After the waste material goes against the sky

Chapter 148 The Queen 2 Marries [10]

Chapter 148 The Queen's Second Marriage [10]

"Let's talk about the prince again. Let's put aside His Royal Highness's kind and filial character for the time being.

As far as I know, the Guoerluo family is the second largest nobleman in North Vietnam, and the prince Ao Deng is the only son born to the emperor and the daughter of the Guoerluo family, the current queen. Ao Deng's succession to the throne can be said to be justified.

Before the emperor appointed Ao Deng as the prince, he was not poisoned. Now Ao Deng has become the prince. From now on, the emperor who is just and proper, why should he take the risk of killing his father?

It is said that the most unjust thing for a person is to steal a chicken and not lose money. For Ao Deng, the chicken belonged to him in the first place, so why should he steal it?And risk being accused? "

Mo Zihan still looked at Chigurh sarcastically. "Third prince, tell me, if you were the prince, would you do such a stupid thing?"

Mo Zihan's question made Zieg's face so dark that it was about to drop ink.

"Finally, let's talk about who is the one who wants the emperor to die the most!" After speaking, he glanced at Zig with a hint, and said to all the ministers present:
"Although the eldest prince is proficient in everything from literature to martial arts, and is the number one warrior in North Vietnam, but now he has been demoted to Kube, and has no chance of being on the throne.

Regardless of whether it is logical or status, if there is no accident, Prince Ao Deng is the best candidate for the next emperor.It is self-evident who wants this accident to happen the most. "

"Princess Heshuo, don't spout blood!"

These words almost came from between Zig's teeth.But such a warning, some people seem to never receive.

A certain woman hooked her lips and smiled coquettishly, ignorant of the times. "Is this princess wrong? The relationship between Tuoli and Ao Deng has always been very good, and His Royal Highness Chigurh couldn't make a difference even if he wanted to.

But now that you are gone, Ao Deng is the only enemy left. As long as you make a little accident, won't you be the next emperor?And because you are afraid that the emperor will not pass on the crown prince to you, you simply order someone to poison the emperor to death, so that you can take the throne immediately, right? "

"You fart!" Zieg was so angry with the woman in front of him that he couldn't choose what to say, and he swears.

"I fart?" Mo Zihan repeated in surprise, then looked at the officials at the side, and asked naively: "Do you smell it?"

All the ministers covered their mouths and coughed to hide their uncontrollable smiles.

Mo Zihan turned to Qige again, "Look, none of them smelled the stench, which means I didn't fart! Just now I clearly saw a maid come out from behind the imperial concubine and put the jug containing poisoned wine on the emperor's table of."

"Princess Heshuo! Don't be bloody! You must know that this slander of the royal family will result in the destruction of the entire family!" The noble concubine stomped her feet angrily after hearing Mo Zihan's words.Never thought that this Mo Zihan could be so eloquent.

"Everyone is telling their own truth, why are you telling the truth and my telling the truth turns into farting and spitting blood? Do you want to destroy my nine clans?
The nine clans of this princess are in the Chaoyang Dynasty. If you want to destroy it, you can only destroy this princess.Moreover, whoever slandered the royal family is still uncertain. "

In a word, even concubines and princes, down to courtiers and officials are unable to speak.Yes, who is telling the truth?
"This palace can clearly see that the maid who brought the wine to the emperor came from behind Master Wu Yue.
(End of this chapter)

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