After the waste material goes against the sky

Chapter 226 The Demon Girl of Disaster [1]

Chapter 226 The Demon Girl of Disaster [1]

But just with a little force, the woman who hugged him was displeased for a while.

"Don't...don't go! I don't want you to go..."

When the muttering came, Tuoli quickly held the hand hugging his waist and coaxed: "Okay, I won't go, I won't go, I'll stay here with you!"


Hearing that Mo Zihan said it was cold, Tuoli quickly put the quilt under her feet and the quilt on her body respectively, and then lay down beside her with her clothes on, stretched out an arm, and wrapped her in his arms.

Seeming to like this warm embrace very much, Mo Zihan curled up, drilled inside, found a comfortable position, and fell into a deep sleep.

Seeing Mo Zihan who finally fell asleep peacefully, the corner of Tuoli's lips raised a knowing smile that he didn't even notice.
Looking out of the window, the sky has already begun to dawn, and the morning time is coming soon.

Looking at the person who was still sleeping soundly in his arms, Tuori felt a strong feeling of not wanting to go to court early.

He was not very interested in the throne, but now he is even more annoyed.

If he was just an ordinary person, just hugging his wife like this, and sleeping until the sun was shining before getting up, how comfortable and comfortable would this kind of life be? !
wife?Tuoli suddenly realized the subconscious thoughts in his heart just now.

Yeah, she wasn't his wife at all.His wife is someone else.Yesterday was his big wedding day, but he slept with another woman in his arms all night...

Although I deeply blame myself, blame myself for being irresponsible, and change my mind when I see things differently.But……

Looking at the person in his arms again, it has been two or three hours since he lay down with her in his arms.

During the period of rebellion, he rarely slept soundly at night.After entering the imperial palace, she was tied up by her on the first night, and he didn't sleep all night. Yesterday was his first day as enthroned. In addition to his wedding, he was busy from morning to night, and his body was already a little exhausted.

Even so, when he saw the person in his arms, he was always reluctant to close his eyes, for fear that as long as he closed his eyes and opened them again, the person in his arms would disappear.

So the whole night, he kept looking at her like this, not to mention sleeping, he didn't even want to blink his eyes.

Sighing softly, he reluctantly withdrew his arm, turned over and got up, and tucked the quilt up for her.

I don't know if there will be a chance to sleep with her in my arms in the future...

The more he thought about it, the stronger the reluctance in Tuoli's heart.It was so thick that he even wanted to ignore it and take away the person lying next to him, and then the two of them lived in seclusion in the mountains and never appeared again.

Suddenly, a hint of inspiration slipped through my mind...

This woman already had physical contact with him yesterday, in a sense, she is already his woman, isn't she?

In this case, he can justifiably keep her in the palace!
He knew that this woman would not be able to keep her own place, but the facts had already been established, even if she escaped in this life, he would definitely dig three feet to dig her out and carry her home!What's more, she is now in the palace.

I also know that she will definitely not be satisfied with her status as a queen.But he can assure her that although she is not a queen, as long as she is willing to stay by his side, he can give her unimaginable freedom.

Thinking of this, Tuoli's mood suddenly brightened.

(End of this chapter)

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