Nine Heavens Ancestor

Chapter 264 False God 3 Heavy Soul Sea

Chapter 264 False God Triple Soul Sea (3 more)
It took a month for Gu Yifeng to fully comprehend the terrifying supernatural power of Tian Can Burn Tian.

The power of this trick is getting stronger and stronger, but it consumes a lot of energy. Every time it is used, Gu Yifeng's whole body will be exhausted.

With this unique move, he became more and more confident in the battle against Tianjiao of the Four Courts.

Next, he started a new round of penance.

He has already touched the threshold of the second stage of Blink.

The next thing to do is to continue to practice hard, to comprehend the second stage of blinking, as long as he reaches the second stage, he can absolutely crush the other four courtyards.

The second stage of blinking is extremely difficult to achieve.

First of all, it is necessary to exercise the physical reflexes, so that dodging damage becomes a conditioned reflex of oneself.

The second is state of mind.


The Valkyrie appeared, and with a wave of his hand, a hundred afterimages appeared.

It's the same as the last penance, but this time the afterimage's attack speed is faster.

Day after day, in a constant cycle.

In the mausoleum, he seemed to have forgotten the time, and everyone who accompanied him was penance.

The comprehensive strength of the physical body is constantly improving, and at the same time the soul power in his soul spin is also increasing.

In the blink of an eye, a hundred days passed in the blink of an eye.

After a hundred days of hard training, Gu Yifeng didn't deliberately cultivate his soul power. He focused on cultivating his body and blood.

But he has practiced the Advanced Chapter of Tiancanjue. While the strength of his body and blood is improved, his soul power also increases,

With three days left before one hundred days, his realm has reached the peak of the late Soul Spin.

At this moment, the power in the soul spin can no longer be increased.

Inside the mausoleum.

Gu Yifeng sat cross-legged.

He is going to open up the soul sea.

Soul Sea and Qi Sea are the same.

Sea of ​​Qi is a space for storing spiritual power, while sea of ​​soul is a special space for storing soul power.

The opening methods are the same, continuously compressing, and then creating a singularity of explosion, and stabilizing the space created by the explosion at the moment when the singularity appears.

But opening up a sea of ​​souls is a hundred times more dangerous than a sea of ​​qi.

The sea of ​​qi is in the dantian, and failure is allowed, as long as it can bear the damage, death can be avoided.

Soul Sea is different.

This is opened up in the depths of the brain, and if you don't pay attention, your head will explode.

Failure means death.

Gu Yifeng sat cross-legged, he was calm and not at all afraid of failure.

The Valkyrie watched from afar.

Gu Yifeng's Dao heart is very tenacious, and he will definitely go far on the road of cultivation.

He knew that Gu Yifeng was going to open up the soul sea, but he didn't have any advice.

Gu Yifeng looked inside the brain.

Deep in the brain, there is a mass of nothingness.

This is soul power.

The soul power gathered together to form a vortex in the state of cloud and mist.

The vortex is constantly rotating, and it seems that at the bottom of the vortex, there is another magical world hidden.

The spiritual power in the body is retrograde, and the blood is flowing backwards.

In an instant, he entered the state of blood awakening.

After activating the Heavenly Remnant Art, the spiritual power and blood vessels changed in an instant, turning into a torrent of soul power that flowed into the soul spin.

The vortex of soul power is continuously compressed and rotated.

His soul power had already reached its limit, but Gu Yifeng was still compressing.

He carefully controlled the soul power.

When Soul Power Soul could no longer bear too much power, Gu Yifeng stopped compressing.

The soul spin in my mind exploded in an instant.

In an instant, his brain seemed to be hit by a huge thing, dizzy, and there were signs of fainting.

He forcibly endured it, watching closely the exploding soul spin.

At the moment of the explosion, a singularity appeared.

This singularity continued to magnify, Gu Yifeng seized this moment.

Controlling the soul power again, all the surging soul power is submerged in this singularity, opening up a strange space in this singularity.

After grasping this moment, Gu Yifeng passed the most dangerous moment,

The next thing to do is simple.

Open up and stabilize the soul sea.

The power of the whole body is converted into soul power, which is continuously gathered in the brain,

The sea of ​​souls is constantly opened up and stabilized.

Three days passed in the blink of an eye.

Gu Yifeng used the last three days to open up a sea of ​​souls, and his cultivation reached the third level of the False God.

The sea of ​​souls is a dark and gray space, and at first glance, it is hazy.

There is only a trace of soul power floating in the soul sea.

Gu Yifeng opened his eyes slightly, and let out a breath of foul air.

Standing up slowly, looking at the Martial God in the distance, he clasped his fists and said: "Senior, my training is over this time, thank you for your care."

The body of Martial God floated over and appeared in front of Gu Yifeng.

"You have stepped into the False God Realm, and the time you stay in the mausoleum has also increased. Before, you could only stay in the mausoleum for a hundred days, but now you can stay in the mausoleum for two hundred days."


Gu Yifeng's eyes widened with joy.

"What, after entering the False God Realm, can I stay in the mausoleum for two hundred days?"

Valkyrie nodded slightly.

"The higher the realm, the longer the time you will stay in the mausoleum. When you step into the Creation Realm, this time will double and increase to one year."

It was a real surprise.

Gu Yifeng has been worried that there is not enough time, and he will not be able to surpass Jiang Tailang within ten years.

Now his time in the mausoleum has been increased.

Ten days inside the mausoleum, one day outside.

One hundred days inside the mausoleum and ten days outside.

It took 20 days inside the mausoleum, but only [-] days outside.

He now has enough time, and he has full confidence in surpassing Jiang Tailang within ten years.

"In the past, I could only enter the mausoleum once in three months. Now that I have stepped into the False God Realm, will this time decrease?"

Martial God nodded slightly: "Well, that's right, now you can enter the mausoleum once every two months, but the time is counted from the day you leave the mausoleum. Once you enter the realm of life and death, then the influence of the mausoleum can no longer cause harm to you, and you can enter at any time."

Gu Yifeng asked: "Will this mausoleum harm me?"

"Yes, the mausoleum is very special. If you are not a guardian, even if you are close to this area, you will be killed by the power of the mausoleum. Although you have become a guardian, your cultivation is too weak now. In the mausoleum The time spent inside exceeds the limit and will be obliterated."

Gu Yifeng suddenly realized.

"So that's the case, thank you senior for letting me know."

He looked at the Martial God, his eyes twitched, and asked with a smile, "Senior, who are you and why are you in the mausoleum?"

The Valkyrie looked up at the dark night sky, sighed deeply, and said, "The person buried in the mausoleum."


Gu Yifeng was shocked.

"Buried in the mausoleum?"

Valkyrie nodded: "Yes."

"Then can you leave?"

"I've already died, and I don't exist in the world. Only this mausoleum has a place for my remnant soul. Once I leave the mausoleum, the remaining remnant soul will dissipate in an instant."

"The ancestor is also a remnant soul, did the ancestor show up in the outside world before?"

Martial God smiled lightly and said: "How can I compare with your ancestor, let's not talk about this, you can practice with peace of mind."

(End of this chapter)

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