Nine Heavens Ancestor

Chapter 223 If you want to live, take 1 million spirit stones

Chapter 223 If you want to live, take 100 million spirit stones (2 more)
Mo Lang is not dead.

Gu Yifeng's cultivation base has improved by leaps and bounds, becoming the first in the assessment of the Southern Academy this year, and successfully joined the Tianyuan Academy.

This made Mo Yunxiao and Qin Cheng unexpected.

Gu Yifeng stood on the stage of life and death, looking at the two people below who looked shocked.

"The hatred of life and death can only be resolved in the arena of life and death."

His tone was calm and his expression was calm, but there was a murderous intent in his words.

When he was on Qinghua Island, his strength was inferior to others. If he hadn't been pregnant with a crippled body, he would have died on Qinghua Island a long time ago.

Many students from the South Campus gathered here, and they all retreated to the side consciously.

Because the Great Elder Mu Duan acquiesced in the life-and-death duel, only the winner among the three can survive.

King Mo Ning shook his head at Mo Yunxiao; "Brother, don't go."

Both Mo Yunxiao and Qin Cheng looked serious.

If they had known that the situation would be like today, they would have taken the risk to kill Gu Yifeng.

"Qin Cheng, Mo Yunxiao, let's go to the arena of life and death."

"You guys have joined the South Courtyard for ten years, are you still afraid of Gu Yifeng, who is only in his twenties and just joined the South Courtyard?"

There are many monks booing around.

They are used to life-and-death duels. Basically, there will be a life-and-death duel here every once in a while.

The two were riding a tiger and couldn't get off.

Not up, not up.

on, they may die.

If not, the reputation will be lost, and Gu Yifeng may not let them go.

The two were silent for a long time, looked at each other, nodded knowingly, and then stepped onto the arena of life and death with a flash of their bodies.

Gu Yifeng looked at the two of them, then shifted his gaze, staying on the crowd and pointing at him.

"I will never return... More than a year ago, you went to Wanwan Mountain to hunt and kill me. You wanted to take my head to see Du Fan. If it wasn't for a mysterious woman who rescued me, I would have died. Don't say I didn't give it to you." Your chance to live, let's go together."

All eyes in the audience were fixed on Duan Bugui.


Absolutely stunned.

This is a life-and-death arena battle between Gu Yifeng, Qin Cheng and Mo Yunxiao, so why does it involve him.

He has seen Gu Yifeng's performance in the mountain and river map from beginning to end.

Although he hadn't entered the False God Realm yet, he defeated a group of False God Realm powerhouses.

More importantly, he has not yet entered the False God Realm, otherwise he would not have stayed in the Yellow Court, but would have joined the Profound Court.

With his current strength, out of ten he is no match for Gu Yifeng.

He froze for a while, with bitterness on his face.

"Peak Master Gu, our grievances are not considered grievances. Besides, I was not the only one who chased and killed you. I was just unlucky to meet you. There are at least 100 people participating in this Huang Yuan." hunt you down."

Gu Yifeng said lightly: "But I almost died in your hands."

"That, this..."

The eyeballs of Duanbugui twirled.

After a while, he said, "Master Gu Feng, there is no unresolvable hatred in the world, how about I give you some spirit stones, how about we wipe out our grievances?"

Gu Yifeng fell into deep thought, and said, "However, how many spirit stones is your life worth?"

Under the arena, Mo Lang wanted to laugh, but he kept holding back, his face turned red.

This is no longer the Gu Yifeng he knew.

The current Gu Yifeng knew that he took the opportunity to blackmail him.

Duan Bugui breathed a sigh of relief, but his face was also filled with embarrassment.

Because Gu Yifeng said so, it means that he is willing to accept the Lingshi to settle his grievances. As for the number of Lingshi...

With a look of embarrassment on his face, Duanbugui said:

"Master Gufeng, can I give you all my savings? I have joined the Southern Academy for ten years, and I have earned about [-] million spirit stones in these ten years. Do you think..."

Gu Yifeng stretched out his hand and said: "What's the useless talk, bring it."

Now that Gu Yifeng has joined the Tianyuan, he has also gained the respect of the Great Elder. If he doesn't choose to use Lingshi to resolve his grievances, he will definitely be in the arena of life and death.

Unwilling, he reluctantly took out [-] million spirit stones.

"Peak Master Gu, this is all my belongings. After you accept the Lingshi, we will settle our grievances and we may become good friends in the future."

Gu Yifeng took the Lingshi bag, checked it, and found that it was correct.

Wei Wei gave up and said, "Okay, let's go down."

Mo Yunxiao and Qin Cheng stood on the ring, silent all the time.

King Mourning who was below suddenly shouted: "Peak Master Gu, since you can use spirit stones to dissolve your grievances with them, can you also resolve your grievances with them?"

Gu Yifeng turned around and said with a smile: "Yes, bring 100 billion spirit stones."

"One, 100 billion?"

King Mourning was dumbfounded.

However, at this moment, Gu Yifeng suddenly made a move.

His figure just disappeared in place, reappeared, already in front of Qin Cheng, and punched out.

"I make you arrogant, arrogant, arrogant..."

He punched several times in one breath.

His speed was too fast, so fast that Qin Cheng, who had stepped into the eleventh level of the congenital, had no strength to resist at all, his body was shattered, and he vomited blood from his mouth.

In just a moment, Qin Cheng fell to the ground.

There was shock on his face and fear in his heart.

It's... so scary.

Eight or nine months ago, Gu Yifeng's cultivation base was still very weak, and he could kill him many times with one finger.

In such a short period of time, Gu Yifeng's cultivation has improved by leaps and bounds.

He couldn't believe it.

After attacking Qin Cheng, Gu Yifeng rushed towards Mo Yunxiao again.

Mo Yunxiao was already terrified.

He heard King Mourning say that Gu Yifeng is terrible at the moment, but he didn't expect him to be so terrible.

Before he could react, he was punched in the body, and the expression on his face was distorted, with a look of pain.

Gu Yifeng punched quickly, and slapped Mo Yunxiao's face with his last slap. His face was instantly red and swollen, and several teeth spit out with blood.

The two of them didn't have any power to fight back, and they were knocked down in an instant.

Gu Yifeng turned into flames in his palm, and said indifferently, "I'll send you on your way."

King Moning suddenly shouted: "Peak Master Gu, wait a minute, we have something to discuss."

There was also a disciple of the Qin family who said: "Don't you just want the spirit stone, everything is negotiable, so don't make a move yet."

Gu Yifeng turned around and looked, and said calmly: "I still say the same thing, take out 100 billion spirit stones, these two people will survive, if you can't take them out, then there is only one way to die."

Gu Yifeng originally wanted to kill the two of them.

But he awakened the fire of the true spirit and embarked on the road of an alchemist.

Alchemist is a profession that earns spirit stones, and is also a profession that spends spirit stones.

If you want to become a top alchemist, you need a lot of spiritual stones to buy heaven and earth elixir to practice continuously. Only by practicing constantly can you become a top alchemist.

If the Qin family and the Mo family can come up with 100 billion spirit stones, he can let Qin Cheng and Mo Yunxiao go.

Because the two of them never threatened him again, it was the same whether they killed or not.

It is also a good choice to exchange them for a little spirit stone.

(End of this chapter)

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