Nine Heavens Ancestor

Chapter 403 Forced breakthrough

Chapter 403 Forced breakthrough
"Do you think I'm an idiot?"

Jiang Tailang's face was gloomy, and he raised his hand to strike a sword.

With the sword in hand, Du Zhu's arm was cut off in an instant,

blood spilled, arms rolled down,


Du Zhu let out a desolate and painful roar.

Her cultivation base was sealed by a terrifying force, and she couldn't use her spiritual power to stop the bleeding, and the blood kept overflowing.

Seeing the pained expression on Du Zhu's face, Gu Yifeng gritted his teeth and said coldly: "Jiang Tailang, if she dies, you will never get anything from me."

Jiang Tailang looked at Du Zhu with a broken arm, and said casually: "Don't worry, kill her, I have ten thousand ways to make you speak, she is not dead yet, if you want her to live, hand over the things as soon as possible, say She doesn't have much time to reveal the secret, and she will bleed dry in a short time."

Du Zhu clenched his teeth.Said: "Don't, don't trust him, my life is cheap, I don't want to live for a long time."

"Ha ha."

Jiang Tailang smiled lightly: "Your kid has a lot of eyesight, and you can actually make Du Zhu so determined."

Jiang Tailang was not in a hurry, but looked at Gu Yifeng, waiting for his reply.

Gu Yifeng looked at Du Zhu who was bleeding continuously, feeling very anxious in his heart,

Du Zhuxiu was sealed by a mysterious force, so if he continued to bleed like this, he would really bleed dry and die.

Take a deep breath and calm down.

"I said, let her go, and I will give you everything you want."

Jiang Tailang had a well-thought-out plan and ignored Gu Yifeng.

He put away the long sword in his hand, and a sharp dagger appeared in his hand. He squatted down and looked at Du Zhu's beautiful face.

"What a delicate face. It really looks exactly like your sister. I really don't want to ruin your face, but this face only belongs to Du Xi, and outsiders cannot have it."

He raised his hand and scratched at Du Zhu's face.

A bloody scar appeared, and the blood flowed from the cheek to the neck, staining the clothes on his body red.

"Jiang Tailang, stop it."

Gu Yifeng roared out.

He tried his best to activate the Heavenly Remnant Art, trying to break the seal in his body, but this force was so strong that he couldn't activate his spiritual energy at all, and couldn't move a single bit.


Jiang Tailang laughed wildly,

He kept shooting, scratching Du Zhu's face.

In an instant, many shocking wounds appeared on Du Zhu's face.

Du Xi gritted his teeth and didn't even make a sound.

She lost a lot of blood, her breath became weaker and weaker, and she looked at Gu Yifeng who was furious beside her.

"Yifeng, I'm sorry, I didn't protect you well, I'll take a step first, you must find a way to survive."

She is saying goodbye to Gu Yifeng.

"If you want to die, I'm afraid it's not that easy."

Jiang Tailang chuckled playfully, and immediately shot to stop Du Zhu's bleeding,

"Don't worry, I won't let you die so quickly."

He looked at Gu Yifeng, with an evil smile on the corner of his mouth, and said: "I will slowly torture your sweetheart, making your life worse than death."

He raised his hand to tear off Du Zhu's dress.

"Jiang Tailang, I want you to die."

Gu Yifeng roared loudly.

At this moment, he exploded completely.

An extremely terrifying force surged out of the blood, this force broke through the mysterious seal in his body, he was able to control his body instantly, without any hesitation, he forcibly broke through.

His cultivation has reached the ninth level of the False God. The last time he entered the mausoleum, he practiced hard for two hundred days, and his cultivation has reached the peak of the ninth level of the False God.

He knew that with his own strength, he couldn't defeat Jiang Tailang and the people who helped Jiang Tailang behind the scenes.

So he chose to break through.

He owns the Devil's Tribulation, and whoever intervenes will die when crossing the Tribulation.

Even if Gu Ying, who had stepped into the immortal way, intervened in him to cross the tribulation, he would be dying in an instant.


Gu Yifeng roared loudly.

Jiang Tailang looked strange, and said: "I really underestimated you, such a terrible seal, even a strong person in the reincarnation realm, may not be able to break through it, but you can, the descendants of Gu Jingyun are really extraordinary."

The blood in Gu Yifeng's body was rolling, and he was furious.

There are ten layers of imaginary spirits, and three flowers gather in a cauldron.

What is Sanhua.

The flower of aura, the flower of blood, the flower of flesh.

Three flowers represent three kinds of power.

Spiritual power, blood, physical body.

The sublimation of the three powers, the gathering of the three flowers, the gathering of the three flowers.

This is the Ten Heavy False Gods,

Gu Yifeng urged his own strength with all his strength.

The spiritual energy, the blood, and the physical body were driven to the extreme, and the spiritual energy gathered on the top of his head, slowly forming a petal.

"Breakthrough, huh, Gu Yifeng, you are really naive, even if you break through to the Void God Tenth Layer, Do you think you can save Du Zhu?"

Jiang Tailang is a genius in cultivation, and he can see what Gu Yifeng wants to do at a glance.

However, at this time, a sudden change occurred.

Thousands of bloody lights suddenly burst out from Gu Yifeng's body.

The blood light soared into the sky and gathered in the sky, forming a huge blood blade. The blood blade was so bright that it illuminated the dark night sky red, which was extremely coquettish.


Jiang Tailang was shocked.

Gu Yifeng ignored the blood blade, rushed towards Du Zhu quickly, and picked her up from the ground.

The magical white jade in the body exudes magical power, and this power submerges into Du Zhu's body.

In an instant, her broken arm was reborn, and the scars on her face healed.

Jiang Tailang was dumbfounded watching this scene.

Immediately, with a happy expression on his face, he said: "You really have a great treasure on your body, but do you think you can save her? Everything you have done is in vain."

Jiang Tailang shot violently, trying to capture Gu Yifeng.

Before he could attack Gu Yifeng, an extremely terrifying force crushed him, and the blood blade in the sky slashed at him directly.

call out!
At this moment, an afterimage flashed and took Jiang Tailang away, so he escaped unharmed.

Jiang Tailang appeared in the distance, and beside him stood an old man in a black robe and a black hat.

Jiang Tailang broke out in cold sweat from fright, and there were bead-sized beads of sweat rolling down his forehead.

He took a deep breath and looked at the blood blade in the sky.

Questioning: "Master, what is that? Why does the force that makes me feel desperate crush me when I attack that kid Gu Yifeng?"

The black-robed old man stared at the blood blade in the sky, shook his head slightly, and said, "I don't know as a teacher, so you back off for now, I'll take this kid away."

Jiang Tailang retreated.

The old man quickly walked towards Gu Yifeng, reaching out with his phantom palm, trying to grab him away.

The blood blade slashed quickly, and directly bombarded the invisible big hand.

The invisible big hand was wiped out in an instant, the old man suffered backlash, his body was shaken back hundreds of meters, a mouthful of blood spurted out,

An exclamation: "This, what a terrifying power?"

Du Zhu's injuries have recovered, Gu Yifeng put him down and said, "You go first."

"But, you..."

Du Zhu didn't know what happened, but she saw the blood blade, and she also knew that the blood blade was weird and aimed at Gu Yifeng.

Gu Yifeng looked solemn, and said: "I'm fine for the time being, you go first, leave me alone, this is my devil's calamity, whoever dares to attack me will die, even if a fairy comes in person, it's the same."

"What the hell is going on, what kind of evil?"

"I don't have time to explain to you now. If I can survive, I will tell you."

With a dignified look on Gu Yifeng's face, he forcibly crossed the tribulation, this was the only way he could save Du Zhu.

(End of this chapter)

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