After the waste material goes against the sky

Chapter 317 Life and Death [18]

Chapter 317 Life and Death [18]

"Back to the emperor, the queen mother has no external injuries. The main reason is that the internal organs ruptured instantly and died due to massive bleeding."

"Monster! The emperor is about to issue an edict to abolish the Six Palaces. Why can't you wait for a few days? Just because the queen mother opposed you and said a few words to you, you killed the queen mother so cruelly. How can you be worthy of the emperor? ! Woo..."

Luo Yuxi burst into tears, angrily attacking Mo Zihan.

"Your Majesty, it is an unforgivable crime for the demon girl to kill the queen mother. I implore the emperor to kill the demon girl immediately!"

At some point, the national teacher and all the ministers also rushed to the palace. Seeing this situation, the national teacher immediately asked Tuoli to grant Mo Zihan death.

"I implore the emperor to grant the demon girl to death, so as to comfort the queen mother's spirit in heaven!" Other ministers echoed loudly in anger.

"Your Majesty, there are still many doubts about this matter. The princess has no internal strength at all. How can the queen mother's internal organs be broken in an instant without seriously injuring the queen mother? I think that this matter involves the life and death of the queen mother, so it should be done with caution and not in a hurry Execute Princess Heshuo."

"Prime Minister Suo, we are born as important ministers of the imperial court, and we should think about the country of Beiyue. How can you abandon the Queen Mother's life and death just because you and the emperor are brothers and sisters, in order not to embarrass the emperor?"

"Pei Guoshi, everyone respects you as a veteran, so most of the ministers in the court are willing to listen to your ideas. But this matter is clearly full of doubts. Now that the princess has not escaped, why can't the matter be heard slowly instead of the princess? Immediately put to death? Are you afraid of something, Teacher Guo?"

"Prime Minister Suo! Now that the Queen Mother has just passed away, it is a sensitive period when everyone is in danger. Isn't Prime Minister Suo afraid of being framed when he speaks of Pei in front of the emperor and court ministers?"

"Pei Guoshi knows that without evidence is a frame-up, so why does he want to prevent the emperor from finding the real evidence of the Queen Mother's death? Isn't the national teacher afraid of being accused of framing the princess?"

"Hmph! How come you framed this demon girl? The demon woman killed the queen mother is something everyone can see. If someone steals the money and is caught, it is still a frame-up. I, Pei Chengyue, am willing to resign from my official position and die to show my ambition!"

"National teacher, you came half a quarter of an hour later than the prime minister. Even the prime minister didn't know that Princess Heshuo killed the queen mother. How did you know?"

"Of course someone told Pei, and Pei found out!"

"The prime minister was ordered by the emperor, and he was temporarily staying in the palace recently, so he was able to come in time. The speed of the national teacher is fast. I haven't arrived for a long time, and you have already rushed to the palace from home. It seems that the person responsible for notifying the national teacher Such a person is not only better at lightness kung fu than the emperor, but also knows things in great detail! Such a talent lives in the palace, and the emperor doesn’t even know about it, but now he is taken under the command of the national teacher and has become the eyes and ears of the national teacher!”

"This...huh! Prime Minister Suo, Princess Heshuo's killing of the queen mother is the biggest thing now. You talk about him so carelessly, do you want to protect this witch?"

"No! Sauron was just discussing the matter with the national teacher. Since the national teacher has eyes and ears in this palace, and the eyes and ears arrived at the scene of the crime at the first time, the national teacher should also know that at that time, all the people were just surrounded by mercy. Outside the Palace of Ning, when everyone entered the Empress Dowager's bedroom, what they saw was the scene that the national teacher saw now. The fact is: the princess is just hugging the Empress Dowager, which does not mean that the princess is the real culprit who killed the Empress Dowager!

(End of this chapter)

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