After the waste material goes against the sky

Chapter 122 Marrying North Vietnam [5]

Chapter 122 Marrying North Vietnam [5]

A festive phoenix coronet was worn on Mo Zihan's body again, her skin was as crystal clear as snow, her black silk was as bright as satin, her lips were as delicate as cherry blossoms, and her long and curly eyelashes were impressively like a pair of butterfly wings, exuding a fatal temptation.

Nangong Jin was a little embarrassed, and smiled nervously: "It's strange, you didn't marry me today, why am I nervous?"

Mo Zihan smiled lightly: "Then just treat it as a rehearsal today."

Nangong Jin was amused by Mo Zihan, came to her bed and sat down half-truthfully, held her hand, and asked, "My bride, will you marry me?"

Mo Zihan smiled, and replied half-truthfully: "I am willing! Regardless of poverty, wealth, disease, or health in this life, I am willing to marry you, and I will never leave you."

Never heard of such a touching promise, Nangong Jin felt her nose sore, and said in a hoarse voice, "Is it true?"

Seeing that Nangong Jin's eyes were red, Mo Zihan hurriedly hugged him, and nodded vigorously in his arms.

"Han'er, if I were the bridegroom today, how wonderful it would be. You married twice, and the groom was not me. If something happens again in the future, I..."

Thinking of the ups and downs in his and Mo Zihan's love journey, finally the big event is about to be settled, happiness is in front of him, but Luo Yuling comes in between them for no reason.

Empress Luozhi is cruel and ruthless. I don't know if she will be able to coexist peacefully with Han'er in the future. If it really becomes incompatible and involves politics, where will he end up with Han'er?

"Jin, it is said that good things take time, but there are only three things, and we will be happy. Even if something goes wrong and you fail to restore your dynasty, I will marry you. As I said, no matter if you are poor, rich, sick or healthy, I want It is you who are married, not the emperor."

Mo Zihan interrupted Nangong Jin's words, because when Nangong Jin said what she just said, she suddenly had a bad feeling that even if it was the third time she married, the groom would not be Nangong Jin.This premonition made her feel very uncomfortable.

There are indeed many uncertainties in the future. Before everything is settled, any mistakes in any link may lead to failure.

But she doesn't care about these, she only likes Nangong Jin, as long as he can treat her wholeheartedly, no matter who he is or what he becomes, she will accept it.

On the rooftop, the emperor raised his wine glass high, offering sacrifices to heaven, earth, and ancestors, praying to the gods and ancestors to bless the Chaoyang Dynasty and keep it prosperous forever and stay away from wars.

Under the altar, civil and military officials knelt down and responded.

The emperor raised his glass to drink with Princess Heshuo, hoping that Princess Heshuo would bring Chaoyang's wish for peace to North Vietnam.

After the ceremony of offering sacrifices to the sky, Princess Heshuo, supported by the emperor, stepped down from the platform for offering sacrifices to the sky, walked through the official road, and received a farewell from the civil and military officials on both sides until the princess sat on the luan of eight horses.

The gate to the east of the imperial palace, the send-off team has already assembled here.With a sound of driving, the team began to move forward. Three hundred troops cleared the way, a thousand guards of honor were in the middle, and on both sides of the guards of honor, seven hundred troops guarded each other, and a thousand troops stood behind.The soldiers clearing the way in the front held the Ziyun chasing the dragon flag and the flags of the two countries and relatives, and the guard of honor in the middle held auspicious wishes and held red and brown gift rolls aloft. The carriages of the troops behind were loaded with boxes of silk and satin, rare treasures.

(End of this chapter)

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