After the waste material goes against the sky

Chapter 161 The situation is rising [11]

Chapter 161 The situation is rising [11]

From a selfish point of view, he should not say some embarrassing words to make the relationship between them ambiguous and unfamiliar.Now it's very good for them to get along like this, even if she treats him as her elder brother all her life, as long as she can stay by her side, he will be very happy.

"You don't mean that, what do you mean? I always thought we couldn't be separated, but now you have something to do with Yi Wuchen, but you put me aside. If it wasn't for Yi Wuchen being caught by me today, he was quietly healing at Ling Yue, threatening Only later did you tell me about you, are you going to let me collect the corpse for you next time?"

Collect the body?The corner of Leng Feng's mouth twitched.Is it that serious?

She remembered that she had just encountered the cold wind, and when she was treating his wounds, she had seen the large and small dense scars on his body. At that time, she was so distressed that she swore that she would never let him have any more hideous scars.But now, seeing Leng Feng covered in white gauze, Mo Zihan began to hate himself.

Leng Feng and Yi Wuchen took care of her and protected her meticulously all the way. As long as she was in danger, the two of them would definitely guard her by her side.But what about her?Focusing on expanding her career, but ignoring the most important people around her, what right does she have to blame them?

Sighing, he gently leaned against the uninjured part of the cold wind, "Feng, you have to remember, you must tell me anything in the future. You once promised me that your life is mine, so I forbid you to carry it Let me face dangerous things."

She thought that Mo Zihan would yell at him again, or punish him by scratching the soles of his feet.But Mo Zihan didn't do anything, just quietly leaned on his shoulder.

Suddenly, a drop of warm liquid dripped on his unbandaged right shoulder, and Leng Feng's heart was crazily messed up again.

Mo Zihan, this woman who would smile at her even if someone put a knife on her neck, actually cried because of his injury...

Stretching out his hand to caress Mo Zihan's soft long hair, the eye sockets of the cold wind are also moist. "Han'er, I promise you, I will tell you everything in the future, even if there is danger, we will face it together."

He doesn't need to know why Mo Zihan cares about him, he just needs to know that she really, really cares about him.This time he was wrong and made her sad.

Wiping away her tears, she quietly replaced the cold wind with the medicine she developed herself, secretly laughing inwardly.

She knew that if Leng Feng was willing to agree to something he didn't want, coercion and temptation would be useless. Maybe he would agree now, but next time he encountered the same situation, he would still go his own way.What works for him is tears, this trick is absolutely tried and tested.

"Feng, after you heal your wound completely, let's go to Yethorn together." After dressing the wound, Mo Zihan put out the porridge and side dishes packed in the thermos bucket one by one, and let the cold wind eat it while it's hot.When he was almost done eating, he said something that would absolutely upset his stomach.

"Why are you going there?" Leng Feng raised his heart in his throat.He didn't want to let Mo Zihan take risks at all, the assassins in the night were all killers with extremely high martial arts, even if Mo Zihan's weird martial arts could defeat them, he didn't want her to suffer even a little injury.

"That Yezhong, he dared to bully my Feng'er, I will let him know how to write the word regret! Hmph! Just watch, from now on, Yeci's surname is Leng, not Ye."

(End of this chapter)

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