After the waste material goes against the sky

Chapter 19 Cold Palace Career [7]

Chapter 19 Cold Palace Career [7]

Hearing what his father said, Mo Zihan felt a little relieved.

"Dad, don't worry, I will find a way to get close to the emperor and let him transfer you back to the capital as soon as possible."

Mo Zihan's words made Mo Liwei and Mo Xuehan frown at the same time.Looking at each other, they were silent.

"Girl, you can just stay in the cold palace. You don't have to worry about other things. Dad will take care of yourself and your mother. Your elder brother will take care of you in the palace, so you can rest assured."

"it is good."

After listening to Mo Liwei's words, Mo Zihan obediently agreed.The reason is to let her father not worry before he leaves.

But her father's words are definitely problematic.

Although she has never lived in the palace, but not eating pork does not mean that she has never seen a pig walk. In a place like the palace where the interdependence of power, money and sex is vividly portrayed, no one would not want their daughter to be able to To become emperors and concubines, especially a family like them with more than [-] people under one person, is even more familiar with the way of power-sex-deal.

But his father let her stay in the cold palace obediently, the taste of which is probably still a bit esoteric.

"Dad, you have to be careful on the road, and you must be careful to pay attention to the friends and villains around you. When you arrive in Changzhou, write to me immediately, and then make sure to write me a letter every five days with at least [-] words. , don't be lazy, you should tell me about your situation in Changzhou in the letter, and every time you write a letter, tell me about the people and things you encounter around you."

"Okay, Dad promises you." Thinking of the dream her daughter told her, she knew her daughter's thoughts.Although my daughter lost her memory, she suddenly became a lot more sensible and became more assertive. It seemed... she was also stronger.

Lenggong originally did not allow anyone to visit, but Mo Liwei and Mo Xuehan bribed the eunuch of Lenggong to sneak in.Visiting time should not be too long.Mo Liwei and Mo Xuehan reluctantly left the Leng Palace under the repeated urging of the Leng Palace eunuch.

As soon as Mo Liwei and the others left, Mo Zihan followed her out because she missed her, and wanted to say that she would give her father a ride in the end.

"Xuehan, father is leaving now, Han'er is here, I can only ask you to take more care of you." When Mo Liwei was talking, his eyes were still looking at Leng Palace not far away.

"Dad, don't worry, I will take care of Han'er." Mo Xuehan solemnly promised.

"Okay...Okay!" Mo Liwei nodded while listening to Mo Xuehan's promise. "Xuehan, as you know, my father only has a daughter like Han'er, and now she is..." As she spoke, she burst into tears.

Seeing Mo Liwei like this, Mo Xuehan felt very uncomfortable.

"Father, let's not talk about the private affairs of the children, I only have a sister like Han'er. If she is in danger, even if I try my best, I will take her away from the palace safely."

"Hmm! Hmm! Thank you Xuehan!"

"Father, what are you talking about? No matter what, we will always be one family. You and your mother are my parents, Mo Xuehan."

"Han'er has amnesia now, and I don't remember you. When you have a chance, go to her and clarify the matter between you. The time we met today is too short, and Dad didn't have a chance to say these words to Han'er. Don't take it offense. ."

"Han'er has amnesia now, it's not a bad thing. The boy wants to wait for the big event to settle before telling Han'er about these things. Han'er is soft and gentle on the surface, but in fact has a strong personality, otherwise there will be no suicide by taking poison in a big wedding. Things.

(End of this chapter)

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