Nine Heavens Ancestor

Chapter 457 The Bloody Battle

Chapter 457 The Bloody Battle

Gu Yifeng was very bold, seeing that no one made a move, he directly used the ultimate move of Tian Can Burn Tian.

Thousands of creatures, thousands of strong men, a hundred of them failed to resist Tian Can Fen Tian's attack, their bodies were directly blown out of the ring, and they were eliminated on the spot.

After he made the move, Yi Chi continued to make the move.

Yi Chi is the prince of the Heaven Swallowing Demon Ape, with abnormal blood, and a rare Hunyuan Taoist body. He is very confident in his own strength, so he directly used the Sky Guard.

Terrible pressure crushed like a giant mountain.

In the entire arena, all the creatures were under strong pressure. Some creatures with weaker bodies couldn't react at all. Their bodies were destroyed on the spot, and their primordial spirits fled hastily.

Gu Yifeng's physical body is extremely powerful, even if it is physical strength, it is comparable to a strong person in the double realm of good fortune,

Now that he has used the three transformations of the blood, his physical body is comparable to the powerhouse of the third level of fortune, plus his own spiritual power and blood power, he definitely has the power of the habitat,

However, under the terrible pressure, his body was crushed in an instant, and he fell hard on the ring. There were some cracks on his body, and blood continued to overflow,

"Damn devil ape."

He cursed.

Gu Yifeng's situation is not bad, at least he has withstood the pressure.

Hu Ji, Long Ji, Jiang Tailang and other powerhouses stood in the void, it seemed that this pressure had no effect on them.

"Ha ha."

Long Ji stood in the void and let out a faint smile.

"I've heard for a long time that the Heaven Swallowing Demon Ape Clan has a unique skill against the sky. I saw it today, and it's really unusual. It seems that today I worked hard, otherwise I wouldn't even be able to get a spot."

Along with Long Ji's light laughter sounded.

A terrifying power also emerged from his body.

This is Longwei.

It is the terrifying power born of the blood of the dragon clan combined with the secret arts of the dragon clan.

Long Wei's pressure is not weak at all compared to Ni Tian Ta.

Some creatures in the Creation Realm were eliminated again.

Gu Yifeng's physical body was already at the limit of being able to withstand the heaven-defying tread. Long Wei reappeared, and he felt the pressure.

He immediately put away the robe on his body, losing more than one hundred thousand catties of weight, and the pressure dissipated a lot.

Slowly stood up from the ground and stretched his muscles and bones.

"Interesting, it seems that if you don't put in all your strength today, you really won't be able to compete for a spot."

Gu Yifeng grinned his teeth, his face was eager to move, and a majestic fighting spirit rose in his heart.

This scuffle is destined to be earth-shattering.

Even those with strong habitats are not fully sure that they will be able to fight to the end.

At this moment, Hu Ji also erupted with terrifying power.

Behind her, there appeared nine fluffy tails, each of which was very dazzling, exuding terrifying power,

The three habitat experts showed terrifying strength, and these three breaths alone eliminated many of the creation realm experts.

Before the battle even started, more than 1000 out of 300 people had already been eliminated.

Jiang Tailang stood in the void, holding a golden long sword in his hand. The aura on his body merged with the sword in his hand. There was only endless sword intent in this area.

This sword intent is extremely terrifying.

Even those who are strong in the Three Realms of Creation feel uncomfortable.

Up to now, four powerhouses have exerted their full strength, and four terrifying pressures are coming from four directions in the sky. Even the powerhouses of the three realms of good fortune, it is difficult to move under this pressure.

They made it clear that they wanted the weak to be eliminated.

In addition to Gu Yifeng, two other human monks were also standing on the ring. Their breaths were very ordinary, but they resisted the four terrifying pressures,

Yi Chi looked at Jiang Tailang, and said softly: "Jiang Tailang, when you were defeated by me a few years ago in the southern region of the Tiancan Continent in Zhanzhou, today I will meet your deity, and use all your strength to fight."

Jiang Tailang's breath was like a rainbow, his long black hair was dancing, and he made a gesture of please with a horizontal sword in his hand.

Yi Chi stepped out in one step, and the moment he stepped in, the terrifying space pressure in this area gathered together, forcibly trampled on Jiang Tailang, and at the same time trampled on all the creatures in the entire ring.

Jiang Tailang's body trembled slightly, with a rare low expression on his face.

He resisted the guards and took the initiative to attack.

The battle broke out instantly.

As the battle began, other creatures chose creatures with weaker cultivation bases than themselves to fight.

Gu Yifeng was watching the situation, but found that many creatures approached him and surrounded him.

His face darkened, "Are these bastards treating me as a weak person and trying to eliminate me first?"

Ming Fengdan in black at the side asked, "Do you want me to help you?"

"It doesn't matter. I like such fierce battles the most. If you treat me as a rotten persimmon, they will have to pay a heavy price."

The small air sea in Gu Yifeng's body instantly became active, and hundreds of small air seas were connected to his own air sea.

His Heaven-Defying Steps are incomplete, and the pressure on the Heaven-Defying Steps is not great, but it is also difficult for ordinary monks to bear.

With the flame sickle in his hand, he greeted the dozens of creatures who were approaching,


In the ninth arena, a scuffle broke out.

Thousands of creatures are rivals to each other.

You beat me, I beat him, I want to take the opponent out of the ring first, and fight for a place to enter the holy spring.

Yi Chi and Jiang Tailang fight, and Hu Ji fights with Long Ji.

Even the black-clothed Mingfeng was entangled by many powerful creatures. Even though they did not enter the realm of death, they came from a powerful race with abnormal blood and strong physical bodies.

The strength that erupts is not weaker than those with strong habitats,

Dozens of hundreds of people besieged Mingfeng, and she didn't feel well either.

In the eyes of many creatures, those masters are the ones who are threatening, as long as they are defeated, then there will be one more quota.

So many creatures also seized the opportunity, and at the same time attacked Yi Chi, Jiang Tailang, Hu Ji, Long Ji, Ming Feng and other strong men.

The battle was extremely brutal.

Swords and swords flashed, and figures flickered.

The aftermath of the terrifying power swept across mighty and mighty, gathering into a picture of magnificent waves that made people's blood surging.

The countless creatures below saw this fierce melee, and their hearts hung in their throats.

Gu Yifeng was besieged by more than 30 strong men. The cultivation bases of these more than 30 creatures were extremely terrifying, and they all stepped into the three realms of good fortune.

Although he is only at the eleventh level of the False God, he has the fighting power of the living environment,

But being besieged by so many strong men, he was also very embarrassed. If he hadn't relied on his flash, he would have already lost.

Even so, he was injured, and there were some bloody wounds on his body.

"His uncle."

Gu Yifeng cursed loudly, and quickly backed away.

Appearing in the distance, the eyes of the sky appear between the eyebrows.

A burst of golden light shot out, attacking a [-]-meter-long Sirius covered in gray hair.

Tianlang was hit by Tianyan, and he was severely injured in an instant. His body fell from the sky and fell on the ring. However, this Sirius was not defeated, but jumped up from the ground, with a terrifying aura on his body, he rushed towards Gu Yifeng.

(End of this chapter)

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