Nine Heavens Ancestor

Chapter 165 Decision

Chapter 165 Decision (Tip and Change)
Tian Ling'er agreed, but Gu Yifeng was frightened by her last words.

froze for a few seconds,

He smiled; "Okay, I'll stay tonight and talk with you to relieve boredom."

Tian Ling'er raised her head, her beautiful eyes rolled, "You know, I didn't just ask you to talk with me..."

Her expression suddenly turned dark.

"I don't know if your promise will be fulfilled, I don't know if you will come back in ten years, but I know that this small place of Tianyang Empire can't keep you, I know I can't keep you, I don't expect you Give me a future, I just want the present."

Gu Yifeng remained silent.

In his memory, Tian Ling'er has always been a soft-spoken woman.

Before Qin Tianshuang tore up the marriage certificate, she never showed any intention of admiring him.

But after Qin Tianshuang tore up the marriage certificate and the Gu family suffered great changes, she seemed to be a different person.

Steal Tian Juechen's token, enter the prison in disguise and let him go.

When she came back last time, she didn't hide the love in her heart, and said it boldly.

this time……

Gu Yifeng really didn't know what to do.

"Ling'er, I can't..."

Gu Yifeng said solemnly; "I have a terrible enemy, the enemy is too strong for you to imagine, if I stay today, it will be irresponsible to you."

"I don't need you to be responsible, I just want to have the present."

Tian Ling'er yelled.

Deep in her hands, the golden dress slipped off her body, revealing a set of underwear and a flawless body.

With tears in my eyes.

"Brother Yifeng, Linger has no other requirements. After tonight, the sky is high enough for birds to fly, and the sea is wide enough for fishes to leap. You can leave something for Linger, so that Linger can have a spiritual support for countless days and nights in the future, okay?" .”

Deep in love, you can be fearless.

Love to the bone marrow, can give up everything.

Tian Ling'er is like this.

She has a deep affection for Gu Yifeng,

Gu Yifeng is not around, she misses him day and night.

She knew that Gu Yifeng would not stay in Tianyang Empire for her, and she knew that the small place of Tianyang Empire could not restrain Gu Yifeng.

"Here, Linger, put on your clothes first, it's cold at night."

Gu Yifeng tried his best to persuade.

"Since I have made a promise, I will definitely come back to marry you in ten years' time."

"I want it now."

Tian Linger cried, this is a sad cry.

She looked up and looked at Gu Yifeng with tears in her eyes.

It was a look that was about to lose everything and tried hard to catch it, but couldn't catch it.

Gu Yifeng was conflicted in his heart.

Looking at Ling'er who was crying sadly, his heartstrings seemed to be plucked, and he made a major decision in his heart.

"Ling'er, I, Gu Yifeng, He De He Neng, waiting to get your love is a blessing I have cultivated in three lifetimes. Tomorrow morning, I will come to the palace with my father and propose to you. I can't promise you forever. But if I can give you now, I will stay in Tianyang City for a month and accompany you for a month."

Gu Yifeng left a word, turned around and left,

Tian Ling'er looked at his leaving back with tears in her eyes, but there was a contented smile on her faceless face,

Gu Yifeng left the palace and returned to the mansion of the Great General of the Gu Family,

Tonight, he was going to Tian Ling'er to explain everything, and wanted her to cooperate in acting.

But Tian Linger's affection was too deep, which deeply moved him.

Love is really elusive.

Gu Yifeng was moved by Tian Ling'er, and he actually agreed to marry her,

The General's Mansion, the backyard.

in the gazebo.

Gu Yifeng called Jiang Hao, called Minxiang,

He took out Hundred Flowers Wine and poured it continuously.

The two of them didn't know what happened, but they felt sorry for Baihuajiu, which was priceless Baihuajiu, and he actually drank it like a normal drink.

Min Xiang couldn't help asking, "My lord, what happened?"

With a touch of helplessness on Gu Yifeng's face, he said, "I'm afraid I'm going to stay in Tianyang City for a while."


Both of them looked at Gu Yifeng suspiciously.

Gu Yifeng roughly explained what happened today.

Jiang Hao smiled and said, "This is a good thing. Although I have never met Tian Ling'er, the queen of the Tianyang Empire, from what the young master told me, she is a woman who dares to love and dare to love. Her love for the young master has reached the bone marrow. , for the young master, I will never turn back."

Min Xiang also nodded; "If you like it, marry it."

"I like it, but..."

For Tian Ling'er, Gu Yifeng still likes it very much.

The two grew up together, and since Tian Ling'er confessed his love last time, he made a promise.

But he has strong enemies.

Moreover, he can't stay in Tianyang City for a long time. Now that he is married to Tian Ling'er, he can't stay by Ling'er's side. This is irresponsible to Ling'er.

He scratched his head, conflicted in his heart.

"Do you have any concerns, Young Master? Is it because of Du Xi?"

Seeing Gu Yifeng's uncertain expression, Min Xiang couldn't help but said, "In the cultivation world, the strong are respected. It's normal for a man to have three wives and four concubines. I believe Du Xi can understand."

"No, it's not because of Du Xi, actually Du Xi and I..."

Gu Yifeng swallowed his words.

"Actually, it's because of Jiang Tailang. My fiancée Qin Tianshuang has followed Jiang Tailang. She may reveal my affairs at any time. Jiang Tailang will definitely come to her. I'm worried that marrying Linger now will bring disaster to her in the future."


The two were stunned at the same time, why did they drag out another fiancée?

"It's like this..."

Gu Yifeng told all these things in detail, from Qin Tianshuang's scheme to harm him, to Tian Ling'er's risky rescue of him, and so on.

But he didn't mention Tiancanyu, he just mentioned a family heirloom of the ancient family.

After listening to Gu Yifeng's narration, the two of them understood.

Jiang Haodao; "Master, from your narration, we can see that Tian Ling'er is a good woman, don't give up this opportunity, sometimes, once you miss it, it will be a lifetime."

Min Xiang nodded and said, "Yes, even if Jiang Tailang wants to get the treasure of the ancient family, as the number one arrogance in the mainland, he will only challenge you openly, and will not attack your family."

Gu Yifeng grinned and said, "Thank you for listening to my nagging, men, there is always something to protect in this life, since I have decided to marry Ling'er, then I have already made plans to protect her for the rest of my life, only in this way Only then can I continue to cultivate and become stronger."

"It's getting late, go to bed early, I have to go to the palace to propose marriage tomorrow, by the way, young master, do you need me to prepare anything?"

Gu Yifeng thought for a while, and said; "For a man, he may marry a wife many times in his life, but for a woman, it is only once in his life. Of course, it must be more intense and romantic, but what should I prepare for this? I do not know."

Jiang Hao said with a smile; "Romantic or something, hold me, there is still one night, enough to prepare.

 Thanks to the book friends for the reward of [-] book coins (a few symbols will not be typed), and I hereby add an update.

(End of this chapter)

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