After the waste material goes against the sky

Chapter 112 Rebirth and Continuation of Fate [9]

Chapter 112 Rebirth and Continuation of Fate [9]

He was so desperate that he hid in the palace of a Lian family.This is really the king of Hades wanting people to die at the third watch, who dares to keep them until the fifth watch.

After being dropped heavily to the ground, the wound broke through the acupoint due to the violent impact, and blood rushed out immediately.He could clearly feel the poison on his chest spreading rapidly towards his heart and limbs.

This poison is so strong that as soon as it flows through the heart, it instantly makes people feel numb and lose consciousness.

He saw a shining dagger stabbing towards the heart, but he was powerless to stop it.

Leng Feng smiled wryly, he finally failed the expectations of his brothers.

The dagger barely stopped less than a millimeter away from the man in black's heart, and the skirt that was close to his body had been pierced, but the skin hadn't been pierced yet.

Mo Zihan narrowed his eyes slightly and looked at the masked cheeks of the man in black.I don't know if she really missed Mo Feng, but under the mist in the bathroom, she actually felt that the eyes of the person lying on the ground looked so similar to Mo Feng's.Not similar, but exactly the same!
After staring at the man in black for a long time, he finally couldn't bear to stab the dagger in his hand.

Reaching out to tear off the face scarf on the face of the man in black, Mo Zihan was not calm when he saw the face of the man in black clearly.

After tearing open the skirt of the man in black and checking his wound, he quickly ran back to the bedroom, took off a white porcelain bottle by the bed, and quickly ran back to the bathroom.

Poured two medicines from the white porcelain bottle, stuffed them into the mouth of the man in black without any explanation, lifted his head up, and forced his jaw to swallow the medicine.Then he used his mouth to suck out the poisonous blood from his wound and spit it out until red blood flowed from the wound.

From the moment the gleaming dagger pierced his heart, the cold wind closed his eyes, and he clearly felt the coldness of the dagger against his skin, but after waiting for a long time, he still couldn't wait for the pain of sending him to the west.

His consciousness became less and less clear, and he felt that after being paralyzed, he was surrounded by a mass of heat, which made it difficult for him to breathe and the pain was unbearable.

Somebody made him take two pills, and after the pills entered his throat, there was a burst of coolness, and even the flames in his body that almost burned his internal organs disappeared quite a bit.

Immediately afterwards, there was a sharp pain in his chest, which forced him to open his eyes suddenly.

Is he dazzled, or is the light coming back?He actually saw the woman who was holding a dagger to kill him just now was helping him suck out the poisonous blood from the wound.

This damned woman was too savage, every time she sucked it, it almost tore his whole body apart.

He wanted to swear, but because of the severe pain, every time he opened his mouth, he couldn't help but moan.

After sucking out the poisonous blood, the woman opened the wooden storage room on the wall without even looking at him, and the bathroom was instantly filled with the fragrance of flowers.The woman quickly sprinkled the rose petals placed in the storage room on the floor and the sink in the bathroom. After a while, the entire bathroom became a sea of ​​rose petals.

"You idiot, you actually attracted people. If you don't want to die, just hold your breath and don't stick your head out."

After the woman finished speaking, she pushed him into the sink, then brought a stool and placed it on the place where he bled the most, took off the red silk bathrobe and put it on it.Then he jumped into the water without hesitation.

The moment Mo Zihan took off his robe, the cold wind instantly petrified, this woman...she was not wearing anything...

As a result of the petrification, the moment Mo Zihan jumped into the water with lightning speed, he saw something he shouldn't have seen.
I have something to do tomorrow, so I need to update one chapter less, and make it up today.

(End of this chapter)

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