invitation storage ring, which are enough for him to use for a period of time.

Around, many monks appeared.

They all stood in the distance, looking at Gu Yifeng who was sitting on the ground in shock and kept giggling.

When they saw that Gu Yifeng got the identity token that Ye Invitation snatched, they were all very excited and wanted to go over there and beg Gu Yifeng to give them some.

But he was worried that Gu Yifeng would not give it to him, so he chopped them off with one palm.

Honglian walked over first.

The battle just now was too fierce, she was sweating for Gu Yifeng from the beginning of the battle.

She didn't react until Gu Yifeng killed Ye Yao.

She didn't know who Gu Yifeng killed Ye Yao.


At this moment, Honglian didn't have the expression she used to have, and she became more cautious.

Gu Yifeng put away the storage ring, looked up,

Looking at Honglian with a cautious face, she grinned; "I told you, don't worry about me, what's the point of a mere night invitation, even if Jiang Tailang, the number one genius in the mainland, comes here in person, I'll treat him the same way." Get down."

Seeing Gu Yifeng joking, Honglian took a deep breath.

he's changed.

He is no longer the stupid boy who was in Wolongyuan in the past.

"Well, Master Gu, can you give me a thousand for the identity token in your hand?"

"Ah, this, no problem."

Gu Yifeng took out his identity token, looked at the numbers displayed on it,

Scratching his head, he looked embarrassed; "But, I only know how to fuse the identity tokens to increase the number, and won't separate the identity tokens."


Honglian was also stunned.

"Yes, can you show me?"

Gu Yifeng casually threw the identity token over.

Scared, Honglian immediately caught it.

"You, if you really give it to me, you won't be afraid that I will take it and run away?"

Gu Yifeng grinned and said, "You can't, and you don't have that strength."

Hong Lian took a deep look at Gu Yifeng, and immediately began to study the identity token. After a long time of fiddling, she failed to separate the identity token.

She gave it back to Gu Yifeng, and said in frustration; "It seems that the identity tokens can only be fused, not separated."

He looked at Gu Yifeng eagerly.

"Gu...Peak Lord, you have achieved the body of the invincible holy spirit, and now I count on you to carry it. You promised me that you would take me into the south courtyard."

Gu Yifeng scratched his head.

He is still confused about the body of the Holy Spirit.

He waved to Honglian, pointed to the rock beside him, and said, "Why are you so far away, I don't eat people, so come and sit."

Guren walked over cautiously, and sat down on the rock beside him.

"By the way, how much do you know about the body of the holy spirit, or how much do you know about Du Xi, let me tell you."

Honglian didn't know what Gu Yifeng meant.

"Du Xi..."

She thought for a while and then said; "Du Xi is the pride of the top family in Zhongzhou in the center of the mainland. Her father is as famous as Nan Zun, the head of the Southern Academy of the Southern Region, and is known as one of the top ten powerhouses in the mainland. She was born extraordinary .”

Gu Yifeng was shocked by Honglian's words,

"The daughter of the top ten superpowers in the mainland is really big."

Taking a deep breath, he asked, "Why is she so extraordinary?"

Honglian introduced; "On the day she was born, a vision appeared over the entire Lingzhou. After she was born, she was the body of the Holy Spirit, which is rare in all ages."

Gu Yifeng was very interested in the body of the Holy Spirit, so he listened carefully without interrupting.

"The body of the holy spirit, this is a very special physique, and this kind of physique can only appear in women, but men can obtain the body of the holy spirit through dual cultivation with women."

"The news that Du Xi is the body of the Holy Spirit spread across the mainland. Countless top sects and top families went to the Du family to propose marriage, but the head of the Du family took a fancy to Jiang Tailang, the proud son of the Jiang family. When Du Xi was very young, he had a relationship with the Jiang family. engagement."

"It turned out to be so."

Gu Yifeng suddenly understood, and asked, "Then what are the benefits of the body of the Holy Spirit?"

"No one knows what the benefits of the body of the Holy Spirit are, because it only exists in ancient books. Anyway, it is very good, the existence of the air every second of every day."

Honglian cast a glance at Gu Yifeng, and said, "Didn't Du Xi's body of the holy spirit have been transferred to you now? You know the benefits of the body of the holy spirit best."

Gu Yifeng scratched his head in embarrassment, and said, "Yes, I am the body of the Holy Spirit, how could I ask such a stupid question."

(End of this chapter)

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