After the waste material goes against the sky

Chapter 199 Zihan was captured [11]

Chapter 199 Zihan was captured [11]

Don't worry, they will never get involved in the affairs of the court.Tuoli, promise me! "

Looking at Luo Yuxi, she had never asked for anything from him, this was the first time she begged him.It's just a state religion, as long as you don't participate in the government, it's fine.

Because he really couldn't bear to refute Luo Yuxi's face, Tuoli finally nodded in agreement.

The ringing of the hour of Chen represents the new emperor's ascension to the throne, and the opening of a new chapter in the history of Beiyue Kingdom.

Go east from the Wangzhang, pass the east gate, and come to the Dazheng Hall.Walking through 66 steps and stepping onto the jade land carved like pavilions and waterside pavilions, the fish in the ground seem to know that they have changed their masters and hide under the lotus leaves in the underground pond.

After taking off his clothes and lightly lifting the hem of his clothes, and formally sitting on the dragon chair, all the officials knelt together, and the deafening sound resounded throughout the Dazheng Hall.

"Long live my emperor! Long live!"

Looking at the ministers below, the general is almost his man, but among the civil servants, apart from Sauron, who is his military adviser and confidant, only the national adviser Pei Chengyue is usually closer to him.The rest of the civil servants were all the ministers of the late emperor and Ao Deng when they were in power.

This was the most important thing he asked Sauron to do after he invaded the capital.

A country cannot be without a king for a day, and a country cannot be without ministers for a day.Although these ministers were not his people in the past, they were not at fault after all.If you can devote yourself to the north, it's fine to keep it.

Since most of the important ministers in the court were nobles from the Guoerluo family and the Kerku family before, the withdrawal of Zig and Ao Deng now also made some important positions vacant.So he ordered Sauron to order all officials above the fifth rank in the capital to enter the palace.

The vacancies in official positions need to be filled by other officials. The loss of so many officials in the imperial court has also left the entire imperial court in a semi-paralyzed period of being exhausted.

I have also heard that the Chaoyang Dynasty opened Enke for the sake of seeking talent, but Nangong Jin took advantage of the loopholes at that time, but if the policy can be formulated well, it will still be very beneficial to North Vietnam.

The early morning time lasted for a whole morning. In addition to re-arranging official positions for officials and planning Enke affairs for Sauron, the new emperor ascended the throne and conferred Luo Yuxi as empress, Duerbert's family and Da Yan's family, and established the evil spirit sect as the queen. The state religion allowed him to send an elder to do astrology and divination for the North Vietnamese country and pray for the people. At the same time, he also appointed several princesses who were far away from the five ethnic groups and the daughters of several court officials as concubines.

These things were not Tuoli's will, but the contract had already been established when the rebellion was planned.

He also understands these, and doesn't really care about them.After all, which emperor is not Sangong Liuyuan, and he is no exception.He just needs to know that his heart belongs to Luo Yuxi.

In fact, according to the ancestral system, although Luo Yuxi, who was once Ao Deng's queen, can become his concubine, she is not qualified to be his queen again.But because these civil servants were overwhelmed by his strength, it was a fluke for them to survive now, so of course no one dared to raise objections.

The establishment of a queen and the establishment of a state religion can be done by Tuoli.

What is keeping promises, this is it!

In the face of absolute strength, all rules and regulations are farts!

After morning morning, after a hasty lunch, Tuoli took his generals Qianli, Qianye, Qianze, and Qianrui to the capital to appease the people.

The sons of the Qian family are all the grandsons of Qian Zhongxun, the former general of the Southern Academy. Because his father died young, they have been fighting with his grandfather on the battlefield, and he also forged a brotherly relationship with them on the battlefield.

(End of this chapter)

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