After the waste material goes against the sky

Chapter 291 Disaster Relief in Yunzhou [8]

Chapter 291 Disaster Relief in Yunzhou [8]

"Did she try to hit the wall or kill herself with a knife?"

After feeding the tea, Mo Zihan asked while tidying up.

"How do you know?" Tuoli looked at Mo Zihan in surprise.


"Han'er, I'm sorry, I'm afraid this matter will be postponed for a while.

Yunzhou was hit by a plague. The plague came strangely and spread quickly. Now the entire Yunzhou has been completely isolated. I plan to leave for Yunzhou tomorrow.

At the queen's place, she committed suicide by hitting the wall just now and hasn't woken up yet, so I want to discuss it with you, can I talk about it after I come back? "

Mo Zihan didn't answer, but quietly leaned in Tuoli's arms, wrapping his arms around his waist.

"Han'er, what's wrong?"

Pulling himself up a little bit, he wanted to see Mo Zihan's expression clearly, but was held down by Mo Zihan.

"It's nothing, my heart hurts." Mo Zihan rubbed his head up by himself, looking at his face still a little pale.

After returning to the palace at noon today, Tuoli went to court immediately before he had time to rest, and dealt with political affairs until evening, then went to look for Luo Yuxi, and now he came back late at night.

"The toxins in your body have just been removed, and the wound has just healed. It stands to reason that you should stay in bed for a few days..."

Mo Zihan's concern warmed Tuoli's heart.

"But there is no way. The plague is too serious. I have to go and see it myself to appease the people there."

Mo Zihan buried her head in Tuori's arms again.

"Then you must take me with you."

Mo Zihan's proposal made Tuoli's body stiffen suddenly.

"No! The plague is rampant there, what if it infects you?"

"You are not afraid, why should I be afraid? If you want to infect us, we will be infected together!"


"And you know, in many cases, I am more effective than your family's imperial physician."

"You are indeed good at poison and antidote, but this is a plague, a disease!"

"Tuo Li, if I'm in danger, will you die or run far away?"

"of course not!"

"That's the end. Don't do to others what you don't want. We are one. From now on, wherever you go, I will go with you!"

Mo Zihan's words made Tuoli's throat a little sore when he was moved.

Holding her tightly, "Han'er... Luo Yuxi's place..."

"It's okay, I believe you can handle it well, I'll wait for you."
Yunzhou City is the southernmost border town of North Vietnam, but it is also one of the wealthiest towns in North Vietnam.

The reason is the same as Fancheng, although it is located on the border, but because of the strength of North Vietnam, no country has ever dared to invade the border wantonly, so Yunzhou City, like Fancheng, is a city with prosperous border trade.

Especially in winter, fire tree fruit is only suitable for growing in the south. As the southernmost city in North Vietnam, Yunzhou City, in addition to planting many fire trees, many merchants will also buy fire tree fruits from various countries and supply them to northern cities.

The originally bustling town became empty and desolate under the attack of the abnormal plague in the middle of winter.

Vendors no longer dare to use Yunzhou, a once treasured land of geomantic omen, to do business.Today, what is piled up on the street is no longer a cart of goods, but the corpses of people who died after suffering from the plague.

(End of this chapter)

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