After the waste material goes against the sky

Chapter 246 The Demon Girl of Disaster [23]

Chapter 246 The Demon Girl of Disaster [23]

Tuoli is highly skilled in martial arts and extremely shrewd. He is a genius in governing the country.

It's just that he is too sentimental.

This is a good thing for him, but it is also a fatal weakness.

I wanted to tell him something Mo Zihan once reminded him to beware of Luo Yuxi, but seeing that Tuoli trusted Luo Yuxi so much, Ao Deng couldn't say much.

He was afraid that if he said too much, he would appear petty. After all, Luo Yuxi was his queen, no matter whether he had feelings or not.

"Brother Huang, no matter whether the empress has good intentions or not, you must not believe Yu Chanzi's words. What kind of broom star? What three souls and seven souls lost two souls and three souls? Pure nonsense!"

"I also know that he is talking nonsense, but he has a way to wake up Han'er. I have to believe it."

After hearing Tuoli's words, Ao Deng sneered.

Tuoli frowned. "What's your expression?"

Alden smiled. "Brother Huang, believe it or not, I can also wake Han'er up?"

Ao Deng's words made Tuoli's eyes brighten.

"How can I wake him up?"

"Brother Huang, it seems that you really care about Han'er!" Ao Deng teased instead of answering.

"Stop talking nonsense! Answer quickly!"

Ao Deng secretly smiled and said: "I heard from Leng Feng and Yi Wuchen that Han'er has a special ability called hypnosis. For those who are not very strong-willed, she can even hypnotize multiple people at the same time."

Yes, the dead woman had hypnotized him before, and he almost fell for her at that time.

Ao Deng continued: "But this kind of hypnosis consumes a lot of energy. Especially when Han'er is not in good health, if she hypnotizes many people at the same time, her mental energy will be exhausted."

"What do you mean..." Tuoli looked at the bed, who was still sleeping extremely soundly, and looked nothing like the sick Mo Zihan, and said:
"The reason why the five women came and left immediately was not because of their conscience, but because they were hypnotized by Han'er at the time. But after the hypnosis, her mental strength was exhausted, so she is really sleeping now?"

"It should be so! I once heard Han'er say that after her most severe exhaustion, she fell into a coma for three days and three nights."

Seeing that Tuoli stopped talking, Ao Deng continued: "Usually Han'er has the ability to protect herself, so you don't have to worry about it, but now is the most dangerous time for her, so you must guard the door for her. Don't let those People with ulterior motives took advantage of the loophole."

Tuoli was silent again, and returned after a long time: "Understood."

"Han'er can hypnotize, I hope the emperor can keep it a secret for her."

Seeing Ao Deng's leaving figure, Tuoli panicked.As for why this happened, he still can't figure it out for the time being.

It's just subconsciously feeling that there seems to be something different from what I imagined...
A faint vegetable fragrance permeated the air, making Mo Zihan's stomach growl several times.

Tuoli, who was reviewing the memorial, looked up at the person who was still sleeping soundly, and the corners of his lips raised unconsciously.Seeing that the other party still had no sign of waking up, he began to work hard again.

So sleepy, so sleepy... and my eyelids are so heavy...

Mo Zihan, who really didn't want to wake up, woke up reluctantly when he smelled the irresistible fragrance.

(End of this chapter)

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