After the waste material goes against the sky

Chapter 179 The king's account is on [6]

Chapter 179 The king's account is on [6]

Mo Zihan shook his head emotionally.This Queen Mother, she has not realized her mistake until now.

"If you hadn't treated Tuoli and his concubine mother so well back then, with the relationship between Ao Deng and Tuoli, even if he would not have helped Ao Deng ascend the throne, he would never have made their relationship what it is now."

"You don't understand! If the methods of the Ai family are not strong, Ao Deng will surely die. You come."

As she spoke, the Queen Mother took out a letter from her locked cabinet and handed it to Mo Zihan.

Opening the letter, it turned out to be a letter written by Concubine Li to General Qian Zhongxun of the South Court at that time.

It clearly states that Tuoli intends to take the throne, but the crown prince has no choice but to be a concubine, and the position of prince is rare, so Qian Zhongxun, the general of the Southern Academy, is asked to mediate and recommend Tuoli to be the crown prince.

"Are you sure it was written by Concubine Li?"

"That's right. It's not only written by her own hand, but also printed with her private seal. Who else could it be if it wasn't written by her?" Speaking of this matter, the Queen Mother is still indignant.

"Everyone in the palace knows that with the identity of the Ai family, no one except Ao Deng is qualified to be the crown prince. Anyone who wants to grab Ao Deng's crown prince must start from the Ai family. It was the corpse that stepped on it.

She, Concubine Li, a singing prostitute who was born in a brothel, actually wants to eat swan meat.At that time, if Ao Deng hadn't pleaded hard and threatened with his life, the Ai family would have killed Tuoli.I only hate that I was soft at the time, but it turned into a big mistake today. "

Just when he was too regretful, fireworks were suddenly set off in the sky above the palace, and the whole palace suddenly screamed.

The Empress Dowager's face suddenly turned pale, and she said loudly to Mo Zihan: "No, Tuoli broke through the city gate!"

"Go quickly and go find Ao Deng. The Ai family will hold Tuoli back. If Ao Deng doesn't leave, you will beat him unconscious and take him away."

"Also, there is a secret passage in the king's tent, and the organ is directly under the dragon bed in the bedroom. After entering the secret passage, there is a number platter. According to the theory that two appearances produce four images, and four images produce gossip, the number two Move clockwise to the position of four, then move the four to the position of eight in the same way, the eight will leave its position automatically, then remove the number eight and put it into the dense grid that appears, the exit will open automatically .

Remember not to move randomly, otherwise all the organs in the secret passage will be opened. "

The queen mother wanted to say something, but she couldn't say anything.Because she has too many worries and orders...

"Don't worry, as long as I'm still alive, I will definitely protect Ao Deng and won't let him suffer any harm."

She knew that the only thing the Queen Mother was worried about now was Ao Deng.Facing a dying person, Mo Zihan's only promise, and also the promise that reassures her the most, is to protect Ao Deng to the death.

I wanted to say goodbye, but knew that we would never see each other again, so in the end, I just took a deep look at the queen mother, then rode on the fast horse, and decided to leave.

Today's imperial palace is already in chaos. Most of the court ladies and eunuchs took the opportunity to steal valuable things from their masters and prepare to flee in all directions. What's more, they didn't even let go of valuable vases.

Tuoli's vanguard had already surrounded the entire imperial palace, and the imperial forest army outside the palace was suppressed and retreated steadily. In the end, they could only escape back to the imperial palace and fight against foreign enemies together with the imperial guards inside.

According to Ao Deng's usual living habits, Mo Zihan rushed into the imperial study, and sure enough, Ao Deng was here.The only difference is that all the eunuchs and court ladies who served outside on weekdays have all fled for their lives, and the only person staying by Ao Deng's side is the current Chief Inspector.

(End of this chapter)

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