After the waste material goes against the sky

Chapter 327 Life and Death [28]

Chapter 327 Life and Death [28]

But her evasion was correct, because when the black shadow above her head jumped down and attacked her, she found that the opponent's skills were definitely among the first-class killers.

More and more black shadows jumped down from the top, and the dungeon, which had seemed quite empty before, became crowded again.

Mo Zihan had already killed more than half of the killers, but when they met the thirty or so men in black with first-rate martial arts, the whole situation was turned upside down in an instant.

"Han'er! Sorry, I'm late!"

Leng Feng, who had no intention of fighting with the enemy, tremblingly embraced Mo Zihan in his arms, looking at her palms and abdomen tied together by daggers, his heart almost stopped beating in fright.

Mo Zihan, who felt that it was difficult to even breathe, turned his head and glanced at Zhuo Xiangdian who had been killed, and said with difficulty: "The wind...take me away."

"Okay, okay! I'll take you away, hold on!"

A secret whistle sounded, and after the cold wind took Mo Zihan to the roof to escape, Yi Wuchen and the remaining brothers also retreated without any reluctance to fight.

Luo Yuxi had already struggled against Yi Wuchen, but seeing Yi Wuchen stop, he had no intention of stopping him.

There was an instant silence in the dungeon.

"How? Have all the soldiers been settled?"


"Are you sure you didn't miss anything?"

"No. All the corpses have been checked, and there is no vital wound, and the subordinates have made up for it."

"Okay. After burning the prison, you escape and tell Cao Mu that Mo Zihan killed the court official and escaped from prison."

"As ordered."
Inside the Compassionate Ning Palace, there was a solemn white.

Tuoli had been kneeling in front of the Empress Dowager's coffin in filial piety for a whole day and night.

The chief eunuch standing outside the Palace of Compassion, Sauron and the four brothers from the Qian family were deeply saddened, but more anxious.

From the moment the Queen Mother passed away and Mo Zihan was taken down, Tuoli never said a word.He didn't even drink a sip of water or eat a sip of food, just kneeling beside the queen mother.

When someone from the Ministry of Rites came to dress up the Palace of Compassion and Ning, and put the body of the Empress Dowager into the coffin, he just knelt down and watched.

After a whole day, he neither went to court nor tried the case of the murder of the empress dowager.Even Mo Zihan was just locked up by him, and he didn't think of a way to excuse her.

Until Sauron and the Qianjia brothers who were standing outside the Palace of Compassion and Tranquility saw the distant sky prison lit up in the direction of the sky, the commander of the imperial guards came to report that more than thirty men in black with strong martial arts had injured the guard general Mo Zi. It was only when Han rescued him that Tuoli reacted a bit.

"Is it a display for me to raise so many imperial guards? There are so many of you, and you can't even stop one of them?"

"Damn the humble job. But those men in black are too skilled in martial arts, especially those who escaped from the palace with Mo Zihan in their arms. Their lightness skills are excellent, and they have other companions as cover, so the soldiers can't resist."

"Tell me exactly what happened to you at that time. Don't add fuel to it, and don't miss any details."

"Yes. At that time..."

Just as Cao Mu was reporting Mo Zihan's escape to Tuoli, Qianli brought a wounded soldier to Tuoli.

"Little... I have seen the emperor."

(End of this chapter)

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