After the waste material goes against the sky

Chapter 321 Life and Death [22]

Chapter 321 Life and Death [22]

"You..." Luo Yuxi was so angry that she couldn't speak for a moment.

Seeing that Zhuo Xiangdian was really going to find the emperor, Luo Yuxi said angrily, "Zhuo Xiangdian, stop!"

Zhuo Xiangdian, who had already walked a few steps, sighed deeply when he heard the Queen's distraught voice. It seemed that he was destined to offend the Queen tonight.

But there is no way, compared to offending the queen, what is more precious is his head.You won't lose your head if you offend the queen, but if you offend the emperor, the head will move sooner or later.

Zhuo Xiangdian knelt down on one knee, and said to Luo Yuxi: "Empress, please forgive me for being unreasonable. Today's matter, I must report to the emperor before executing the sentence. I have offended you."

After speaking, he got up and left without looking back.

"Why don't you go after it? Find a way to take back that false imperial decree, and give some benefits to Mr. Zhuo to shut up, maybe the matter won't be so troublesome."

Mo Zihan looked at Luo Yuxi's distraught face with a smile, and suddenly felt that this woman should be dealt with like this.Killing her with one knife is too cheap for her.


Luo Yuxi scolded Mo Zihan severely, and immediately stepped forward to chase Zhuo Xiangdian.

Now is not the time to compete with Mo Zihan, the most urgent thing is to chase Zhuo Xiangdian back.If it really got to the emperor, she would be the one who couldn't finish eating.

In fact, the relationship between her and Tuoli was originally very good. If this woman hadn't come out to disrupt the situation, they would never have come to where they are today.

Although she really wanted to get rid of this woman, what was more important to her was the relationship between her and Tuoli.

If today's incident really got to Tuoli's side, even if she could cut Mo Zihan into pieces, she would never be able to save Tuoli again.

Perhaps there is no way out.

No.It should be said that God finally took care of her once.

When Luo Yuxi ran out extremely angrily and wanted to chase Zhuo Xiangdian back, he saw the national teacher leading a group of people to stop Zhuo Xiangdian.

Stopping the pace of running, Luo Yuxi tidied up her appearance, and walked towards the two of them unhurriedly.

"Master Zhuo is not in the sky prison to open a trial for prisoners, where is he going?"

Zhuo Xiangdian, who was determined to go to the emperor to ask whether the imperial decree was true or false, was stunned by Pei Chengyue's words.

"The national teacher brought people to the prison for..." Zhuo Xiangdian didn't answer the question.

"The old man came here for interrogation at the order of the emperor. Because before the death of the queen mother, the emperor was killed by spies and the plague in Yunzhou occurred. At that time, there were witches present. Now the emperor thinks that the matter is suspicious, so let The old man came to interrogate these two matters together."

"Oh? Didn't it say that the spies who seriously injured the emperor were from Luo Zhiguo, and that the plague was also caused by poisoning?"

"Your Majesty Zhuo doesn't know. The poison that the emperor suffered back then was a poison that could not be cured. But after this demon girl came, she caught spies and detoxified her.

Master Zhuo, think about it, how strict the emperor's military discipline is, which is second to none among all countries, how could it be possible to get infiltrated with spies so easily? "

"What do you mean... this witch is a thief shouting catch a thief?"

"Hmph, I don't know. Wasn't this old man ordered to come and interrogate together? But how can there be such good luck in this kind of thing? She can easily cure the poison that even the imperial doctor can't do anything about?
(End of this chapter)

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