Nine Heavens Ancestor

Chapter 283 Hard Fight

Chapter 283 Hard Fight (3)

The disciples of the Demon Palace are all very strong. Even an ordinary disciple can crush Tianjiao of the Southern Court in the Zhanzhou where the formation is suppressed.

The guardian of the magic hall is even more terrifying.

Gu Yifeng's cultivation base is in the False God Quadruple Soul Pill Realm.

But what he practiced was the Heavenly Remnant Art, the Heavenly Remnant Fire. Although he was at the fourth level of the False God, his real strength was only stronger than the peak of the fifth level of the False God.

Now that he has used the bloodline awakening, his strength is actually comparable to that of the Demon Palace Guardian.

And the speed he is proud of has no advantage.

Compared with him, the speed, reaction force, and strength of the physical strength of the demon temple guardian are not much worse.

Gu Yifeng will blink instantly and can avoid their attacks.

But he can't dodge forever, his ultimate goal is to defeat or even kill the eight guardians of the Demon Palace, only in this way can the opponent's conspiracy be disintegrated.

And the only way to defeat the Guardian of the Demon Palace is to head to head.

He has a Heavenly Remnant Body, a strong self-healing ability, and a Heavenly Remnant White Fire. He believes that with these advantages, even if it is exhausted, these eight people will be exhausted.

The elders of the demon hall who were palming against him were not feeling well, their arms were scorched by the remaining fire.

But they have practiced miraculous secret techniques, their bodies are very special, and their arm injuries can heal at a speed that can be seen with the naked eye. This recovery ability is faster than using the sky-canned white fire to heal the wound.

After fighting for some rounds, the elders of the Demon Palace also knew the horror of Gu Yifeng.

Fighting alone, no one is his opponent.

Even if two or three go up together, it may not be able to defeat it.

If you want to defeat or even kill him, only eight people go together.

The eight people looked at each other.

Nodding knowingly.

Then suddenly launched an attack.

There are no gimmicks or tricks, just the purest power.

Gu Yifeng didn't dodge and chose head-on.

Two fists are no match for four hands. Although he injured many people, he himself was also traumatized, and soon he was scarred and fell into a disadvantage.

Everyone was vaguely worried about Gu Yifeng.

Worried about Gu Yifeng's defeat, they would not be able to escape the fate of death.

Du Xi stared at the battle in the sky in the distance, and immediately glanced at Jiang Tailang who was standing in the void not far away.

"Jiang Tailang, what are you doing, he will lose in every battle, why don't you hurry up and help him."

Du Xi's voice resounded.

Jiang Tailang was indifferent.

A faint voice came: "He is so confident that he can save everyone, why does he need my help?"

Jiang Tailang didn't make a move.

For him, among the disciples of the Demon Palace, the only ones who are threatening to him are the Eight Guardians and the Deputy Palace Master.

In the battle between Gu Yifeng and the Eight Guardians, it doesn't matter to him whether Gu Yifeng can win or not.

It would be best if Gu Yifeng wins.

Even if he can't win, the power of the eight guardians will be exhausted by then, and it will be easy for him to kill the eight guardians.

And he has a younger brother.

He is very clear about Jiang Chen's strength. As long as the eight guardians are solved, Jiang Chen will definitely be able to entangle the deputy hall master, and then the remaining demon hall disciples will not be a problem.

Everyone is watching the battle between Gu Yifeng and the Eight Guardians,

The same is true for the deputy hall master.

The strength shown by Gu Yifeng shocked him. He saw Jiang Tailang who had been immobile in the distance, and immediately gave an order.

"Twelve Heavenly Fiends, take action, surround and kill Jiang Tailang, don't give him a chance to breathe."


Twelve men with blue masks stood up at the same time, their figures flashed and turned into a stream of light, and quickly flew over the moat in the distance, appearing around Jiang Tailang.

The deputy hall master said loudly: "Jiang Tailang, this is the Twelve Heavenly Fiends in my palace, and their real strength has already entered the realm of life and death, but here they can only display the strength of the fifth level of the False God, so send the Twelve Heavenly Fiends to deal with it. You, this is respect for you."


Jiang Tailang cursed secretly.

The long sword in his hand burst into a terrifying sword light, and he took the initiative to meet the attack of the Twelve Heavenly Fiends in the Demon Palace.

"24 earth evil spirits."

"The disciple is here."

24 disciples of the Demon Palace wearing purple stood up.

"There is one left, you go out to fight, regardless of life or death, just want to win,"


24 people shot at the same time.

In the sky outside the battle city, the battle became fierce in an instant. The aftermath of the terrible battle swept across mightily, and the river below was tumbling, constantly beating against the bank dam.

Gu Yifeng fights against the eight guardians.

Jiang Tailang fights against the Twelve Heavenly Demons.

Jiang Chen fought against 24 Earth Sha.

The strength of the three of them is very strong, but their enemies are terrifying powerhouses in the Demon Palace. They have all practiced special secret techniques, and their strengths are extremely terrifying. Even in the Zhanzhou where there is a formation to suppress the strength, they are still invincible. .

In just an instant, the three of them were scarred.

But Gu Yifeng's situation is the best. Although he suffered heavy injuries, he used his life to kill him. Every time he was injured, the enemy would feel bad and suffer heavy injuries.

However, after being injured, the protector of the Demon Palace quickly recovered from the injuries on his body.

This made Gu Yifeng quite shocked, and cursed secretly: "Damn it, what kind of secret technique did this demon palace protector practice, and how did his injury heal so quickly, even faster than when I activated the Heavenly Remnant White Fire?"

Gu Yifeng was distracted, and was seized by the guardians of the magic temple. In an instant, three guardians of the magic temple appeared around him and launched a fatal attack on him.

Chest, back, shoulder hit almost at the same time.

If it was an attack by one person, Gu Yifeng would be able to resist it.

But three people attacking at the same time, this is not as simple as one plus one.

The three strongest powers were submerged in his body, no matter how strong his physical strength was, he couldn't carry it down. Cracks appeared in the muscles of his body instantly, showing signs of disintegration.

He endured the injury, and the flame sickle appeared in his hand instantly, and he slashed out with his backhand.

A terrifying sickle imprint cut out.

One of the Demon Palace disciples was directly slashed in the chest, and the muscles on the chest began to burn, and white bones were seen in an instant.

But at this moment, a magical power suddenly appeared in his body. This power resisted the power of the flame sickle, and his injuries recovered quickly.

"What the hell."

Gu Yifeng cursed secretly, and quickly dodged.

While he was dodging, a terrible power came from the area he was in. This power shook the void and became distorted.

Appearing in the distance, panting continuously, constantly urging the sky's residual white fire, urging the white blood to heal the wound.

"How can it be so weird?"

After being shocked, Gu Yifeng calmed down.

His brain was running at high speed, constantly thinking about countermeasures.

If it was an ordinary disciple of the Demon Palace, if he was hit by the flame sickle, he would definitely die. However, the guardian of the Demon Palace received a blow from the front, but his injuries could recover quickly.

And they fought for such a long time, the strength didn't seem to be consumed.

The eight protectors, with breath like a rainbow, become more and more courageous as they fight.

Gu Yifeng was severely injured, the power in his blood became stronger and stronger, and his aura became more and more terrifying, but his power was being consumed, and if he continued to fight, his power would eventually be exhausted.

"What should I do, do I have to use Heaven and Earth to kill him in one blow?"

This is Gu Yifeng's trick, he intends to save it for dealing with the even more terrifying deputy hall master, and he doesn't want to use it on the eight guardians.

(End of this chapter)

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