Nine Heavens Ancestor

Chapter 451 Sea War

Chapter 451 Sea War
Gu Yifeng's bloodline has three changes, the sky-defying step three, plus the flame sickle, and a physical body comparable to a strong person in the second stage of fortune.

Using all the hole cards, although his physical strength has not improved much, it has also improved a little.

Now with his physical strength, he should be able to withstand the attacks of the three realms of good fortune.

In his heyday, Gu Yifeng radiated blue flames all over his body, his long hair turned blue with a trace of white, and he held a blue flame sickle in his hand.

The breath is like a rainbow, graceful like a god descending to earth, giving people an invisible shock.

The strength displayed by Gu Yifeng shocked everyone.

Even Yi Chi, the Prince of Swallowing Demon Ape, was taken aback for a moment, and then there was a touch of surprise in his expression.

"This kid, he really has him. When he was in Zhanzhou a few years ago, he was only at the fourth level of the False God. Now, in a few years, he basically breaks through the first level every year, and his realm is very stable. He has a cultivation base of the eleventh level of the False God. , The power that erupts is actually comparable to the realm of life and death."

The nine-tailed fox of the fox clan, Fox Ji, smiled jokingly, and said: "This battle is interesting, if Gu Yifeng defeats Jiang Tailang, then he will be the first monk to defeat the realm of life and death in the False God Realm. "

Long Ji of the Dragon Clan nodded lightly and said, "Yes, if he did it, it will definitely be recorded in the annals of history."

Many creatures watching the battle all around were shocked.

"Is this Ancient Yifeng Realm really only at the eleventh level of False God? It's really unimaginable."

"Yeah, it's too terrifying. If you didn't see it with your own eyes, who would have thought that the strength displayed by an eleventh-level monk of the Void God is actually comparable to that of a strong man in the habitat. This has crossed a whole realm."

All around, there were constant discussions.

Du Xi also followed.

She saw Gu Yifeng, whose aura was like a rainbow, like a god descending from heaven, with his mouth opened wide, and the shock in her heart could not be subsided for a long time.

Gu Yifeng's aura is like a rainbow, and his fighting spirit is rising in his heart, full of confidence.

Jiang Tailang's breath is not weak, but his face is quite low.

He had many chances to kill Gu Yifeng, but he wanted to get Tiancanyu, and wanted to know the secret of Tiancanyu from Gu Yifeng.

The more astonishing the potential that Gu Yifeng displayed, the more terrifying the strength he displayed, the more he wanted to get Tiancanyu, and the more he wanted to know the secret of Tiancanyu.

He looked at Gu Yifeng with a low face, and said coldly: "Gu Yifeng, I really underestimated you. In just a few years, you have grown from an ant to this step. I knew it was so , I will definitely not let you live until now."

"Unfortunately, you have no chance."

Gu Yifeng opened his mouth calmly, and with a flaming sickle in his hand, a strong heat wave swept across.

"I admit that you are scary, but your cultivation base is too low after all, and you are too arrogant. You should never, never should. You shouldn't come to trouble me before you have completely become stronger."

With a flick of the long sword in Jiang Tailang's hand, an invisible sword energy transformed into a strong heat wave.

The two forces clashed in mid-air,

The void really shatters,

The aftermath of the explosion swept across like ripples in the water.

A huge deep pit instantly appeared on the sea level below, followed by boundless waves.

At this moment, the two moved at the same time.

Gu Yifeng holds a blue flame sickle,

Jiang Tailang holds a golden long sword, the long sword is bright and shining with golden light, like a scorching sun, it is quite dazzling, everyone can't sense Jiang Tailang's breath, they can only feel the boundless sword intent.

"This Jiang Tailang is also quite strong. His comprehension of swords has reached a very high level, and he can fuse his own breath and sword intent together."

"This battle is interesting."

Countless creatures around are watching from a distance.

call out!
As soon as Gu Yifeng moved, a burst of golden sword energy burst out.

The power of the sword qi is extremely terrifying, piercing through the void, and even the void becomes distorted.

The moment the void twisted, sword energy had appeared in front of him.

Creatures in other habitats would definitely not be able to dodge this sword.

Because this sword is too profound, too fast, and too weird.

But Gu Yifeng dodged away.

He dodges because of his special body,

His body has already cultivated active evasion cells. Once he encounters danger, his body will act autonomously without the need for the brain to respond.

The sword energy cut through the void, approaching the distance, and burst into the sky in the distance.

The aftermath of the terrible explosion swept across, and the monks watching the battle retreated back again.

Gu Yifeng charged forward with a flaming sickle in his hand.

"It's a little tricky, and you can try my trick."

As soon as the voice fell, he had already chopped off with a sickle.

An illusory blue flame sickle imprint manifested, this blue sickle imprint suddenly disappeared, and inexplicably appeared behind Jiang Tailang, approaching his head.

The speed of Gu Yifeng's scythe was very fast, which caused the illusion of sight for the creatures watching the battle in the distance.

This trick is terrible,

But Jiang Tailang is not a fuel-efficient lamp, and he immediately reflected.

Turning around is a sword.

Brilliant sword lights shot out one after another, resisting Gu Yifeng's attack.

At the same time, with a flick of the long sword in his hand, the sword energy shot out all over the sky, intertwined together, forming a sword net, enclosing Gu Yifeng in midair.

The bright sword energy criss-crossed and attacked continuously.

Gu Yifeng's body is like a phantom, constantly shuttling through the gaps in the sword energy, dodging a series of attacks, this scene makes the creatures in the distance tremble with fear.

"This Gu Yifeng's reaction speed is too fast, so terrifying, such a dense sword attack, he can dodge it calmly."

"That's right. If you were a strong man in an ordinary habitat, facing such a terrifying sword attack, you would definitely be in a hurry and get injured."

As soon as the battle started, it instantly entered a fiery stage.

Both Gu Yifeng and Jiang Tailang didn't hold back, and exerted their full strength, intending to kill their opponents in this sea area.

The two kept colliding in mid-air.

Jiang Tailang's swordsmanship is terrible, but Gu Yifeng's control over the flame sickle has also reached the realm of doing whatever he wants, and the flame sickle is his destiny, and he has the same will as him.

Although unstructured, it is not to be underestimated.

The more Gu Yifeng fought, the more frightened he became.

"This Jiang Tailang is really scary. I used the triple heaven-defying pedals. Within the range of my heaven-defying pedals, every time I take a step, he will bear tremendous pressure from the space. He can withstand the pressure of the heaven-defying pedals, and he can also show With such terrifying strength, it is not in vain that this human being is the number one genius."

Jiang Tailang was also shocked.

He has stepped into the habitat.

However, Gu Yifeng's real cultivation is only at the eleventh level of the False God, which is not a little bit different. However, Gu Yifeng has shown a strength comparable to that of the living environment by various means.

"No matter what happens today, I must kill this kid here. Otherwise, let him grow up. After a while, I may really be no match for him."

Facing Gu Yifeng, Jiang Tailang felt the danger for the first time, and was truly murderous for the first time.

In the past, he only wanted Tian Canyu.

Now that Gu Yifeng has already posed a threat to him, it doesn't matter if Canyu is not wanted today, but Gu Yifeng must die.

With a killing intent in his heart, Jiang Tailang's aura rose a lot again.

"Jiang Tailang's aura has become stronger again. Gu Yifeng has gradually lost the wind, and he used secret techniques to forcibly increase his strength. He should not be able to last for too long in this state. I'm afraid there is no suspense in this battle."

(End of this chapter)

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