Nine Heavens Ancestor

Chapter 199: One face is stunned

Chapter 199

In Chihong Mountain, the fierce battle is still going on.

King Mourning is very strong, and his aura is even stronger than that of Xiao Feiyu.

Just as he was fighting fiercely with Xiao Feixuan, Gu Yifeng withdrew suddenly.

"Ah... hateful bastard, I can't get around you."

Xiao Fei's angry voice resounded throughout the area.

"What happened?"

Almost everyone stopped, and they found that the blood light in the blood pool had dissipated, and the illuminated red night sky became dark again.

Xiao Feixuan immediately bypassed King Mourning, and quickly flew in the direction of the blood pool.

King Mourning followed closely behind.

The others also stopped fighting and hurried away.

Xiao Feixuan appeared in front of the blood pool, looked at the pool that had turned into clear water, and asked with doubts on her beautiful face, "Xiao Fei, what's going on?"

There was boundless anger in Xiao Fei's heart.

He had already entered the blood pool and was absorbing the phoenix blood essence in the blood pool, but Gu Yifeng suddenly killed him and used a magical magic weapon to absorb all the phoenix blood essence in the blood pool in an instant.

"That bastard, Gu Yifeng, did not know what kind of secret treasure he used, and he sucked away the phoenix's blood essence in the blood pool in an instant."

Xiao Fei gritted his teeth sharply.

The whole place was silent.

Xiao Feixuan was dumbfounded, "Absorbed in an instant?"

King Mourning was dumbfounded.

According to his initial thought, he wanted to use Gu Yifeng to pester Xiao Fei and cause trouble for Xiao Fei. He solved Xiao Feixuan, and then tried to deal with other Tianjiao, and finally monopolized Phoenix's blood essence.

But he did all his calculations, and he didn't expect that Gu Yifeng could absorb the phoenix's essence and blood in an instant.

The monks who rushed over were all dumbfounded.

They were fighting outside, but now the phoenix essence and blood were taken away by Gu Yifeng.


The more Xiao Fei thought about it, the more angry he got, the Phoenix essence and blood had already been obtained, given him a little time, he would be able to absorb it.

Gu Yifeng snatched what he got now, and he was filled with overwhelming anger in his heart.

outside world.

Seeing the phoenix's essence and blood being taken away by Gu Yifeng, the strong men in the southern region had wonderful expressions on their faces.

Especially Mo Lang, dancing with his hands and feet, he was more excited than Gu Yifeng, as if he got the blood of the phoenix.

"You have grown up, the young master has really grown up, and you are completely different from when you were in Wolongyuan."

Mo Lang shouted excitedly.

Guren also watched the battle.

Gu Yifeng's growth was indeed beyond her imagination.

Who would have imagined that the stupid boy in Wolongyuan more than a year ago would grow to such a terrifying state that he could play around with many arrogances in the Southern Region and snatch the extremely rare Phoenix essence blood from many top arrogances in the Southern Region.

The three days of farewell should treat each other with admiration, this sentence is reflected in Gu Yifeng.

Inside the map of mountains and rivers.

Gu Yifeng approached the blood pool without any difficulty, he forcefully took several blows from Xiao Fei, and forcibly absorbed the Phoenix's blood essence with blood-devouring beads.

Fortunately, he got a trace of diluted phoenix blood last time.

Coupled with this month of penance, his strength has risen to a higher level.

Otherwise, even if the bloodline changes after awakening, they will not be able to evacuate under the situation of stubbornly resisting Xiao Fei's few moves.

Kunpeng's secret technique was cast, and the speed was as fast as the limit.

He flew for a long time in one breath, until he couldn't hold on any longer, and then dissipated the Kunpeng secret technique, and hid in the vast mountains at the end of the day.

In the mountains, under a [-]-meter tall tree.

The power of Gu Yifeng's blood has dissipated, and he has returned to his original appearance. He is covered in blood, and traces of blood overflow from the wound on his body.

Xiao Fei stepped into the False God Realm, and when the Phoenix's blood essence was absorbed, he shot with all his strength, without any mercy.

There is still a lot of gap between Gu Yifeng and False God Realm.

He stubbornly resisted Xiao Fei's several moves, and his body was riddled with holes.

He was sitting on the ground, leaning against the tree trunk, his pale face had a look of pain, but he was grinning.

"Hehe, although the injury is serious, everything is worth it. Phoenix essence blood, tsk tsk, I got the Phoenix essence blood, retreat for a period of time, and my cultivation base can be raised to a small realm, from the peak of the ninth level of the innate to the tenth of the innate. Heavy."

He was injured, but he smiled brightly.


Laughing out loud, affected the injuries on his body, coughed a few times, and coughed up a lot of blood.

He stood up slowly, and began to look for a hidden place to retreat and heal his injuries.

Phoenix blood essence can raise a small realm, which is a rare treasure for all Tianjiao, they will definitely not give up, and will definitely look for him all over the world.

Finally, he found a big dead tree in this mountain range, got into the dark tree hole, hid his breath, and began to heal his wounds wholeheartedly.

With the remaining fire in the sky, no matter how serious his injury is, he will recover in a short period of time.

While he was healing, Xiao Feixuan led Tianjiao from Lalong to chase him and began to look for him.

The same is true for other Tianjiao, and they began to search for Gu Yifeng all over the mountain.

But Gu Yifeng seemed to have evaporated from the world, no matter how hard they searched, they couldn't find it.

In the vast mountains, inside a dead tree.

Gu Yifeng healed his injuries here for more than two hours, and his injuries recovered.

Although he hasn't fully recovered yet, it doesn't affect the battle anymore. Even if the enemy chases him and finds him, he can escape.

But instead of showing himself, he continued to hide.

He looks inside.

With a heartbeat, some magical blood in the blood vessels gathered together, gathered in the palm, and a bright blood bead manifested.

This is exactly the Blood Devouring Bead.

The Blood-devouring Orb that absorbed the Phoenix's blood essence became more resplendent and alluring.

Indistinctly, a stream of pure blood power diffused out.

Gu Yifeng looked at the Blood-devouring Orb with joy in his expression.

"One-third of the [-] days of extreme survival have passed. Next, I will retreat with peace of mind and absorb the power of the phoenix's blood essence to improve my realm. When I can enter the mausoleum, I will enter the mausoleum and practice hard again. Counting the time, I will leave the mausoleum , it is only a day or two before the end of the hundred days."


Gu Yifeng put away the Blood-devouring Orb, with a hint of killing intent in his expression.

"Xiao Fei, Xiao Feixuan, King Mo Ning, you wait for me, and when I improve my cultivation, I will eliminate you with my own hands."

Gu Yifeng calculated the time in his mind.

Before the end of the hundred days of extreme survival, he definitely has the hope of stepping into the eleventh level of congenital, and if he works a little harder, he can even step into the realm of supernatural powers in the twelveth level of innate power.

He did not leave, but chose to continue retreat in the tree hole.

The blood-devouring bead manifested in his hand, activated the secret technique, and the blood-devouring bead transformed into traces of blood light. The blood light contained surging energy, and the energy entered his body. The blood vessels in his body underwent earth-shaking changes.

It's as if a red-hot soldering iron falls into clear water and boils instantly.

The strength of his bloodline is rapidly improving.

At the same time, the flesh and blood were also absorbing the energy of the phoenix's blood essence, and the cell structure seemed to be disrupted and remodeled, becoming denser.

The energy of a drop of phoenix blood essence is too overwhelming, Gu Yifeng's blood is increasing, his physical body is changing, and even his own spiritual power is becoming stronger.

The flame sickle in Qihai is also frantically absorbing the energy of the phoenix's blood essence, and the breath of the flame sickle is constantly restrained.

 New week, please recommend tickets, 16th last week, can you break into the top ten this week?


(End of this chapter)

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