After the waste material goes against the sky

Chapter 285 Disaster Relief in Yunzhou [2]

Chapter 285 Disaster Relief in Yunzhou [2]

And it was Empress Luo Zhi who traveled all day and night to rescue Nangong Jin in person at the border of Nanyang.

Empress Luozhi's deep affection for the Nanyang Emperor was seen and remembered by the ministers of Nanyang.Everyone agreed that if the emperor could marry Empress Luo Zhi, it would not only be a blessing for the emperor, but also a blessing for the people of the two countries.

After Nanyang retreated, he rested for a few more days until the toxins were basically eliminated and the wounds on his back began to scab. Mo Zihan then allowed him to order his troops to return to the court.

In the luxurious dragon chariot, there are all kinds of refreshments and snacks, and the oven beside it creaks lightly.

A pipe was connected to the oven, leading directly to the outside of the dragon chariot.Therefore, although the entire dragon chariot was warmed by the oven, there was no smog.

A delicate dark green glazed water reservoir was placed next to the oven. The dry hot air passed through the water reservoir and then radiated into the air of the Dragon Chariot. It was not only warm, but also not dry at all.

When Tuoli was about to leave for Beijing, Mo Zihan ordered someone to build it specially for him in Fancheng.The reason is that the temperature inside his dragon carriage will not be too low and irritate the wound.

Although it has been more than ten days since the preservation period for his exquisite design of this oven, Mo Zihan's heart makes him feel warm whenever he sees this oven.

After Mo Zihan wrapped his back with thick gauze, he looked with satisfaction at the old gauze that had been removed without blood, and was very happy.

"Now that the wound has completely scabbed over, don't use force or move around. If you make the wound worse, I really don't want to talk to you."

Mo Zihan said while tidying up the old gauze on the table.But he was pulled into his arms by Tuoli.Mo Zihan wanted to rub against her, but was imprisoned by her body.

"Hey, I just told you not to use force, why don't you always listen? People say that the scars forget the pain, why don't you have your scars healed yet, and you keep forgetting about your injuries... um... ..."

Mo Zihan was still chattering, but a deep kiss from inside suppressed the rest of his words until he was completely paralyzed in the other's arms.

After finishing a long and deep kiss, Tuoli slowly opened his eyes, looking at the person who was still paralyzed in his arms, the corners of his lips raised an extremely beautiful arc uncontrollably.

When Mo Zihan opened his eyes dizzily and dizzily, what he saw was that monstrous smile, and he became confused again in an instant.

"Has anyone told you that since you came to the barracks this time, you have become very verbose?"

The slightly hoarse voice in Tuoli made Mo Zihan's face blush slightly, and she replied coquettishly: "Then I won't talk to you from now on."

"No!" Hearing Mo Zihan's words, Tuoli immediately turned dark. "You're going to talk to me! I like it when you talk to me! But you're not allowed to talk to anyone else!"

Mo Zihan laughed lightly at Tuoli's words, and replied, "Did anyone tell you that since you were injured, your brain has also been injured, and you have become a child who loves to care about every detail?"

Mo Zihan's words narrowed Tuoli's dissatisfied eyes, and he asked provocatively, "Can't you?"

Mo Zihan cleared his throat and replied softly: "Yes! Why not?! You are the emperor!"

What a joke, she didn't want to provoke him at such a moment. If she stimulated him at this time, there would be only one consequence, which would be to be directly "punished" by him.

(End of this chapter)

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