Nine Heavens Ancestor

Chapter 215 The Conspiracy of the Two Brothers

Chapter 215 The Conspiracy of the Two Brothers
The four-element musical instrument array is Xiao Feixuan's unique skill.

She didn't want to use it so early, but the strength Gu Yifeng showed was too terrifying. If she didn't use the ultimate move, she and Xiao Fei might be eliminated.

The power of the four-image musical instrument array is indeed great, which is incomprehensible to monks of the same realm.

Even a strong man who has been in the False God Realm for many years will die if he is trapped.

However, she did not expect that Gu Yifeng could enter a special trance state after a hundred days of hard work in the mausoleum.

Gu Yifeng's ability to decipher the four-element musical instrument array exceeded her expectations.

Before she could react, a sickle fell on her.

The flame sickle, representing the god of death, represents the judgment, and its power is huge. Xiao Feixuan was killed by the sickle, and her body turned into a drop of blood.

The deity was beheaded, and the avatar dissipated.

"This, won?"

"Even the Sixiang musical instrument array can't trap Gu Yifeng, who else can sanction him?"

Many monks outside were dumbfounded.

They thought that Gu Yifeng would be defeated, but they didn't expect him to make a shocking reversal, beheading Xiao Feixuan in an instant, and knocking her out of the game.

Xiao Feixuan was eliminated, her beautiful face was full of helplessness,

She had already used all her strength, but Gu Yifeng was so against the sky.

"Xiaofei, sister can't help you anymore, you can go the rest of the way by yourself."

In the map of mountains and rivers,

Gu Yifeng was very embarrassed by the Sixiang musical instrument array, suffered heavy injuries, was covered in injuries, and his body was riddled with holes.

After knocking out Xiao Feixuan, he kept panting.

Secretly said; "It's dangerous, I didn't expect Xiao Feixuan to have such a trick, she was almost eliminated by her, since she wanted to push Xiao Fei to the first place, she also said that Xiao Fei's opponent is not me, but the talent of other schools... ..."

He was lost in thought.

"Xiao Fei must still have some tricks to show. Even Xiao Feixuan has awakened such a terrible life. As the Xiao family's arrogance, his life cannot be as simple as a big tree."

From Xiao Feixuan's previous performance, Gu Yifeng guessed that Xiao Fei had other means.

At this moment, only Huo Wu was left on the battlefield.

Huo Wu originally thought that Gu Yifeng would die under the Sixiang musical instrument formation, but unexpectedly he cracked the Sixiang musical instrument formation and eliminated Xiao Feixuan.

Seeing that Gu Yifeng was seriously injured, she activated her life again, and a fire phoenix made of flames appeared above her head,

She jumped up into the air and appeared on the fire phoenix.

The fire phoenix flapped its wings, and an overwhelming fireball swept across.

She didn't want to give Gu Yifeng any chance to breathe, and wanted to kill him quickly while he was injured, and eliminate a strong enemy for Xiao Fei.

"Don't give me a chance to rest. If that's the case, then I can only eliminate you."

Gu Yifeng's body flashed quickly, avoiding a series of fireball attacks, and quickly rushed towards Huowu.

On Huo Wu's glamorous face, there was a hint of a tricky smile.

Gu Yifeng's figure disappeared in place, and reappeared, already behind Huo Wu.

At this critical moment, the fire phoenix under Huo Wu's feet dissipated and appeared behind Gu Yifeng in an instant.

The fire phoenix opened its huge mouth, and the terrifying devouring power swept across.

Gu Yifeng wanted to attack Huo Wu, but a powerful force came from behind him. This devouring force made him back up, and he was immediately swallowed by Huo Wuhuang.

All the monks outside watched the battle intently.

Seeing that Gu Yifeng was swallowed by the fire phoenix, his expression changed.

"It's over. This is the supreme beast soul's original life. If it is swallowed by the fire phoenix, no matter how powerful it is, it will not survive."

Mo Lang, Jiang Hao, Min Xiang and the others all changed their faces when they saw Gu Yifeng being swallowed by the fire phoenix.




Just when everyone thought that Gu Yifeng was about to be eliminated, Huowu's original life, Huofenghuang, exploded in an instant, turning into sparks all over the sky.

A man covered in flames rushed out of the sky with a scythe in his hand, and appeared in front of Huo Wu in an instant, slashing out with the scythe.

Blood was poured, and Huozhou Tianjiao Huowu was eliminated.

Everyone outside cheered, especially Mo Lang, jumping and jumping on the spot.

"Let me just say, how could the young master be defeated? The young master is invincible, and one more person has been eliminated. Now there are only four people left. If the last four are eliminated, the young master will be number one."

In the map of mountains and rivers, Gu Yifeng is covered in flames, even his hair is red.

He kept panting and wiped the cold sweat from his forehead.

"It's dangerous. Fortunately, I practice Tiancanhuo, so I can be immune to fire damage, otherwise I will really be eliminated by her."

After dissipating the blood and awakening, the original appearance was restored, and the body fell from the sky and appeared on the top of a mountain.

Sitting cross-legged, he began to activate the Heavenly Remnant White Fire to heal his wounds.

At this moment, there are still four top talents.

Xiao Fei, Zhan Tian, ​​the Zhan Di brothers and King Mourning.

The strength of these four people is very strong, he can't be careless, if he is careless, he will miss the first place in this assessment.

He is healing, Xiao Fei is also healing,

The two Zhantian Zhandi brothers were not injured, but they did not make a rash move, but were guarding against King Mourning.

In their view, King Mourning is the greatest threat.

Because both Xiao Fei and Gu Yifeng were injured, their combat effectiveness declined.

After the fierce battle, the area regained a brief calm,

The two brothers Zhantian Zhandi gathered together and exchanged in low voices. After a while, the two brothers stood up and rushed towards the mountain where Gu Yifeng was.

Gu Yifeng sat cross-legged, looked at the two brothers who appeared, and was careful.

Zhan Tian smiled slightly, and said, "Master Gu, your growth rate is really too fast. It really surprised us to eliminate so many people by one person. How about our cooperation?"

Gu Yifeng smiled lightly and said, "Cooperation, how to cooperate?"

"Now there are not many people left. You go and kill Xiao Fei, and we go and kill King Mourning. Finally, we will compete again and compete for the first place. How about?"

For this proposal, Gu Yifeng has no opinion.

"So, you are very confident in your own strength, and you can kill me after eliminating King Mourning. In this case, then the deal is made. You guys go to deal with King Mourning first. After I rest for a while, go and eliminate me. Xiao Fei."

The two brothers looked at each other and nodded knowingly.

The two turned to leave.

Gu Yifeng secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

At this moment, a terrible breath suddenly came from behind, and by the time he sensed it, it was already too late, and the terrible palm force hit his back.

A palm shattered the meridians of his whole body, broke many bones in his body, and he fell headfirst to the ground.

The bodies of the two Zhantian Zhandi brothers in front of them gradually became unreal, and then disappeared.

Then two people walked out from behind.

It is the two brothers Zhantian Zhandi.

Gu Yifeng struggled to get up from the ground, turned around and looked at the two people behind him, "You, you, how is this possible?"

These two brothers obviously did not disappear from his sight, how could they suddenly appear behind him? Could it be that they also know how to clone?

Zhan Tian smiled lightly and said, "It's just a split body technique, what's so difficult about it, Gu Yifeng, you are too strong, and you have eliminated many arrogances by yourself. In order to win the first place, I have to design to eliminate you." , you accept your fate."

The aura of the two of them climbed to the limit.

In order to prevent Gu Yifeng from fleeing, the two shot at the same time, wanting to take this opportunity to eliminate Gu Yifeng.

After beheading him, he went to deal with the seriously injured Xiao Fei.

The rest of King Mourning is nothing to worry about.

(End of this chapter)

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