Chapter 193
"Too, too strong, this trick teleports, there is no solution."

Gu Yifeng lay dying on the ground,

He suffered two severe injuries in a row, his body was riddled with holes, and he didn't even have the strength to get up.

Several of the top talents in the southern region gathered around, and they all looked like they were watching a show.

For Xiao Fei's ability, they all have a little understanding of this teleportation, even if they match up with each other, they will definitely not be able to reap the benefits, let alone Gu Yifeng.

But Gu Yifeng was able to survive Xiao Fei's two moves, which really surprised these Tianjiao.

Xiao Fei appeared in front of Gu Yifeng in an instant, looking at Gu Yifeng lying on the ground dying, with a slight smile on his handsome face,

One foot stepped on Gu Yifeng's almost disabled arm.

The palms were crushed flat and sank into the mud.

The expression on Gu Yifeng's face was distorted, his expression was ferocious and terrifying, he gritted his teeth, and said word by word; "Xiao Fei, is this all you can do?"

"Send you back."

Xiao Fei raised his palm, and there was a terrifying fluctuation of spiritual power in his palm.

Gu Yifeng's face suddenly changed.

If he was hit head-on, even Wushuang wouldn't be able to handle it, and he would definitely be killed in an instant. By that time, he would have nothing to do with the final assessment of the South Court.

Outside, almost everyone is watching this battle.

The combination of Xiao Fei and others is definitely a nightmare for other Tianjiao. Those monks who are originally strong and can steadily enter the top [-] will be eliminated in advance if they meet them.

"Gu Yifeng is over?"

"Hey, it's a pity, if you don't meet Xiao Fei and others, with Gu Yifeng's strength, it's safe to enter the top [-]."

Countless monks felt sorry for Gu Yifeng.

When Jiang Hao, Mo Lang and others saw this scene, their hearts immediately hung, secretly worried about Gu Yifeng.

The power transformed from Xiao Fei's palm became stronger and stronger, and his aura became more and more terrifying.

Gu Yifeng stared at him closely, he was so angry that a flaming sickle loomed in the shadows.

This flaming sickle is surrounded by majestic spiritual power.

At the critical moment of life and death, Gu Yifeng had to use his unique skills.

"Go to hell."

The moment Xiao Fei slapped it with his palm, an extremely terrifying force erupted from Gu Yifeng's body. The powerful force knocked back the defenseless Xiao Fei, and appeared behind him at an extremely fast speed.

A frightening spiritual power is transformed,

This spiritual power took the shape of a sickle, and with terrifying power, it slashed towards Xiao Fei's back.

Xiao Fei used teleportation and disappeared in an instant, avoiding this move calmly,

The spiritual sickle hit the ground, and the ground shook suddenly, and a huge gap appeared on the ground.

Gu Yifeng used the awakened bloodline to change, and his injuries healed. He failed in one move and took back his life. Without any hesitation, Kunpeng's secret technique was displayed.

A pair of huge spiritual power wings appeared behind

"It's already settled and you will escape."

Xiao Feixuan let out a cold snort, and waved her hand casually, a terrifying power was transformed into the palm of her hand, the power swept through the void, and immediately dispersed, forming countless lines of spiritual power.

The lines of spiritual power formed a huge net, which descended from the sky and forced towards Gu Yifeng.

Gu Yifeng flapped his wings and fled, but was blocked by the giant spiritual power net, and his body was severely knocked down from the sky. The giant spiritual power net gathered and trapped him in an instant, no matter how hard he struggled, he couldn't break free from his body the shackles.

He scattered the wings behind his back, stood on the ground, and looked at the group of people who came, with a simple and honest smile on his face.

"You don't need to kill them all. There are [-] places to join the Diyuan, and one more than me is not too much. Why do you bother?"

On his face was a simple and honest smile that was harmless to humans and animals, but secretly he kept motivating him to break free from the spiritual power net on his body.

But the harder he tried, the more the spiritual power net contracted, and finally strangled him deeply, sinking into the muscles, bloodshots appeared indistinctly.

Xiao Feixuan walked over. She was wearing a purple long dress, she was peerless, and she had a smile on her beautiful face. She smiled lightly and said, "You kid, you have cheated us a lot of spirit stones before. If you give it back, then I will give you a chance to advance."

"If you want a spirit stone, wouldn't it be enough if you said it earlier? Does it take so much trouble?"

Xiao Feixuan stretched out her jade hand, and said, "Take out the spirit stone, we will give you another chance, but if you are willing to take out Baihua wine for us to taste, we will not shoot you until the final battle comes. "

Gu Yifeng squinted his eyes.

These people spent a lot of time and effort, and they wanted Lingshi and Baihua wine after a long time.

"If you want to drink, why don't you tell me earlier, let me go first, and then how about we sit down and chat slowly?"

Xiao Feixuan was not afraid of Gu Yifeng's tricks, so she waved her hand casually, and the spiritual power net on Gu Yifeng's body dissipated invisible.

Gu Yifeng dissipated his blood and awakened, and his injuries gradually deteriorated.

He sat down on the ground and said weakly, "I'm injured, and I will die if I don't heal my wounds. Wait for me to heal my wounds first."

Xiao Feixuan nodded.

Xiao Fei came, frowned, and said in a low voice; "Sister, what are you doing, didn't you promise to kill him?"

Xiao Feixuan said softly; "Here is the map of mountains and rivers. If you kill him, he will only turn into a drop of blood. We will not get his storage ring, and we will not be able to get Baihua wine. The battle of the five courtyards is coming soon. A glass of Baihua wine can save you." To increase your cultivation a lot, I must do everything possible to improve your strength before the battle of the Five Great Courts comes, even if I keep him, he will not be able to threaten to win the championship."

Gu Yifeng was healing at the side.

He heard Xiao Feixuan's words.

She murmured in her heart; "I don't know what advantage Xiao Feixuan took out to lure these Tianjiao, it seems that he wants to push Xiao Fei to the first place and let him represent the South Court to participate in the battle."

While healing his wounds, he thought about ways to get out of trouble.

One of Xiao Fei's shots made him unable to fight back, plus Xiao Feixuan, even if he used the Kunpeng secret technique, he would not be able to escape.

Moreover, there are still several arrogances who are not weaker than Xiao Fei here. With these arrogances, it is more difficult for him to escape than ascending to the sky.

But it is impossible for him to obediently hand over the spirit stones he has obtained and to take out the Hundred Flowers Wine.

After thinking for a long time, he couldn't figure out a way.

The only way is to break through.

While he was healing his wounds, he was surrounded by many Tianjiao.

Gu Yifeng's injury recovered quickly, Xiao Feixuan stretched out her hand and said, "The injury has almost recovered, Lingshi, Baihuajiu?"

Gu Yifeng smiled honestly, then stood up from the ground, stretched his muscles and bones, and asked: "What treasure is it that trapped me just now? It's so powerful that I can't break free with all my strength."

"Want to escape?"

Xiao Feixuan pursed her lips and smiled lightly, and said, "To tell you the truth, this is a super magic weapon, not to mention your current strength, even if a False God Realm powerhouse is trapped, you won't be able to break free."

"That's it, it's quite strong. By the way, what did you say earlier about the blood essence of the phoenix? Is it the blood essence of the ancient divine beast Phoenix?"

Xiao Fei said coldly; "Boy, don't play tricks, quickly take out the Lingshi and Hundred Flowers Wine, or you will be eliminated immediately."

Xiao Feixuan said with a smile; "Take it out, I keep my word, take out the spirit stone and Baihua wine, and you will definitely live to the end safely."

"Okay, I'll take it out, I'll take it out..."

Gu Yifeng looked at the surrounding people with a smile.

At this moment, he instantly used the bloodline change, and the aura on his body instantly climbed to the extreme, and then a spiritual sickle swept across and killed everyone.

At the same time, Kunpeng's secret technique was cast, its wings fluttered, and it shot towards the distance quickly.

Concubine Shixuan quickly dodged the attack of the spiritual sickle, saw Gu Yifeng fleeing, waved it casually, a wave of spiritual power swept across, and quickly chased after Gu Yifeng.

The spiritual power spread out, and a spiritual power net spread.

"Hmph, it's the same trick, can you still trap me twice?"

Gu Yifeng snorted coldly, and the spiritual power sickle swept across, cutting towards the huge spiritual power net.

Under the terrifying power of the sickle, this spiritual power net was cut off in an instant.

Put away the spiritual sickle and laughed loudly; "Haha, a few, there will be a period later."

Laughter resounded across the sky, but Gu Yifeng's figure disappeared from everyone's sight. He used the Kunpeng secret technique, and his speed was too fast. Even Xiao Fei didn't have the confidence to chase after him.

Xiao Feixuan was stunned.

"Hey, what the hell is this thing that can even cut off my spiritual power net?"

 Let's update the three chapters at once today, please recommend, please reward.

(End of this chapter)

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