After the waste material goes against the sky

Chapter 197 Zihan was captured [8]

Chapter 197 Zihan was captured [8]

"Did he say that even I can't do it?"

"This..." Seeing Luo Yuxi's imperative posture, Qian Rui sweated profusely. "Not really."

"Since there isn't one, then I'll go in." Luo Yuxi spoke politely to Qian Ze and Qian Rui, but almost never allowed them to refute.

"Miss Yuxi!" This time it was Qian Ze who stopped Luo Yuxi, and said with flushed cheeks, "But the master ordered anyone before, so please wait a little longer, or...or let Subordinates go in and report to the Lord."

Luo Yuxi looked at Qian Ze, smiled lightly and said, "You look like you're doing something shameful in there."

Luo Yuxi's words made Qian Ze and Qian Rui panic at the same time.This future hostess is too shrewd, so she can guess it? !

"Well, since he ordered that no one should go in, don't you also belong to anyone? Instead of going in and being scolded like this, let me go in, so he won't get angry at me."

After finishing speaking, Luo Yuxi patted Qianze on the shoulder, not allowing the two of them to stop him again, and walked in directly.

As soon as she entered the king's tent, Luo Yuxi frowned.Excluding the servant's room, the king's tent is divided into three parts: the main hall, the side hall and the bedroom.If Tuoli talked to Ao Deng, he would definitely be in the main hall, but there was no one in the main hall.

Realizing that something was wrong, Luo Yuxi quickly ran into the side hall, but there was still no one there.

After slowing down, Luo Yuxi quietly came to Wang Zhang's bedroom.

Except for a man lying on the bed whose face he couldn't see clearly, there was no sign of Ao Deng here at all.

Of course she would not be so stupid as to think that the person lying on the bed would be Aoden.An overthrown emperor, if he didn't take the opportunity to escape but fell asleep, she would really look at him differently.

But she knew Ao Deng's character. When the palace was broken, if he didn't take the opportunity to escape, he would definitely kill himself with a sword.

Then, the person lying on the bed now can only be...Tuo Li!
Thinking of this, Luo Yuxi suppressed the panic in her heart, rushed forward, and tore off the quilt...

A mouth was blocked, chest was injured, naked, and appeared in front of her eyes.

"Come on! Come on!"

Surprised that who could have such ability to hurt Tuoli and save Ao Deng, but Luo Yuxi called Qian Ze and Qian Rui in immediately.

When Qian Ze and Qian Rui heard the shouts and rushed into the bedroom, they were completely shocked.

Their almighty master... was stripped naked, tied up and still on the bed, and his chest was injured.

Which fairy is it?There is such a skill?

A cry that made people's ears turn red appeared in their memory...

Oh My God!It was that woman? !She not only rescued Aoden, but also kidnapped their master?

Looking at the expression on the master's face that was so dark as to drip ink, could it be that that extremely satisfied growl yesterday was...could it be...their master was given by that woman...

Qian Ze and Qian Rui lowered their heads, not daring to think any further.

Amitabha, good is good!

If their previous assumptions were true, then this woman really had the guts of a leopard, but she suffered for them.

"Damn it!"

Putting on his pants immediately, he moved his already completely stiff limbs and lips, and the feeling of humiliation hit his heart again.

(End of this chapter)

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