Nine Heavens Ancestor

Chapter 425 Young Island Master

Chapter 425 Young Island Master

"Then how long will it take you to break through?"

Bi Xingyue had no confidence in her last catastrophe.

If it was just a catastrophe, she wouldn't worry.

But there is a curse in this world that prevents anyone from breaking through to the immortal way. If she wants to break through to the immortal way, she must go through the catastrophe.

Gu Yifeng was the only one who survived the catastrophe.

She wanted to see Gu Yifeng overcome the devil's calamity and understand the power of the devil's calamity.

Only in this way can she have a glimmer of hope, otherwise, once she crosses the catastrophe, she will undoubtedly die.

"This one……"

Gu Yifeng thought for a while, and said: "It's not clear. Hurry up for a year or two, and if it's slow, it will take three to five years. In short, I'm not sure. I won't try to cross the catastrophe lightly. would risk his life as a joke."

Bi Xingyue said: "It doesn't matter for three to five years, I can wait, I can suppress the power, and delay the arrival of the catastrophe, how about this, you stay in Bixian Mountain, I will pass on what I have learned all my life to you, and guide you to practice how?"


Gu Yifeng said with a troubled face, "Sister Xingyue, you know my ancestor, and you should also know that I have a strong enemy now, can I ask you one thing."

"You said."

Gu Yifeng said: "Can you postpone the ascension and stay in this world to protect me for a hundred years?"

"Ha ha."

Bi Xingyue laughed immediately.

"You kid, what you think is very good. Let me stay and protect you. You can't do it. Anyway, I don't have much confidence in crossing the catastrophe. Now that you have appeared, I can use you to save the catastrophe to understand the catastrophe. Then Be well prepared."

Gu Yifeng was overjoyed.

"Did my sister agree?"

Bi Xingyue nodded lightly: "We can count as helping each other, it's only a hundred years. If I suppress my strength, I can still do it if I insist on preventing the catastrophe from happening for a hundred years."

"Thank you sister."

Bi Xingyue gave up slightly, and said: "Don't thank me, I also want to observe you crossing the catastrophe, so as to understand the power of the catastrophe, and come up with countermeasures. As long as I don't die, I don't ascend, no one in the whole world dares hurt you."

Gu Yifeng breathed a sigh of relief.

The stone that had weighed on him for many years was finally let go.

"By the way, do you know how my ancestor died, did he die under the evil calamity, or was he assassinated?"

Bi Xingyue shook her head: "I'm not sure about that. When Gu Jingyun came to Bixian Island, Mo Jie hadn't arrived yet, and he died shortly after he left. Counting the time, Mo Jie hadn't arrived yet. It must have been assassinated."

"Does sister know who plotted against Patriarch?"

Bi Xingyue shook her head.

Gu Yifeng is not asking these questions anymore.

He thought of the sneaky Jiang Tailang before, and said: "Sister, Jiang Tailang is so sneaky, there must be some kind of conspiracy, I think it's better to expel him from Bixian Island as soon as possible, otherwise he will be taken away by Bixian Island." Come disaster."

Bi Xingyue pursed her lips and said with a smile: "You think too much, there are many loose immortals sitting in Bixian Island, what kind of storm he can cause, even if the strong from the whole world comes, it may not be able to do anything to Bixian Island."

This is the most self-confidence in the world.

Gu Yifeng didn't say anything.

"Then, then I'll go back first."

Bi Xingyue thought for a while, and said: "Alright, I also want to make some arrangements. I originally invited many monks here to let them watch me go through the catastrophe and understand the catastrophe, so that they can think of ways to deal with it in the future. Now it seems It's not necessary anymore."

Gu Yifeng said goodbye to Bi Xingyue.

He left Bixian Mountain.


Biyan appeared, clasped her fists in both hands, and said, "Master."

Bi Xingyue said: "Let the monks from the Tiancan Continent go back. I will not survive the catastrophe in a short time as a teacher, and I will announce it. From now on, Gu Yifeng will be the young master of Bixian Island."

"Master, Young Island Master?"

Biyan was shocked.

It took only a while, but the master actually promoted Gu Yifeng to be the master of the young island.

The young island owner, that is the successor of the island owner.

Bi Xingyue nodded and said, "Do as I tell you."

As she spoke, she casually conjured up three bright rune imprints and threw them towards Biyan.

"If Gu Yifeng wants to leave, the teacher will not stop him. You give him these three life-saving talismans and let him crush one when he crosses the catastrophe. The teacher will arrive in an instant. If he is in danger, It can also be crushed, because the teacher will rush to save him."

Bi Xingyue issued a series of orders.


Biyan accepted the three runes, then turned around and left, quickly catching up with Gu Yifeng who was going down the mountain.

"Ancient Yifeng."

Gu Yifeng heard the call and turned around to look.

With a bright smile on his face, he said, "It's Sister Biyan, what's the matter?"

She took out three white runes and handed them over.

The three runes, like three ancient characters, Gu Yifeng looked at them for a while and asked, "What are these?"

Biyan introduced: "This is the life-saving rune given to you by the master. The master asked me to explain to you. From now on, you will be the young island owner of Bixian Island. If you choose to leave, then you will pinch it when you cross the catastrophe next time." Break one and walk outside at the same time, you can crush it if you encounter danger, and the master will rush to save you."

Hearing this, Gu Yifeng was overjoyed.

"Then, then I will accept it bluntly."

With these three runes, he doesn't have to worry about being hunted down. What Jiang Tailang, what master Jiang Tailang, as long as he dares to come, let him die without a place to bury him.

So what about the ninth level of reincarnation, in front of the eighth-rank Sanxian, he is nothing.

"I have to call you Young Island Master from now on."

Gu Yifeng gave up slightly, and said: "Island owner, you can just call me Yifeng. By the way, you said before that you will leave Bixian Island, why don't we form a team to travel around the world."

Biyan cast a glance at Gu Yifeng, then shook her head and said, "Forget it, you are a burden, I don't want you to drag me down."

Gu Yifeng looked dissatisfied.

"I don't despise you no matter what drags you down, but you actually despise me. If you don't like it, just drag it."

He turned and left,

Bi Yan chased after her.

"Yifeng, you misunderstood. The whole world is vast and boundless. Apart from the Tiancan Continent, there are other continents. This time I am going out to practice. I don't plan to go to the Tiancan Continent, but to another continent overseas."

"Oh, huh?"

There was doubt in Gu Yifeng's expression.

There is another continent overseas, and this is the first time he has heard of it.

Biyan nodded: "Well, yes, that continent is an extremely long distance from Bixian Island, even if I try my best to make the journey, it will take a long time, and with your current cultivation level, even if you spend your whole life, you may not be able to reach it. "

Gu Yifeng gave up slightly, and said: "Forget it, you go, I don't want to go either, I still have a lot of things to do in Tiancan Continent, the most important of which is to kill Jiang Tailang, this kid is not dead, I can't sit still ah."

ps: Today is gone, and two more chapters will be updated tomorrow.

(End of this chapter)

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