After the waste material goes against the sky

Chapter 266 Love Ding Fancheng [8]

Chapter 266 Love Ding Fancheng [8]

After the three senior imperial physicians inspected the wound for Tuoli, they said solemnly to Qianli, the leader of the Qianjia army.

The imperial physician's words made the hearts of all present sink.

"Just say it here, I want to listen to the truth."

Tuoli, who was originally in a coma, woke up at some point, trembling all over, and gritted his teeth.

Seeing that Tuoli woke up, the four generals of the Qian family immediately surrounded Tuoli.Qianrui stepped forward and held Tuoli's hand tightly, trying to ease his pain.

The three imperial physicians looked at each other and knelt down.But he never dared to say a word.


Tori was obviously a little angry.In addition, the toxin attack became more and more painful, and the trembling body that could not stop shaking even more violently.

"The emperor must not be angry!"

The leading imperial physician kowtowed nervously and said, "This minister is telling the truth."

"Then say it!"

I don't know if I'm really that angry or want to divert my attention by talking, Tuoli ordered through gritted teeth.

"Your Majesty, what you have poisoned is a rare and highly poisonous poison called Seven Insect and Seven Flower Poison.

This poison is extremely vicious. If there is no deep hatred, one would not use this kind of poison that would take three days to kill.

Because the poisoner wants to make the poisoner suffer extremely during these three days.This kind of pain is not enough to faint.Therefore, after most people are poisoned, they will choose to commit suicide because they cannot bear the great pain. "

"Do you have a way to detoxify?"

Chizawa couldn't help but ask.Although knowing that the hope is slim, but still hold the infinite hope.In any case, he did not believe that the god in their hearts would die in such a painful way.

"Forgive me for your incompetence. Unless you find the poisoner and get the antidote, even if you know which insects and flowers are in the poison, there is no way to prepare the antidote within three days.

Because the flowers and insects for making these poisons are extremely difficult to find.And after being poisoned by this kind of poison, even if one is lucky enough to be able to take the antidote, it will be because the antidote is also a poison. Under the action of the poison and the poison, although it can detoxify, it will destroy the person's meridians.

At least the emperor's unrivaled martial arts will be completely abolished, and he may only be able to lie on the bed forever and cannot move. "

"...but... is there a way to extend my life for a while?"

The pain was so severe that it became more and more unbearable, and it was almost impossible for Tuoli to utter a sentence.

For some reason, he, who had never been afraid of death, was now afraid of death.To be precise, it should be reluctant to die.

Because at the moment when he was facing life and death just now, he found that he really loves Mo Zihan very much, beyond his imagination.He decided to tell her his feelings no matter what.Even if he died, he still wanted to truly have her love once.

"Yes, but the humble minister is incompetent, so he can only find a way to extend his life for three days. But it requires the emperor to be able to endure what others cannot bear."


The imperial physician swallowed with difficulty, and after thinking about how best to speak, he said:

"Weichen must use a knife to cut off the wound on the emperor's back. Now that the wound has spread, the cut wound may be as big as the mouth of a bowl..."

In the end, the imperial physician's voice became smaller and smaller.

You know, because the wound has already hurt like this, if you cut it with a knife...

To put it bluntly, it is really better to die.

"A bunch of trash, what use are you for?!"

Qianli couldn't listen anymore.

(End of this chapter)

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