Chapter 226 Yang Ning
"Oh..." Lu Qin murmured, clapped his hands, and suddenly realized.

Yun Rouqian snorted lightly, but she didn't continue to hit his self-confidence.

"According to what you said, Director Yan actually likes that child?" Lu Qin couldn't help asking after understanding.

"It doesn't mean that I like the child himself." Yun Rouqian took another sip of water, and when she saw Leng Qianche being welcomed into the dressing room, she smiled, "I think Director Yan just likes the child's acting skills purely." , As for whether you like his character or not... tsk tsk, that's hard to say."

Lu Qin thought and thought, and found that he still didn't understand Yun Rouqian's deep meaning. He was going to ask Yun Rouqian, but when he turned his head, he saw that she was wearing a blindfold and lying on the recliner, ready to rest. That layer of thought is gone.

Two flowers bloom, one branch each.


On Leng Qianche's side, props, scenes and everything are almost ready, Yan Yu, who was so busy, took time to take a look at Leng Qianche.

It doesn't matter if you don't look at it, the whole person is about to explode when you look at it - the fuck labor and management are busy here like a mule, but you are leisurely resting there and blowing the electric fan!

I saw Leng Qianche sitting on the small bench brought by Ruidi, holding a small electric fan given by a certain girl in his hand, blowing the wind whirringly.

And Reddy dutifully stood behind her and poured water for her.

How much more enjoyable than labor and capital!

So Yan Yu, who was very upset, called the makeup artist to drag Leng Qianche into the dressing room to try on makeup and prepare for filming.

The makeup artist who had long coveted Leng Qianche's face quickly ran to Leng Qianche's side, dragged her to the dressing room.

Scared so much that Rui Di almost beat the makeup artist to the ground subconsciously. I believe that if Leng Qianche hadn't stopped Rui Di's movements with his eyes in time, Rui Di's fist might have reached the makeup artist's face.

Leng Qianche was pushed to the makeup table by the make-up artist, who squatted down, looked at Leng Qianche's face obsessively, and clicked his tongue.

"Oh my god... how can there be such a perfect face in the world?"

The make-up artist was a man in his 20s. He had a handsome appearance, but he was dressed very seductively. He was wearing a white camisole on his upper body. The vest was very short and his belly button was exposed.

He was wearing a pair of blue denim shorts on his lower body, and his exposed thighs were white and long, and there was not a single leg hair on them, which also made him look gay in a gay way.

Leng Qianche knew him, his name was Yang Ning, and he had been working as a make-up artist in Yan Yu's crew in his previous life. Even if other crews offered him ten times the price to poach him, he would not leave, and stayed with Yan Yu's crew all the time.

His original temperament was a bit gay, plus he never left Yan Yu's crew, so there was a scandal, saying that he loved Yan Yu deeply and was willing to do anything for Yan Yu.

In fact, this is not the case. Yang Ning did stay on the set because of someone he liked, but it was not Yan Yu, but someone else.

Leng Qianche is very sure that Yang Ning is definitely not gay, he likes women, but she doesn't know who this woman is.

At this time, Yang Ning had already touched Leng Qianche's face, euphemistically calling it a child's delicate skin. To see what kind of cosmetics Leng Qianche's skin is suitable for, standing behind Leng Qianche From Reddy's point of view, this is clearly a rip-off!
(End of this chapter)

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