After the waste material goes against the sky

Chapter 330 Life and Death [31]

Chapter 330 Life and Death [31]

It's not safe here either, we have to be ready to fight or flee at all times.Fortunately, we have a large number of people, and each of us will not hurt our bodies for half an hour. If officers and soldiers come, all of us can still go into battle in the best condition.Understand? "

After a while, Leng Feng nodded in agreement.

Yi Wuchen patted him on the shoulder and left the room.

He couldn't be more clear about Leng Feng's feelings for Mo Zihan.

Although both he and Ao Deng admired Mo Zihan, but when they knew that Mo Zihan could only regard them as friends and confidants forever, for this rare friendship, they had already buried their love in their hearts and treated them as friends. attitude with her.

But the cold wind is different.From the first time he met Mo Zihan, and she gave him a strong shock, he couldn't hold anyone in his heart anymore.This kind of relationship has accumulated over time, not only did it not decrease in the slightest with the relationship between Mo Zihan and Tuoli, on the contrary, it became deeper and deeper.

Now, because Mo Zihan has become like this because of his detachment, he must be the one who feels the most uncomfortable and distressed.If he could exchange his own life for Mo Zihan to recover immediately, he believed that Leng Feng would choose to die without hesitation, even if Mo Zihan's injuries were not fatal.

"Don't pull...don't pull..."

In Mo Zihan's mouth were still the three words he had been muttering to himself when he brought her out of the palace just now.

Seeing Mo Zihan in a coma, with sweat-soaked hair sticking to his pale cheeks, Leng Feng felt as if his heart was being tortured.

he loves her.From the moment he woke up and saw her, he fell hopelessly in love with her.

But he also knew that whether she saved him, treated him well, cared for him, or took care of him, it was all out of family affection.Although he didn't know where this family relationship came from, he cherished it very much.So he didn't ask for her, he just wanted her to be happy.

But now, his little wish has not come true.

If she woke up and knew that her child was gone, how sad would she be?

Seeing that the thick gauze wrapped around his hand was still soaking bright red, and thinking of the palm that was pierced and nailed into the abdomen by a dagger in order to protect the fetus in the abdomen, Leng Feng's heart throbbed again.

Walking to the edge of the bed, taking off the boots, leaning down and gently hugging Mo Zihan's body into his arms, the cold wind sighed deeply.Now is not the time to worry about her being sad, the most important thing now is to get her back from the gate of hell first.

When a warm current surged into her heart, the feeling of depression that made her almost unable to breathe suddenly disappeared a lot.Deeply tired, Mo Zihan fell into a deep sleep.
The situation of Mo Zihan is not optimistic, and the imperial palace of Beiyue Kingdom is not much better.

It has been almost three full days, and the emperor Tuoli of the North Vietnam Kingdom still knelt before the coffin of the Empress Dowager as usual, neither eating nor drinking nor sleeping.

Not only that, but he ignored anyone who asked him to report anything.

Don't go to the morning court, don't deal with government affairs, don't listen to any speeches, and don't express any opinions.

Fortunately, Ao Deng, Prince An's interim regent, has dealt with some government affairs that must be dealt with, otherwise the whole palace would really be in chaos.

(End of this chapter)

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