After the waste material goes against the sky

Chapter 153 The situation is rising [3]

Chapter 153 The situation is rising [3]

Her lack of interest aroused Mo Zihan's great interest instead.

This woman is not too unfamiliar to Mo Zihan, because her elder sister is the only one who is still alive after seriously offending Mo Zihan—the Queen of Luo Zhiguo, Luo Yuling.And her name is Luo Yuxi.

Although one mother gave birth to nine sons, each of the nine sons is different.But no matter how different they are, they can't be so different, right? !
My sister is a master at playing with power, she is a queen on the [-]th Five-Year Plan, and she is good at calculating.This younger sister... made her a queen with an expression like someone lent her millet and returned her chaff.

Of course, Mo Zihan would not think that she was indifferent to fame and wealth and wanted to become a nun. Although she is not a queen, she is a woman who has experienced the battle for the position. She was puzzled.

It wasn't that she was small-minded, because of Luo Yuling's incident, she overturned a boatload of people, but from the bottom of Luo Yuxi's eyes, she also saw a faint contempt.

So Mo Zihan can only guess that maybe this woman doesn't love the queen, but her heart is bigger, at least, she is not willing to be Ao Deng's queen.

But whether she cuts or not has nothing to do with her, as long as she doesn't do things that hurt Aoden.Because she really regarded Ao Deng as a friend.If anyone dares to hurt her friend, she will definitely let her go around endlessly!
Time passed by in a flash, and a month passed in a blink of an eye.

For Mo Zihan, this month was simply the most beautiful time in his life.Because Ao Deng allowed her to go out of the palace at will, she ran between the palace and the brothel every day, and her career was in full swing.

With sufficient funds, the new Fengyun Building has already been built.Different from the old Fengyun Building, the new building has a more special style.

In terms of hardware, because of the support of the royal family, the new building integrated the surrounding land, demolished some houses of the nearby people and moved them to other places, so the new building is much larger than the old building. Not only is the lobby decoration more stage-like, but also Each room has a different mood.

There are Chinese classical style, European style, North American style, and Japanese style, which only the guests can't think of, and there is nothing the owner of Fengyunlou can't do.

In terms of software, the girl in the new building is much better than the old building.The songs and dances those girls sang and danced were different from what you usually see, completely refreshing, but fatally attractive.

Moreover, Fengyun Building also set off a frenzy of star-making. Although Ling Yue, the top brand of Fengyun Building, is also the oiran of the old building, after being packaged, her worth has increased many times. If the current Ling Yue girl walks on the street , is bound to be surrounded.

In addition to Miss Ling Yue, Feng Yun Lou also popularized a group of women who are new to this industry like Xiaofengxian and Ling Yezi.

In terms of form, Xinlou is not so much a brothel as an entertainment place that integrates performances, brothels, massage and health care, chess and cards, catering and other entertainment and consumption methods.

Once such a brothel is built, it is impossible not to be popular.But one thing, all guests must abide by the rules here.

Singing girls like Miss Lingyue absolutely do not accompany their guests. If some guests do not realize it and insist on provoking the rules of Fengyun Building, they will end up not seeing the sun tomorrow, or losing their hands and feet.The worst thing is that these people ran to sue the officials, but no one dared to deal with them.
Up to now, there are still relatives who are asking Atom, who is the hero...

Atom couldn't help wondering, was his explanation not clear enough?Of course, whoever faces the heroine in the toilet, birthday banquet, bathroom, and Wang Zhang is the hero.

Although the male protagonist has only appeared three times so far, don't worry, dear friends, because every character and every event has a reason and meaning.Ao Deng has appeared, and the appearance of the hero is also near, very near.

Because originally he and Mo Zihan were two people who had no intersection at all, and it was because of these seemingly irrelevant people and things that they met, knew each other, and cherished each other in the future.

This story belongs to the slow-heating type, but the role of the protagonist will definitely not be missing.The story has just begun to develop, please don't worry, just read down slowly with patience.

(End of this chapter)

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