After the waste material goes against the sky

Chapter 309 Life and Death [10]

Chapter 309 Life and Death [10]

"Really?" The Empress Dowager narrowed her eyes slightly, she did not expect Mo Zihan to be so talkative. "Aren't you lying to Aijia?"

"How come? Han'er will never deceive the Queen Mother."

"That's good! Go immediately and advise the emperor to withdraw the edict to depose Liugong in ten days!"


"Also! You are a disaster if you stay in North Vietnam. If you want to forgive you, you can pack up your things and leave North Vietnam quietly today. Don't let the emperor know. From now on, you are not allowed to step into the North Vietnam palace again. Not to mention seeing the emperor.

For the sake of you being the Princess of Nanyang, Aijia will spare your life! "

"The empress dowager." Mo Zihan looked at the empress dowager firmly, "Han'er has a lot of things, can you change the period from one day to three days? Han'er promises you that after three days, she will definitely leave Beiyue."

The Empress Dowager opened her mouth to say "yes", she had already formed her mouth shape, but she couldn't make such a sound in a daze.

The head also began to twitch faintly.

It's as if an intelligent machine breaks down because of a new instruction, and it stops there, not knowing whether to execute the new instruction or continue the old instruction.

"Your Majesty, you don't need to agree! You don't need to agree! Han'er will leave the palace today!"

Mo Zihan immediately revoked the order through hypnosis.

She didn't know what happened to the Queen Mother, but this situation must not continue.If two commands are executed in one mind at the same time, the final result can only be that the queen mother is injured.

The queen mother is her mother, the mother she has identified, so she must protect her family.

Seeing that the order was revoked, the queen mother's convulsions gradually improved, and it took a long time for her to calm down, and she did not twitch anymore.Mo Zihan was a little relieved.

"Empress Dowager, are you alright?" Seeing the pained Empress Dowager stroking her head, Mo Zihan asked with a frown.

"Does your head hurt? Tell me, besides the headache, what else is uncomfortable?" Mo Zihan leaned on the queen mother's lap, watching her every move nervously.

"Go away!" The queen mother suddenly exerted force, kicked Mo Zihan away, stood up, and roared angrily: "You witch, you still want to kill Aijia now, don't you?"

The Empress Dowager kicked Mo Zihan's abdomen just in time, and there was a sharp pain, which made Mo Zihan unable to get up all of a sudden.

"Mother, what are you doing?"

At this moment, Tuoli suddenly appeared, seeing Mo Zihan being kicked to the ground, his heart ached.

Mo Zihan is such a proud person, she has already retreated to this point, why is his mother so unreasonable?
Originally thought that Mo Zihan was just accidentally kicked to the ground by his mother just now, and then he was too lazy to get up, but when he went to help him, he realized that Mo Zihan had attached most of his weight to him.

Tuoli couldn't help but asked worriedly: "Han'er, are you okay?"

Mo Zihan didn't answer, but gave Tuoli a reassuring smile.

"You bitch! You must know that the emperor is nearby, so you deliberately staged this show for the Ai family, so as to separate the mother-child relationship between the Ai family and the emperor, right?"

Seeing that the emperor suddenly came to Zixin Bieyuan, the queen mother was furious.

"Empress Dowager, you misunderstood. I didn't know that the emperor was coming." Mo Zihan smiled at the Empress Dowager, while winking at Tuoli and said: "Tuoli, the Empress Dowager and I still have something to say, why don't you go first?" To review the memorial?"

(End of this chapter)

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