Chapter 297 New Script

Leng Qianche didn't know how sad Lin Lu was right now. At this time, she was reading the script.

Yes, you read that right, Leng Qianche is indeed reading the script.

Someone might ask, didn't Leng Qianche finish filming a long time ago?Why bother reading the script?

Then this matter has to start from yesterday——

Yesterday, Ruidi received a call from Yan Yu. Yan Yu said that a director friend of his was shocked after watching the video of Leng Qianche filming. It just so happened that the other party’s new movie was about to start shooting and there was still a lack of a young actor, so he wanted to invite Leng Qianche, I hope Rui Di will tell you.

After learning about this, Leng Qianche expressed that she wanted to read the script before talking about it, so today the script delivered by Yan Yu's entrusted person was in her hands.

As for why Yan Yu didn't come to deliver it in person?
Our director Yan Yuda said: The labor and management panicked when they saw the face of the little ancestor, and they dared not come to deliver it in person, for fear of being pissed to death.

Leng Qianche sat comfortably with her legs crossed on the soft sofa in her room, drinking herbal tea while listening to the script read by Rui Di standing next to her - yes, she is too lazy now I don't even bother to read the script.

"Young Master, this is a movie that ends in tragedy. The subject matter is very novel." Rui Di quickly glanced at the not-so-thin script in his hand, and said.

"Oh? Really?" Leng Qianche became a little interested, and said, "Read it and listen to it... Oh, by the way, Rui Di, you remember reading it with emotion. Keep it short if you can, and omit it if you can." Let’s skip it.” She didn’t want to fall asleep while listening to the news.

Her request is really a bit too much, even if it is a dude, it is not as much as her request.

But Reddy didn't feel dissatisfied at all, as if he took it for granted.

"This movie tells the story of a monk and a broken sleeve." Rui Di summed it up and said.

"Huh? Broken sleeves?" Leng Qianche raised her eyebrows, "Has a movie with this theme been broadcast?" She remembered that it would take 20 years for a movie with this theme to be broadcast.

"If this movie is really just like this, it will definitely not be broadcast." Reidy rarely let it go mischievously, "How about the young master guess why it has been reviewed?"

If some bad-tempered people would have fired Rui Di long ago, but Leng Qianche doesn't like to restrict the freedom and personality of his subordinates, if these people are all rigid, then what's the fun?

"Could it be that this story is just a subplot, and the real main plot is a story about a man and a woman? And the story of the broken sleeve is only a little bit, and the radio and television department turned a blind eye to let it be reviewed?" Leng Qian The corner of Che's mouth curled up, and said.

"The young master is unparalleled in intelligence." Rui Di said this, as if he was disappointed that this story did not bother Leng Qianche, but the smile in his eyes betrayed his true thoughts.

"Pfft." Seeing him praising her so seriously, Leng Qianche wanted to laugh, but she did chuckle and said, "Okay, stop flattering me. Continue reading."

"Yes, young master." Reddy said.

"Indeed, as the young master said, there are very few shots of the monk and the broken sleeve in this movie script, and they only appear in the memory of the heroine." Rui Di considered the language, using the shortest and most precise words.

"Oh?" Leng Qianche was really interested now, she put down her herbal tea and looked at Rui Di and said, "Let's listen."

 I remember this script I said in the group a long time ago, I don’t know how many people still remember 23333~
  Guess who I play? (Don't say what you know)
(End of this chapter)

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